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Everything posted by pwd

  1. Thanks, adding a space has fixed that problem for me as well.
  2. The report query needs to return something in order for the report to have pages.
  3. Can you post a screen-shot of the problem?
  4. What version of iReport are you running and how much memory does your computer have? I sometimes have experienced a delay if I left iReport open for a few days at a time. I may also be your version of Java.
  5. Do you already have the "Stretch With Overflow" property checked for the text field? You may want to take a look at the "Split Type" property for your detail band too.
  6. I beleive you need to order by the field you are grouping. Good luck!
  7. I'm also having this issue when veiwing reports generated as a PDF.
  8. EDIT: The previous poster beat me to it. Can you group by CAT? If you can just put CAT in the group band. Or do you need your report to look exactly like you described? Post Edited by pwd at 10/13/2010 19:07
  9. Does anyone have any information on this? I am in the same situation... When the PDF is opened in a browser, clicking the link navigates to the reference in the same window/tab and not a new one.
  10. It will not appear in the combo box, just manually type in the driver name. I have also used the vjdbc driver. The driver name would be: de.simplicit.vjdbc.VirtualDriver
  11. I would be interested in a solution for this... anyone?
  12. if you change your 2nd query to somthing like: SELECT '' as packageID,sum(total_bytes), date FROM daily_totals GROUP BY date you'll be able to do a union
  13. Try manually typing in the Driver name and the JDBC URL. I recall having to do this for a customer driver.
  14. Be sure you have the correct connection string. Does this help: http://forums.sun.com/thread.jspa?threadID=5198771 ?
  15. pwd

    Page Break

    Can you show a screenshot of your problem? I'm not exactly sure what you mean by "two tables". Be sure to check the properties of the report/band/group for anything to do with splitting and/or page breaks. Post Edited by pwd at 06/21/2010 17:11
  16. To run ireport you just run the ireport binary file after you've extracted all the files. So something like: ireportdir/bin/ireport Example From the terminal(BASH), change directory to you iReport folder (change "ireport" to whatever directory you extracted the tar.gz to) cd ~/Downloads/ireport then execture the bin ./bin/ireport Post Edited by pwd at 06/21/2010 17:00 Post Edited by pwd at 06/21/2010 17:03
  17. Apparently it is possible. Its something I'm working on for myslef too. Check out: http://jasperforge.org/plugins/espforum/view.php?group_id=83&forumid=101&topicid=74709 where giulio explains the steps involved. Good luck.
  18. One other question... does it matter if I am creating this module in NetBeans 6.9 RC1?
  19. I installed the nbm that NetBeans created and it said installation successful. However, I don't see my new item in the palette, so I take it there is a problem with my layer.xml. Should it look like this? <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <!DOCTYPE filesystem PUBLIC "-//NetBeans//DTD Filesystem 1.2//EN" "http://www.netbeans.org/dtds/filesystem-1_2.dtd"> <filesystem> <folder name="palette"> <folder name="ReportElements"> <attr name="SystemFileSystem.localizingBundle" stringvalue="com.jaspersoft.ireport.locale.Bundle"/> <file name="SomeAction.irpitem" url="SomeAction.irpitem"/> </folder> </filesystem> Post Edited by pwd at 06/08/2010 19:12
  20. Thanks very much, I just saw your reply and will hopefully test it out soon.
  21. This is kind of a thread hijack but does anyone know of any tutorials about creating and using a custom report element for iReport?
  22. Bump /tools/fckeditor/editor/images/smiley/msn/angel_smile.gif
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