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  1. Sorry if I didn't make clear in earlier post that it was the installer for Jasperserver v4.0.0 (the linux jasperreports-server-cp-4.0.0-linux-installer.bin file) which prompts for the existing MySQL installation root password, and gave the error message 'use only alphanumeric characters in password' (or words to that effect) with the original password in place for the root@ user. I am then prompted to press Enter and try entering the password again, until I have set one that IS only alphanumeric. I don't have any file called js-install.sh to run. I've both looked for it 'manually' in the /opt/jasperreports-server-cp-4.0.0 directory, and searched the whole file system, and there isn't a script with that name anywhere. [Later - I DO have a file called js-install-ce.sh which I've just found in the buildomatic directory - presumably the ce stands for Community Edition - I'll try running that]. When I run ./js-install-ce-sh test I get an output with only one warning - JAVA_HOME variable not found.- but this is AFTER I've changed the MySQL root password for host to be alphanumeric. (See attached file). I then changed the pw back to include some punctuation characters, and re-ran the ./js-install-ce.sh script. I'm not prompted for the pw, and the database connection therefore fails. Not sure if this helps understand what's happening. To get things working again, I've changed the pw back to alphanumeric. John McClenahan
  2. I have just uninstalled JasperServer 3.7 (downloaded earlier today in error when I though it was the latest version) and replaced it by JasperServer 4.0.0, and installed it on a Linux server (a customised CentOS/Red Hat distribution - ClearOS). I find I've had to change my MySQL root password on because v4 unlike v3.7 won't accept the original password which for security had punctuation characters - it tells me I can now ONLY use ALPHANUMERIC characters. This seems to me to be a retrograde step - why has it happened?
  3. You said "Hello , I have tested ireport on several linux distributions. In my cases only one step was necessary. extracting the archive, and copiing to a useful place (f.i. /usr/local), you need a working java runtime environment. a recent jre. the installation is the same, extracting copiing, and eventually a link to /usr/bin , so that you can reach the java executable from everywhere, thats all.... Regards Randolf Balasus" Thank you. That may give me enough of a clue to at least TRY it. I'll give it a go tomorrow. I'll look tonight for a Linux version of the JRE. John McC
  4. I would like to install iReport on a Linux server, and use it to generate parameter driven reports on our website which runs on the same server. The server runs SME Server v7.4, a customised version of the Community Edition (CentOS 4.5) of Red Hat Enterprise linux. I have trawled this forum, and the internet using combinations of search terms 'iReport', 'linux' and 'install' or 'installation' and 'howto', and only found out of date and sketchy instructions for installing v2 of iReport. I want to use the current iReport v3.5.3. I have found one reference that says there's an install script called setup.sh but that is not in the current tar.gz download, nor are there any installation instructions in the tar.gz file. There IS a file called just ireport (with no file extension) in the root of the download tar.gz file that looks like the little I know of Linux install scripts. But another refence suggests that there are other dependencies that need to be installed, for iReport to work on Linux, like a Java Runtime Environment and possibly SDK, the Ant compiler, and there's a PHP/Java bridge piece of software too. Has anyone written a HowTo for this? Or know where I can find such instructions? I'm not a complete novice in Linux - I've managed this Linux web server for years including some use of the command line - but I'm not an expert by any means either, and can frequently find myself out of my depth. Thanks if you can help point me in the right direction. John McC PS I see there's a reference to PHP/Java links in another recent post, with a further reference to a blog http://www.rjohnson.id.au/wordpress/2007/10/27/bullet-proof-jasper-reports-and-php/ but that too is rather out of date though potentially helpful, once I've got the basic installation process sorted. Post Edited by johnwmcc at 08/19/2009 11:42 Post Edited by johnwmcc at 08/19/2009 11:45
  5. There isn't an answer, yet - I had the same problem (hence the previous post to which you refer), and have reported it as a bug. A Parameter SHOULD (in my view) take on the Locale of the system on which it is installed. It doesn't, and I have not yet found a way of changing the format of a Date Parameter (it is relatively easy to format a date Variable - right click on it, and use Field Pattern - but you can't format a Parameter that way).
  6. In some ways, it's even worse than I had thought. If I put in the date of 14/08/2007 (UK dd/mm/yyy date of 14 August 2007) instead of rejecting it as an invalid (US mm/dd/yyyy) date, it returns values from 08 Feb 2008 - month 14 in year 2007, anyone? Logical, in a weird way, but not actually helpful. I'll try to put this in as a bug report, but I'm not yet sure how to. John McC
  7. I have a simple and I'm sure a common requirement, but can't see how to implement it. I have a report where I want to prompt for a parameter for the Start date for items to include. I have successfully set up such a Parameter, type java.util.date, and also successfully modified the report query to use it to limit the report to items after that date. Unfortunately, the parameter I input is always interpreted as if it were a US date (mm/dd/yyyy) - so if I input 1/9/2007 I get results from 9 Jan 2007, NOT 1 September 2007. I and my users will need UK dates. I have searched the forum for permutations of Date, Parameter, UK, Format, and Input, and found very few even nearly relevant posts. There were a couple that came close to my question, but I didn't understand the complex answers, and I can't (yet, anyway) believe that the answer has to be that complex! I'm very new both to Java and to iReport - I've only used iReport for three days, and Java for even less than that. I have done a lot of programming over many years, but not in Java, only in PHP, Javascript, and Microsoft VBA for Access and Excel and years ago in Fortran. My Windows Vista machine is set to UK locale. I've looked in all the iReport Tools/Options for a date format option, and can't see one. I have changed the format of a Date FIELD with the appropriate Pattern, but there isn't such an option for a Date PARAMETER. This must be a common requirement in the UK, but I can't find how to solve it! Help would be much welcomed - I've spent nearly two hours hunting this forum, and the wider internet, without success. Thanks if you can help John McC
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