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Posts posted by jpauze

  1. I believe there are a number of reported defects on this so don't think it is specific to Mac OSX.  I noticed it when I upgrade to 3.76 from an earlier version (where it worked) unfortunately I needed a fix that was included in 3.76 for setting axis range min and max values so had to go with the lesser of two evils.. Haven't checked 4.0 or 4.01 yet and really hope this has been resolved, it is minor but not having labels on charts makes it very unprofessional.  I had to resort to enabling legends just to show values.

  2. Only way I have found so far without getting into Chart customizer classes is to set the label color to white and turn off the tick labels for the axis you don't want to display the values.
  3. Would be nice but without changing the internal HTML exporter code I am thinking this is pretty much a non-starter,  would have modify the generated HTML to start injecting DIVs to enable the collapse etc,  this is more a U/I interactive element vs a reporting feature but agree that for online reports this would be killer.  While we are at it, how about in-line dynamic sortable columns without having to do a server post back and report regen... ah heaven.

  4. If I recall correctly, with the XLS exporter, each page will become a new sheet.  Example, create a report with two sub reports each in it's own detail section,  in the 2nd section add a page break object from the palette and run your report, should see two pages.

    Check this topic as it shows you how to dynamically change the sheet names that are generated.


  5. If i recall the default ranges used are based on the actual data in the dataset so if you want to adjust the chart axis limits for min and max those should be available as part of the chart properties, I think they are called range and domain and you can set the min and the max values.


    Also, there is a chart property which you can add


    net.sf.jasperreports.chart.range.axis.tick.interval = value


    This will control the interval to step up from min to max, for instance, min 0 max 2, interval .1 which will go 0., .1, .2, .3 etc up to max 2



    Hope this helped.


  6. Not sure if I understand the question correctly but if all the values are the same then there will be a straight line.  If i recall the ranges used are based on the actual data in the dataset so if you want to adjust the chart axix limits for min and max those should be available as part of the chart properties, I think they are called range and domain and you can set the min and the max values. 

    Also, there is a chart property which you can add

    net.sf.jasperreports.chart.range.axis.tick.interval = value 

    This will control the interval to step up from min to max,  for instance,  min  0 max 2, interval .1 which will go 0., .1, .2, .3 etc up to max 2.

    Hope this helped.

  7. I have come across something like this before where the Server where Jasper Reports is running doesn't have the system font installed and therefore the reference failed,  mostly see this when deploying the Report Server on Unix Servers.   One option is to make sure you are using a font this is avaialble on the Jasper Server exectuting the report, for myself, i set the following report property.

    net.sf.jasperreports.awt.ignore.missing.font = true

    This should at least allow you to determine if it is in fact that the font doesn't exist,  if I recall the above property will ignore the missing font and select the system font.  If works then you can figure out why your target system doesn't have the font or how you want to include it.

    I think you can also include font packs with the report but I haven't tried that so can't comment.

  8. Hard to say without seeing the details of the report definition,  couple of things to check, did you accidentally put a page break element in the detail section, that got me once. 

    What is the Page size settings for height/width for the report, how many bands are included and what are the band heights of them all, what may be happening is you have the page height set low and the title, page, column header sections set so hight that there is only enough room for one detail band to print. 

    Just a thought, those are the only things I have ever seen which would exhibit this behavior.

  9. Yes this is possible,  there are two ways to use parameters embedded within SQL statements.

    Example:  SELECT col1, col2, col3 FROM table1 WHERE col1= 2

    First option,  let's say you want to substitute the value 2 in the where clause

    create a parameter and assign value 2, for instance parameter named pValue set to 2, the statement would then be changed to the following:

    SELECT col1, col2, col3 FROM table1 WHERE col1= $P{pValue} 

    This would then dynamically use the value in the parameter to match in the where statement.

    More specific to your question,  let's say you wanted to build a dynamic where statement, there is another mechanism which instead of doing parameter substitution it wil actually parse the string before exection.

    Create parameter pWhere (or whatever you want) and for the expression set to "WHERE col1 = 2" or whatever you want your where statement to be and then the change the statement to:

    SELECT col1, col2, col3 FROM table1 $P!{pWhere} 

    The $P! will parse the string into SQL statement before exectuting, this is how you woudl get what you describe, having different where conditions exectued from parameters.

  10. There is a property on the SubReport object called 'Parameters' which allows you to define which parameters will be passed into the sub report,   create parameters within your sub report then from the calling report, open properties for the sub report object and you sepecify the sub report parameter and which main report parameter (any expression, field, variable, fixed value) will get passed inot the sub report and available for use.  

    Not sure I'm clear on the question how can you map the main report and sub-report, assume if you are trying to pass parameters from main to sub you have already figured out how to link the Sub-Report object to the main report.

  11. Just doing a quick post to let you know that yes, this is possible and works extremely well.  I am not in the office and this is a reminder for me follow up tomorrow on how to set the value programatically prior to executing the compiled report, no recompile needed.

    Once you set the pagination and execute, report can conditionally print based on intended output, it's a little bit more work designing each report but the outcome is you only need 1 report definition which will then support printing with or without pagination and don't have to maintain 2 copies.  For my reports, if i display on screen in HTML then I disable all pagination,  if the output is PDF or WORD etc, then i assume the intent is for printed content so the report has headers, footers with page numbers dates etc..  best of both worlds.

    Co-incidentally,  in my implementation we execute the report and store the print object in a database, we then built a viewer which renders default html and allows the user to select various export formats such as PDF, WORD Etc.  we then run the print object through the render engine in the appropriate format.   Rendering print objects to different output formats is lightweight compared to generating the intial print object so quick access to various formats,  the alternative is that you generate the report in HTML which depending on the report could be lengthy, then if you want to download as PDF you have to re-execute again, separating print object from render means you only have the gather the data once and then can output in whatever format you require. 


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