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Posts posted by darth_fader

  1. This is a Jasper version mismatch issue. TextAdjust replaced 'isStretchWithOverflow' in a recent version on the Jasper library (7.5?). So you need to remove the 'textAdjust' attributes - and you also need to review the Jasper version in the eclipse plugin you're using to create these - make sure it's compabitle with whatever stack you're using to host/run the reports.

  2. If you just need edit those files in a new version of Jasper Studio, simply add them to your 'my reports' workspace and you should be able to pull them up. If youi're referring to publishing that content to jasper server, they likely aren't going to be immediately compatible due to version specific conflicts (For example, 7.5 has attributes that aren't compatible with 6.3 etc). That would be easy to test out though. There is no readily available way to create/publish mutliple report units, but you might be able to script the process as Jasper Server's 'import/export' functionality is available via the command line.

  3. Assuming you're generating a PDF to print the report, I'd just move the text fields in another half inch or inch in the jrxml/report template - or increase the report page margins etc. If that's an acceptable approach, it's likely the simples solution. 

  4. I'm assuming you're referring to the person actively logged into jasper server, and that there is a directory (or image name, or some text string) for each of those unique users/companies located on jasper server. If so, you're on the right path you can do this. When you define the path location to the image in the report, you need to tack on the image file extension. So if the user is Joe_User, and the file is located in jasper server as 

    /images/Joe_User.png, you'd want to define the image url in the report like "/images/"+$P{LoggedInUsername}+".png"

    I don't know how many users/companies etc you need to support, but this approach won't scale well. If you need a scalable solution, if you can derive the company name from the report query, then you can specify the image location using a variable rather than a parameter. This is a fairly common problem with multiple possible solutions. So you can do it exactly as you describe, but that solution won't scale well - if that matters.

    Here's a list of common user attributes available 'out of the box' for logged in users, you can also create your own custom user attributes. https://community.jaspersoft.com/wiki/built-parameters-logged-user


  5. This is an intriguing project, especially if you have a large library of existing word documents that needs augmented/updated with dynamic content. Adding the db support will be critical in making this truly useful. Once you get it built out, please by all means create a wiki here in the community and spread the word.

  6. No, I haven't found a work around. Very tedious - now when I want to move reports from dev to staging to prod etc, I have to go through the report creation process on each instance. Error prone, not scalable. I really hope they address this and provide the option to opt out of this encryption.

  7. You have to pass the List as the datasource to your subdataset, and the define your dataset with the properties of the objects in that list. So if you have a  List<Car>, then your sub data set might be defined with the following fields of a 'Car' - make, model, color, year, mileage, etc. You can leave the 'query' portion of that sub-dataset empty. Make sure you've packaged all of your java source code into a jar, and make the jar available to that report. I've used the Spring Framework at length, but not Spring Boot - you'll need to sort through how your jrxmls can access your jars. You may already have that figured out. Make sure to add an import statement at the top of the report (right after 'properties' at the top'), to make your java code avaiable to your report, 

    <import value="com.your.java.source.*"/>

    Here's an example of a list of objects being used in a list component. The key to this is the use of JRBeanCollectionDataSource.

    <jr:list xmlns:jr="http://jasperreports.sourceforge.net/jasperreports/components" xsi:schemaLocation="http://jasperreports.sourceforge.net/jasperreports/components http://jasperreports.sourceforge.net/xsd/components.xsd" printOrder="Vertical">

     <datasetRun subDataset="YourDataSet" uuid="2f451cfe-d424-4475-abcf-404ece8123a6">

    <datasetParameter name="param_1">
                            <datasetParameter name="param_2">

    <dataSourceExpression><![CDATA[new net.sf.jasperreports.engine.data.JRBeanCollectionDataSource(YourPopulatedList)</dataSourceExpression>


    <jr:listContents height="29" width="572">




    To test your code locally, you have to make your jar file available to jasper studio - if you're not familiar, look into adding a dependency/jar to a jasper studio project/workspace. It's fairly straight forward as well. 

  8. You have at least two options: 

    1. create a new measure, based on the same field that corn1_measure uses, but set the measure calc to AVG rather than SUM, and drop that into your row totals as needed
    2. if you want to do the divide method, you'll need to do someting like $V{CORN1_MEASURE}.divide(new BigDecimal(3))

    Check google / stack overflow on how to divide BigDecimal if what I provided throws an error


  9. Which class isn't being found? I don't know enough about your project structure to really be of much help, but if you're using maven or some other dependency manager, just follow the 'class not found errors' and add the appropriate libs to your own project. Maybe the version of the jasper jar you're working with is the 'without dependencies' version, in which case you'll have to supply those yourself.

  10. JS 7.5 now enrypts exports by default, with imports/exports between multiple servers requiring the same import/export keys. This is an invaluable feature, but all of the server instances I work with are in a private network and don't warrant this level of security. Is there a way we can disable this encryption all together?

  11. Using a data source in a traditional way, all implementations of JRDataSource are typed (XML, JSON, etc.), so your findings are correct. The most 'generic' way I've used is JRBeanCollectionDataSource, but that's of type Java Bean Collection. I've also passed 'data' to subreports using parameters (in combination with a traditional datasource) of type Object, but again, those are java objects. Isn't it the case that the subreport receiving the datasource would need some concept of the data source type to process/display the data i.e. json, xml, etc.? In other words, what is s2 expecting?

  12. Yes Look at return values for a subreports http://jasperreports.sourceforge.net/schema.reference.html#returnValue .  This lets you map values between the subreport and parent report, you can send back whatever you'd like. You'll need to map a variable in your subreport to a variable in your parent report, and may need to mess with 'evaluation times' wherever you display those values, but this is what you're looking for. Lot's of examples online if you have issues with this.

  13. Just curious, is anyone else having serious issues with resources like images and sub-reports when editing/publishing Jasper Server reports (latest version 7.5)? I'm using Jasper Studio 7.5 pro, but anytime I edit and publish a report, resources paths are getting overwritten. Essentially, any time I edit a published report, resource paths like 'repo:path/to/image.png' are getting overwritten to 'repo:image.png' without being prompted to ignore/overwrite during the publish process. 'Set Published Resources To -> Always Ignore' japer studio preferences setting has no effect. 

    This bug has come up before, and resolved, but it seems it's back. It's not specific to my environment, other team members are having the same issue. It's not permissions related, I'm using superuser. I'm at a loss. Logged a bug https://community.jaspersoft.com/jaspersoft-studio/issues/12801. I haven't tested with 7.5 Studio community, not sure if this is specific to the pro version or not. IDK, the two (pro and community) have now been branched so I'm assuming they're no longer the same.

    It may seem trivial, but it's not. Essentially editing and publishing a report with those 'repo' refs breaks the report. 

  14. Crosstabs have to perform in memory calculations to do the binning/bucketing associated, and therefore keep the entire dataset in memory. This in turn can be very resource intensive. Your best bet is to increase the memory available to jasper, alternatively you'll need to look into A) pushing the binning/bucketing into the SQL and convert your report to do more of a SELECT * From db, standard detail band approach B) see if you can remove any buckets (column or row groups) from your crosstab.

    If you do some digging, you can get a more detailed explanation of why jasper crosstab's hold data in memory, but if you think about it, it has to - it has to perform grouping/binning and any measure calculations after the data is grouped.

  15. Want to see if there would be any interest in pushing to make the Visualize.js API part of the Community Edition of Jasper Server. This way standard reports and input controls can be included in HTML (i.e. embedded in applications) via the Visualize.JS API rather than embedding reports in applications via an I-Frame. It would be fairly straight forward to roll this into the Community Edition (it's likely already there, just license restricted functionality) so that developers could bring their UI into the 21st century. Just need enough Visualize JS functionality so reports and their input controls can be referenced in a standard, modern fashion.  

    I'm hoping that if we can show enough interest, this would be considered in the Jasper Server roadmap in the future. The IFrame method should be depricated/eliminated asap.

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