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Posts posted by jpauze

  1. Not familiar with Fishbowl but I know that MID is a function available in Access but not part of the ANSI standard (to the best of my knowledge) so at least with MS-SQL you would use the SUBSTRING Function which does the same thing.  Why SUBSTRING doesn't work in your case I can't comment on but the MID would be explainable.   Do you have a link to a site for any docs on Fishbowl?  I could take a look for you and see if i can figure anything out.



  2. There are a number of threads on here to deal with Conditional Formatting,   as a guide,  check out the help documentation on Conditional Styles or search the formum for the same, the documentation is pretty comprehensive on the subject.   Basically you create a Conditional Style with the expression you are looking for and the color style you want, then you assign the style to your text element and voila,  when the expression evaluates to true the style kicks in and overrides. 




  3. If you are trying to create sections that collapse/expand then there is no easy way to do this, I seem to recall that there is a potential using the generic element but I think it might be overly involved. Jasper/iReport is a reporting tool so you won't get User Interface style functionality.
  4. Double check, when you added the group there should be a variable created specific to the group which can be used in the same manner as you were with the $V{REPORT_COUNT}.   I recall by default the variable name will be GROUPNAME_COUNT where GROUPNAME is the name of the group you created. 

    Hope that helps.

  5. had some that didn't depend on order but wanted then in a specific order in the designer, also had some that required a specific order and at first i would add new band to the bottom then move all elements down one band and reset the print expressions to free up the band i wanted to add on.  Total pain, the adjust through XML certainly makes life easier.  

    At some point I will create a feature request to have an insert detail band from the designer.



  6. You could probably do it through a Chart Customizer although I am not sure the exact steps or the methods you would have to override.  Matt has posted a great article on Chart Customizers and I have found it very useful, not exactly what you are looking for but might point you in the right direction.  

    I was thinking that maybe there is a way to do this using a multi-axis chart, haven't tried it and just trying to be creative,  what if you have two charts, the first chart has the full detail and you turn off the axis tickmarks and values completely, then you have another chart with all values set to 0 but the categories are different so that the labels space out,  not sure if this will work because the multi axis charts may need to share the same horizontal axis (not 100% on that) and only differ in the vertical axis on the left and right.  If I get a chance tonight I will play with it and see what happens.



  7. I haven't no,  I have noticed periodically there is a delay in opening the report before i can select report elements but other than that performance has been great.  Running 3.7.6, 4.01 and 4.02 all on 64-bit OS.

  8. Way too funny.... I think I got it to reproduce or something similar anyway.... 

    I undocked the Report Inspector Window and then couldn't get it to dock back on the left side.  I noticed that inside the undocked window there is a header bar that says "Report Inspector" you have to drag that column (inside the window) to the location you want it to be placed not the dock window itself.

    Hope that was clear and did what you are looking for?   Let me know otherwise and I will send a screenshot.




  9. Sounds evironmental with your JRE intstallation, are your JAVA_HOME and/or JRE_HOME variables set correctly?


    I don't believe JDK is required (or I have never installed or needed it) to run iReport. Version 3.0 is quite old though and I haven't used that version.



  10. Maybe throw up some screenshots to describe what you are seeing.   I am able to dock the report inspector on the left side without any issues.   It only applies when in Design Mode of a report and will not show when in XML or Preview Mode, whether this is a bug or intended behavior isn't clear but it also works that way in earlier versions of iReport.


  11. Assume from the ISAM message you are running against an Informix database.   The message displayed indicates a DB level issue with accessing tables due to not having exclusive access to the temp table.   Not familiar with Informix at all and this isn't really an issue with iReport or Jasper Reports. 

    Google the error message and you should be able to find other Informix users with similar issues.




  12. Another option if this is really stopping you from proceeding.  Instead of passing in the datetime field, change your query to pass in a string formatted date from SQL server itself, would avoid any date conversion issues in JTDS or in iReport.  Can always convert back to a timestamp in iReport if you really need the date format.  Sometimes you just do what you have to do to get the report done :)



  13. Have to figure it's a JTDS conversion issue.  I just tried on 3.7.6 and SQL 2008R2 (don't have SQL 2005 installed) and using JTDS driver 1.2  and everything works as expected.   I tried just pulling back a GetDate() and also a datetime column in a database, both displayed as expected with the data type set to TimeStamp. 

    Which version of JTDS are you using?  I did see in the change log for JTDS that at some point they fixed a rounding issue with dates but that was around the millisecond rounding so not sure if applicable.  Might want to try version 1.2 as it has worked perfectly for me, at least to isolate whether it's JTDS.



  14. It is possible but don't think you can just include a BLOB column and display it,  haven't done it personally but recall from the iReport documentation there is an example of how to process blobs to get images from the database.  Not sure what is involved but iReport has no concept of the contents of a database BLOB, it's just data and won't treat it as an image unless you add the functionality to process and great the image on the fly.  Which is what the documentation is showing anyway.



  15. Try this,  right click on the report tab at the top and select "undock window" will launch that specific report in a completely new window incuding the preview buttons,  can switch do the same for any report. Then go back to the original and do whatever you want.  Think that is what you are looking for.





  16. Rajesh, I have been out of the .NET game for a few years so not up to speed on what they might have added for calling Java from .NET.   This is probably more a question for the JasperReports forum vs the iReport forum so you may have better luck there.

    Note, check out a product called JNBridge,  just google it,  they have interopt between Java and .NET but other than that I can't comment on it's applicability nor what would be required to use.



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