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Everything posted by mvb

  1. I'd like to use a parameter in a conditional style that I use in a crosstab, but it doesn't seem possible: the compiler gives me a message 'Parameter not found'. I can't seem to access any self defined parameters in a conditional style that I use in a crosstab. It doesn't matter if I define the parameter at the top level (report level) or the crosstab level. What am I doing wrong? This is the expression I'm using in a conditional style: new Boolean($V{TOTMeasure}.intValue()>=$P{G_LIMIT1}.intValue()) The parameter G_LIMIT1 is defined at the report level and the type is java.lang.Number I'm using the conditional style in a crosstab on the detail field. First I thought that probably parameters on a report level aren't accessible within the crosstab. But even when I define the parameter within the crosstab it still won't compile.
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