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Posts posted by pwd

  1. Does anyone have any information on this? I am in the same situation... When the PDF is opened in a browser, clicking the link navigates to the reference in the same window/tab and not a new one.
  2. Can you show a screenshot of your problem? I'm not exactly sure what you mean by "two tables". Be sure to check the properties of the report/band/group for anything to do with splitting and/or page breaks.

    Post Edited by pwd at 06/21/2010 17:11
  3. To run ireport you just run the ireport binary file after you've extracted all the files.
    So something like:





    From the terminal(BASH), change directory to you iReport folder (change "ireport" to whatever directory you extracted the tar.gz to)

    cd ~/Downloads/ireport


    then execture the bin


    Post Edited by pwd at 06/21/2010 17:00

    Post Edited by pwd at 06/21/2010 17:03
  4. I installed the nbm that NetBeans created and it said installation successful. However, I don't see my new item in the palette, so I take it there is a problem with my layer.xml. Should it look like this?

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <!DOCTYPE filesystem PUBLIC "-//NetBeans//DTD Filesystem 1.2//EN" "http://www.netbeans.org/dtds/filesystem-1_2.dtd">
    <folder name="palette">
        <folder name="ReportElements">
             <attr name="SystemFileSystem.localizingBundle" stringvalue="com.jaspersoft.ireport.locale.Bundle"/>
             <file name="SomeAction.irpitem" url="SomeAction.irpitem"/>

    Post Edited by pwd at 06/08/2010 19:12
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