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Everything posted by ewatts

  1. Is there any sort of job or function in JasperServer that will allow an Administrator to see ALL scheduled reports - where they are set up to go, when, recurrence pattern, with what parameters, etc.? If not (as I haven't seen anything), has anyone successfully written a report capturing all this information? Any information is much appreciated!
  2. I am trying to add a new report to Jasper Server (version and getting the error of "The select Jrxml could not be parsed" in step 2 of the Report Wizard when after selecting the report file then clicking next. Has anyone ever seen this before?? The report runs just fine in iReport. Any help / insight is greatly appreciated! UPDATE -- I just did some more testing and it looks like if I remove the items i has under SORT OPTIONS in the Report Query window for the report, I am able to successfully upload the report. Is it true that you can not use SORT OPTIONS in iReport when you load a report onto Jasper Server?? Post Edited by ewatts at 12/07/2011 17:32
  3. I am creating a report using iReport version 3.7.6 and having an issue with the value a variable is returning in a Group Header. I have 4 groups set up in the report - Company Level State CodeThe variable is for the LEVEL group. The group LEVEL, is a field that is a single code of one letter. In the variable I created (named Level_Word), I am translating that single letter into the word it represents - $F{LEVEL} == "A" ? "Senior" : ($F{LEVEL} == "B" ? "Middle" : ($F{LEVEL} == "Z" ? "Daily" : "xx" )) I added the variable into the group header and group footer for level to see if I was getting the correct results. In the Group Footer the results are accurate -- but in the Group Header the results just show as Null. Any ideas why the results are different and how I can correct this? I need to use the group header to display information and truly divide the results of the report up into 3 separate areas. Any help is appreciated!
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