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Everything posted by alfonsofm24

  1. Also you have to put to the jDialog the modalityType property MODELESS.
  2. Hi: To use JasperViewer with a modal jDialog all you have to do is remove the modal property to the jDialog before show the Jasper Viewer. Here is an example: jv = new JasperViewer(jp, false); setModal(false); jv.setTitle("Title"); jv.setVisible(true); setModal(true); Wtih this you can have all the Jasper Viewer' s you need. Hope this help.
  3. Hi: I am tryin to create and expression using the value of the REPORT_COUNT variable, so when the MOD value of REPORT_COUNT is equal to 0, change the background color of a text field. Im thinking to put this expression: ($V{REPORT_COUNT}.intValue() % 3) == 0 but it seems to not been working and gives me this error: Cannot cast from boolean to Boolean I am not sure what this supposed to mean. I hope you can help me. Alfonso Flores Morán.
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