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Everything posted by jrot

  1. bump - still no solution for this?
  2. I have a complex report, where I bring in a result set via query, and use variables to get a lot of metrics. Main gist is, I have one field that is an integer, everything else numeric is a bigdecimal. I do .equals(4) and similar tests on the integer field, and based on the results, add up the bigdecimal fields. an example would be <variable name="CONTACTS_FRI_1_2" class="java.math.BigDecimal" resetType="Group" resetGroup="Rep" calculation="Sum"> <variableExpression><![CDATA[$F{DATE}.equals($P{WeekStartDate}+4)&&$F{DATE}<=$P{ReportDate}&&($F{DISPLAY_CATEGORY}.equals(1)||$F{DISPLAY_CATEGORY}.equals(2))?$F{FEATURESQTY}:0]]></variableExpression> </variable> where display_category is the integer field and featuresqty is a bigdecimal. all the text fields I use to print these values are also bigdecimal. This has worked beautifully for almost 2 full years, currently it works fine on our production server running However when I take the same report onto our 4.2.0 server (manually create the datasource and input controls, and upload the report via the iReport plugin in iReport 3.7.0), when I try to run the report I get java.lang.ClassCastException: java.lang.Integer cannot be cast to java.math.BigDecimal any ideas why?
  3. How do I add the values from a result set field to a collection variable? I am trying to use a collection within my report - I have successfully used a collection filled by a multi-select input control, and that works fine. This time, I need to make an outer shell or master report, and call my subreport with different parameters on each page, with the parameter coming from a dynamically-generated collection rather than an input control. As a small test, I selected a few values from a field on a table, along with 'Page1', like this: PageNum Selection page1 INB page1 PRV page1 PUB I want to collect the different values in $F{Selection} into a collection, to pass to my subreport. I created a variable like this, with the reset type = Report : <variable name="variable1" class="java.util.Collection" calculation="System"> <variableExpression><![CDATA[$F{Programs}]]></variableExpression> <initialValueExpression><![CDATA[new ArrayList()]]></initialValueExpression> </variable> my idea is that the master report will group by PageNum, and start each PageNum group on a new page, with the call to the subreport in the Group Footer, passing the collection of Selection values in a single parameter (I would have the reset on the variable be at the group level). So far I haven't even put the subreport in yet, I just have the simple query that gets those sample values, the fields, and the variable that I'm trying to populate. If I hit "compile" it doesn't give me any errors, but when I try to Preview I get: Caused by: org.codehaus.groovy.runtime.typehandling.GroovyCastException: Cannot cast object 'INB' with class 'java.lang.String' to class 'java.util.Collection' I have a feeling I need to use something within the variable expression, but I am not a java programmer so I don't really know what to use - can anyone advise?
  4. I am having the same issue, does anyone know if this is how it's supposed to work or not?
  5. Okay another snag... since I upgraded iReport to 4.0.1, my jasperserver plugin is not working - I can see and browse the repository from within iReport, but I cannot upload or download anything, I just get a small error box that says "Error: 1 - 0" is there a newer plugin that I need to install?
  6. never mind, our server admin forgot to apply our previous customizations and now it's fixed. However, now I'm getting an error when exporting to xlsx: "Excel found unreadable content in report.xlsx Do you want to recover the contents of the workbook?" etc when I go ahead and open, I get a box with the following: Repaired Part: /xl/worksheets/sheet1.xml part with XML error. Load error. Line 57, column 237. Repaired Part: /xl/worksheets/sheet2.xml part with XML error. Load error. Line 57, column 237. Removed Records: Cell information from /xl/worksheets/sheet1.xml part Removed Records: Cell information from /xl/worksheets/sheet2.xml part it removed 5 of my column headings. I don't have any overlapping elements... any ideas? if I export to xls instead, I don't get this error.
  7. I have numerous reports that we export to excel daily, most of them use a page-header that needs to appear on every sheet/page when exported to excel. The only properties I had set in my reports were: <property name="net.sf.jasperreports.export.xls.one.page.per.sheet" value="TRUE"/> <property name="net.sf.jasperreports.export.xls.ignore.cell.border" value="FALSE"/> <property name="net.sf.jasperreports.export.xls.white.page.background" value="FALSE"/> <property name="net.sf.jasperreports.export.xls.detect.cell.type" value="TRUE"/> and up until yesterday, running 3.7, the page headers were appearing on the exports. After we upgraded to 4.1 yesterday, none of the page headers are appearing when we export the reports to excel. I know that if I use <property name="net.sf.jasperreports.export.xls.exclude.origin.keep.first.band.1" value="pageHeader"/> that will keep the first pageheader, but I want to keep ALL the pageheaders - how do I do that? I would prefer to do it in the reports, rather than a setting in the server configuration, since our server admin is not really comfortable with altering anything.
  8. I am having the same problem. In my report, I have the contents of the title bar, column header, and the chart in the summary band all stretched to fill the complete width of the report, the report being defined as 612 x 792 pixels (letter, portrait). In the html view from the repository, it looks like jasper_screen_1 and everything is centered nicely. When I export to PDF, the chart is not expanded to the same width as the other elements, and it is not centered. Also I lose the last border in the table. What can I do to make the report appear the same in a pdf? I looked for a report property for exporting to pdf and I couldn't find anything that looked like it was applicable.
  9. I played around a lot with this yesterday, and I've hit a wall. I'll share what I learned, and ask some questions: 1 & 4) I've gotten the one-hour time periods to display - however I had to hard-code them as a list of individual categories. I tried asking over at the fusioncharts forum and got no help (they suggested I post here instead). How would I use an expression to get a list of CategoryData objects, what does that mean? 2) I got the times on the taskbars displaying correctly - it turns out that in the fusioncharts, when you specify a time format, you don't specify "HH:mm:ss" as one would expect, but rather "HH:mn:ss". weird but okay. 3) After looking at a lot of example from the fusioncharts site (they are kind enough to provide the xml for each of their many examples), I can't seem to figure out how to get the tasks/processes sorted out correctly. The closest thing I can get to what I want is in the attached sched chart 3.jpg, and it is achieved by having my report group by user, then putting a chart in the footer for the group, using the first value {sheduled shift, payable time, non-payable pauses} as the process, and then the second value {scheduled shift, login, lunch} as the task. But it seems like it is making a new process for every record - notice there are two "rows" (processes) for payable time. I tried specifying the processes each individually (hardcoding the name/id for each), I tried providing the expression, and I tried doing it within the task. Nothing eliminates that extra row. Ideally though, what I want is a combination of two example charts I found: http://www.fusioncharts.com/widgets/Gallery/Gantt2.html shows the people as processes, and a set of tasks all in the same row. looking at the xml it seems they achieved that by making sure that all the tasks that are to appear in the same horizontal line have the same process id assigned to them. http://www.fusioncharts.com/widgets/Gallery/Gantt5.html shows the different processes {writing, signing, etc} each having two tasks, but the tasks are shown one above the other. Looking at the xml it seems they categorized the two different color bars for each by giving them different labels - but I tried doing something like that in my report and it didn't work. What I really want is to have one gantt chart, with each user as a process, some additional info from my query in the datatable (such as total payable time), and the different types of tasks {scheduled shift, payable time, and non-payable pauses} each as a different color and different horizontal row. taskgroups with more than one task belonging to it (like the two login tasks that are both "payable time") should appear on the same horizontal row. Does anyone have any idea how I can accomplish this?
  10. Okay I played around with it some more, and I can get times to work. However, it is doing something strange with the start and end times - see the attached pic: 1) I set the category up like this, since the chart seemed to want a date range: <fw:startExpression><![CDATA[new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss").parse("2011-05-02 00:00:00")]]></fw:startExpression> <fw:endExpression><![CDATA[new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss").parse("2011-05-02 23:59:59")]]></fw:endExpression> - but as you can see by the data records, the bars go to the right hand side. did I set the range wrong? how can I set the range dynamically? eventually I want to have a user-input start and end date for the report, so start and end would be parameters... there is this wording in the dialog box: "You can specify the entire list of Categories providing an expression. It must return a List of CategoryData objects. The expression can not be used if you specify the Categories manually." I don't know what they mean by a List of CategoryData objects. 2) you can't see it in the pic, but the mouseover/tooltip for each bar is showing the start and end wrong: for example, for user1, the pause goes from 14:02:15 - 14:31:05, however when I mousover, it shows 14:2:15 - 14:2:05. In fact for ALL the tooltips, the time is displayed as HH:2:ss. I used the property to set the format because by default it just shows the date only which is useless in this context... <fw:widgetProperty name="dateFormat"> <fw:propertyExpression><![CDATA["HH:mm:ss"]]></fw:propertyExpression> </fw:widgetProperty> any clue why it's doing this? 3) the tasks for a given type (process?) are all shown in the same horizontal row, but I get two "listings" if there are two tasks - how do I prevent that second blank row from appearing? 4) Is there any way to make the hours appear along the x-axis, and/or some vertical gridlines, to make it easier to see when a task starts/stops without having to mouseover it? Please help, this is SO close to what I need, I am sure that I just need to modify some settings/properties but I can't seem to find which ones to use. Thanks in advance!
  11. I also am trying to make a gantt chart... I tried using the report here http://code.google.com/p/jaspertest/source/browse/trunk/reports/ganttchart.jrxml to work as a template, and I can't get it to Preview/generate the report. But from trying a few things, it looks as if I cannot chart time periods over a one-day schedule - What I need is to chart the scheduled shifts of users, and their logins and pauses against that. Each user will have one or more scheduled intervals, one or more login sessions, and zero or more pause intervals. I want the scheduled intervals all in line horizontally, the login sessions all in line horizontally, and the pauses all in line horizontally. Is it possible to do this with a gantt chart? I looked all over for tutorials on gantt charts, even excel ones, and nothing seems to deal with this scenario... Can anybody help me? attached is a mockup of what the chart should look like.
  12. Looking at the documentation, I think I would like to use a domain to fill a report... I created a domain using JasperServer that included a large join and some derived fields, and on the Display page I asked only for the fields from the join (including those derived fields)... I have a few problems trying to use the domain in iReport: 1) At first, when I went to the Domain plugin window, I saw a list that contained most of the field names from ALL the tables in my domain, but: the derived fields were missing entirely from the list, the fields from the un-joined tables appeared grayed out in the list and not available to drag to the report... not a barrier to use, but a hassle for finding the ones I did want to use (ie, callid from table1, callid from table2, and callid from table3, the join of table1 and table2 - but the name looks the same and you have to right-click and check the properties to find the one from the table you want) 2) In an effort to figure out why my derived fields weren't showing, I edited the domain in JasperServer again, re-validated and re-saved... once again I set the Display page to only expose the fields from the join... and now when I go in the Domain plugin in iReport, I see all the fields from the un-joined tables and the join table, still minus the dervied fields, and this time all fields are available to the iReport. Another issue is how to actually use the domain data in the report... it seems to me like I can't do any complex querying with this? I can only do some of the filtering needed within the domain; further filtering depends on parameters given at runtime, and after filtering, I need to do some grouping/aggregating and then even more joins. Is this possible when using a domain, and if so, how?
  13. We have been using the BI Enterprise Edition of JasperServer, and management has decided that the Professional version will meet our needs. However, we have been using the multi-tenancy ability and created 7 or 8 different named organizations. My understanding is that we will have to collapse down to one organization, and I need to know what is the best way to go about this. I tried copying/pasting a folder from one org to another, and the resources do not seem to update correctly - the resources referenced by a report are still pointed to the old org, so logged into the new org I don't have permission to use them, but I can't seem to re-point things like input controls to the resources that copied over, they do not appear on the dropdown list when I select the "browse" button. Our admin says the only way they get "moving" resources to work is to export the entire org and import it to the new org. Is it possible to only export/import a single folder? Also, I can't find clarification on whether sub-organizations can be used in the single-org JasperServer... And, when downgrading, if everything resides in an existing org (with a distinct name), do we lose that name when we install the new version? I am just afraid that once we install the new downgraded package, that we will have to re-create all the repository resources by hand so that they map correctly to the right folders, then re-upload every report individually, and re-add all the resources... Please tell me if there is some method that we're missing...
  14. Is it possible to customize the background of a Dashboard, the screen areas that you see NOT taken up by report frames? I have looked everywhere and I don't see any options like pointing to another jsp or anything like that.
  15. I have a report with borders on my detail band, I used the following to create a thin border on the left hand side and a thick border on the right hand side of the right-most text field: on the group band (blue in the picture) <box> <topPen lineWidth="1.0" lineStyle="Solid"/> <leftPen lineWidth="0.25" lineStyle="Solid"/> <bottomPen lineWidth="1.0" lineStyle="Solid"/> <rightPen lineWidth="1.0" lineStyle="Solid"/> </box> on the detail band (white in the picture) <box> <leftPen lineWidth="0.25" lineStyle="Solid"/> <rightPen lineWidth="1.0" lineStyle="Solid"/> </box> What I am seeing, is that the bands render fine for a while, like maybe half the report, then randomly the far right border just disappears. It is not evenly lined up with bands, either, as sometimes the line is rendered for part, but not all of, the height of the text field. This problem only appears when rendering the report from JasperServer on the Firefox browser (I am using 3.6.8 but this has been happening since about 2 versions ago, as far as I know), it is fine on IE 8. Does anyone know why this might be happening, and if there is anything I can do to correct it? Thank you. /uploads/projects/ireport/jasper_borders_problem.jpg Post Edited by jrot at 09/23/2010 12:28
  16. I have a report created that breaks to a new page on a new group. When I use the excel preview option, I get one page per sheet, as I want. However, when I uploaded the report to the jaspersever repository and ran it there with the export set to xls, the resulting report was ONE sheet, and all the page headers were gone, it was just all the rows from the first page, then immediately all the rows from the second, etc. Why is it doing this ? Do I have to configure something else? I set the export property mentioned above in iReport, but it doesn't appear that it transfers to the repository. How can I correct it so that I get a multi-worksheet excel file for my output when I run from jasperserver?
  17. When I use the JasperServer Repository navigator in iReport, I can connect to my repository just fine, and I can upload to it just fine, but if I select a report jrxml from the repository and click "Open in editor" I get the following: Error: ; nested exception is: java.lang.RuntimeException I get the same result if I try to Export or Run the report as well. Yet the file is fine when I go see it in the JasperServer web interface. It shouldn't be a permission issue, either, because I have even uploaded my own newly-created report, closed it in iReport, verified that it run over on JasperServer, then try to open it again via the iReport interface and it gives that error. Is this a bug ??
  18. all the other threads on here pointed to the samples, but, our admin did not install the samples. Can somebody PLEASE walk through this procedure? I have a report on on a dashboard on Jasperserver, that shows a chart. I want to link a series on the chart with a new report, taking a value from the dataset item as a parameter. call it $F{CALLTYPE}, it's the series label. The new report opens in a new browser window/tab. The report that I want to link it to has a parameter "Series" defined, which it uses in its query. On the first report, I did the following: Click the chart and do Edit Chart Properties Chart Data tab Dataset Items subtab Click the dataset item, then Modify In the window that pops up, go to the Item Hyperlink tab I selected Hyperlink target = Blank Then Hyperlink type = ReportExecution Under the Link parameters tab, I created the _report parameter, and pointed it to the repository location of the second report unit. Then I defined the parameter "Series" and pointed it to the field $F{CALLTYPE}. When I see the first report in the dashboard, I can click on a series, and a new window opens, and the title of the report appears, with "report is empty" underneath. From another thread, I figured out that the parameter is getting passed in as NULL. However, there was some explanation about making an input control on one of the reports... Well that is my problem, I have tried a couple of other reports also that need to use an input control to give it a parameter, and they don't work either. The Ultimate Guide does not adequately explain how to connect the input control to a report. Can anybody help me figure out how to get this working?
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