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Posts posted by pwd

  1. That is the property I'm trying the change to default of. Any idea how to get iReport use a certain onerrortype by default? (So I don't have to set the property everythime I create a new image element)

    Post Edited by pwd at 05/12/2010 13:44
  2. I seem to be having a similar problem: I've corrected the column headers so that they line of with the detail, and the headers are fine. However my details a a bunch of extra delimiters (commas) between certain fields. Here is what the output from the CSV preview looks like:

    Test User,Question,Choice,VarChar Anwser,Number Anwser,Date Anwser,Attachment Anwser,Text Answer
    The System Administrator,I paid $___ for my box of floppies,,null,null,null,null,
    The System Administrator,I paid $___ for my box of floppies,,null,null,null,null,
    Hanz Moleman,I paid $___ for my box of floppies,,null,null,null,null,

    Post Edited by pwd at 05/10/2010 15:15
  3. Seems I have solved my problem. I had to reset each text field or label to defaults. For instance:

    I was trying to simply get the colour to change of a label, I would click the forecolour property and click "restet to default", then it would apply the style.


    Styles seem to be very particular, does anyone have any experience using them?

  4. I'm using iReport 3.7.1, and I'm trying to apply a style from a jrtx file. I'm simply trying to change the colour of text in the report title but applying a stlye doesn't change that. It does, however, change the font size and the "isBold" property. Is there something I am missing? I am right-clicking on Styles>Add>Add reference and selecting my jrtx file. It fairly frustrating since the whole point of "Syles" is to be able to change these properties.


    Here is what my jrtx file looks like:


    Post Edited by pwd at 03/03/2010 15:36

    Post Edited by pwd at 03/05/2010 13:54
  5. OLD topic but... I would also like to know if this is possible. I don't see how because it would require changing objects' x,y locations size etc... The only thing that I have come across that can change an existing report's properties is a jrtx template file. However this seems to be limited to changing font properties and background colours; unable to change x and y properties. Maybe someone can shed some light on this subject.

    Post Edited by pwd at 03/02/2010 15:27

    Post Edited by pwd at 03/02/2010 15:28

    Post Edited by pwd at 03/02/2010 15:28
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