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  1. This is really having a huge impact on developing reports and should be a high priority issue. While for some things you can workaround using an expression to create a string but for say images passed in you have no option to edit the jrxml in a text editor everytime you save it.
  2. Hi, I'm using the js-export script to extract scheduled reports into a directory where they are then integrated into an external web site by a script. The problem is the image file names for the charts in teh report don't have a png extension, is there any way I can change the way file names can be specified for charts when doing an HTML export. I tried setting the html element id export parameter on the off chance. I cant see a way to do it. The fallback option of renaming the files and modifiying the html is straight forward, I'd rather be able to do it in JR/JS though. Any ideas? Thanks,Vic
  3. Sun's, or rather oracles, java 6 JDK should come bundled with rhino, guess it's not using a standard distribution.
  4. This should be answered for you in http://jasperforge.org/plugins/espforum/view.php?group_id=102&forumid=103&topicid=21513
  5. Which jvm is being used and what version of java and on what OS. It looks like the rhino javascript library is not being found.
  6. You need to add some input controls to the report in JS, these then map onto your report parameters.
  7. What would be great was if I could map a real directory to some node it the repository tree.
  8. Hi, I was wondering if it's possible to get Jasper Server to save reports generated from a shedule to a the local file system, where they can be accessed without going through JS. There are going to be 100s of large reports generated, emailing them is not an option (client has ruled that out as impractical), as is manually logging into JS and someone selecting and downloading each one. This is a last minute requirements change, otherwise I'd have done a simple quartz/jasperreports server to do them :-( If there is no way out of the box to do this, would it be straight forward to add support for this. I've had a quick poke through the source but can't see any relevant interfaces/factories. Regards, Vic
  9. Just in case anyone searches and finds this I've identified the issue. After looking in the code iReport always sets PROPERTY_ONE_PAGE_PER_SHEET, thus rendering any mention of net.sf.jasperreports.export.xls.one.page.per.sheet in my report redundant, the setting is though picked up when executed programmatically. It would be nice if iReport only specified this property if the user elected to specify a value, of course this would mean it would have to be able to track whether the user set the value that happens to be the default or they had just not set it.
  10. > I'm sending data to the report in a jtable from java code Sorry, stil confused. Do you have an application that you use to populate data in teh database, that data is then pulled out for a report via JDBC/SQL? > How can convert it in ireport? Change the type of the field to a string. use $F{Date}.toString() or use java.util.SimpleDateFormat. Alternatly change your databse query to return the formatted string. BTW, are you sure you have a field _called_ Date specifed in your query, the error you are report says it cannot evaulate the expression _$F{Date}_
  11. The error message suggests you don't have a field called Date, what is the source of the data? Assuming it is JDBC what is your SQL query? > I'm sending a string data to the report date column from my java code. I'm a bit confused, could you expand a little. Regards, Vic
  12. Not an ideal solution, but you could write a helper class in java that creates a image with the text rotated. You could do it as a scriptlet I guess, I prefer a standalone java utility as I could get more mileage from it.
  13. I'll try rephrasing this, concentgrating on my immediate problem, hopefully making it easier for an answer. Can someone provide me steps to add to a jrxml source file so that te report (reliablbly) creates an excel file where sub reports are added as seperate worksheets. I have this going in iReport if I set the excel export options in Tools/Options, but not by adding properties to the report. The report is going to be deployed under a number of different web apps/environments and many installations of those, so I can't rely on config specified outside of the compiled jasper, the conifg would clash with other reports and would mean updating a lot of environments, also teh web apps are bespoke and have no support for providing per reort config. Kind Regards, Vic Post Edited by vickirk at 07/22/2010 07:32
  14. Do your parameters have default values or are you sure they are being set?
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