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  1. You need to disable the sql security settings on the server, by default they are enabled and having them enabled they will only allow SQL statements that start with the SELECT keyword. this link will help you; https://community.jaspersoft.com/wiki/jaspersoft-security-changes-and-configuration
  2. You would do this using variables - i do not have a simple example for you. This link might help though: https://community.jaspersoft.com/wiki/getting-previous-records-value-calculation-variables-etc You want to store the current and next record in a variable and then you can compare those in another variable and do what you need from there OR you can also use the lag()/lead() stored proc route which i have opted for in the past too.
  3. Hi Guys, I want to be able to change the title on my adhoc view to be driven dynamically by a filter, is this possible. I have tried adding an advanced property to the report as follows; title.text = $P{myParameter} This does not work - any suggestions?
  4. I need help with Adhoc views please. Many of my datasources have dates and i want to build reports grouped by either week or month. Note i do not want the Months displayed like Apr-19 I just want April, weeks as numbers 52,1,2,3 etc I want to be able to see all 12 months on my adhoc views and then provide a value for each year. Sounds simple enough, but when using month names they get sorted alphabetically (i understand why becuase the SQL is now using that string valued data). How can i set a groupby inside the SQL to prevent the charts forcing an undesired groupby to take effect, i have tried creating a domain using a derived table with the group by set but this gets overridden by the chart. Likewise with weeks, i convert my dates to week numbers. However Adhoc views simple treat the numbers as such and alphabetically sort them, thus making week 52 from 2020 ahead of week 1 2021. Attachment shows simply what i am trying to achieve. The simple solution here would be to be able to define what the groupby of the SQL query should always be regardless of the fields being used on the adhoc view. For example; display week number but sort the SQL Query by date or display month name but sort the SQL Query by date. I hope i am not the only person that has encountered this and there is an easy solution that i am over looking. Can someone please help. Please note: I know i can solve this using JasperStudio but i need to be able to do this in adhoc because i want to empower less technical users to be able to use the server and avoid coding.
  5. Create a report against your repository database, all the scheduled jobs exist in the db. Just write the SQL and serve it up as a normal report
  6. I suspect you need to disable SQL Security validation otherwise the server expects your query to start with the keyword SELECT. 1.Edit the file /WEB-INF/classes/esapi/security-config.properties 2.Locate the default settings: security.validation.sql.on=true 3.Set these properties to true or false as desired. True means the security feature is turned ON. False means the security feature is turned OFF.
  7. If you have say 3 different column layouts, then you could just have 3 different tables inside your report with the respective column layouts. They would have a different "Print when expression". The print when exression could be linked to a parameter so that the user at run time can select which column layout they would like to see - thus driving which table component you render and put to the screen.
  8. You want to remove ROLE_USER from this user first off. Then goto your domain and right click > Permissions and set TEST_ROLE to be administrator or whatever access you want them to have.
  9. I think you could simplify this so you dont need to pass your query result via a param. 1 report only. With 1 chart & 1 table element. Use print when expression and a boolean param to determine which you would see and when and have the hyperlink just drill into itself as the report link and set the boolean expression statically.
  10. Gotta admit i was looking for this for ages when i first started using Studio too. It's on the Repository tab under Data Adaptors.
  11. just type your own custom pattern: d/MM/yyyy the template formats are just examples
  12. set the connection expression on your subreport to $P{REPORT_CONNECTION}
  13. please explain more clearly, i can't understand - happy to help you out if you take time to clearly document what you are trying to achieve.
  14. I couldn't see a problem on the files you attached - although it's hard to paste files on here. Mergin of cells is mostly down to bad report design. If your using subreports, try to plan ahead and use the same size column widths and make sure you allign the subreports in sync in your master. Excel will create a merge of cells if any of cells in your reports overlap. For example if in main report column 1 has width of 100, col2 width 100 and in subreport 1 column 1 has width of 50, col 1 width 100 this will cause a merge to occur in excel because your reports are not alligned. Hope this helps
  15. Your exporting as xls or xlsx and NOT paginated xls or xlsx right? The allignment of the report depends upon your design, make sure you don't have any overlapping cells. In Jasperstudio a good indication that cells aren't overlapping are when the outside frames is blue - green means you have an overlap, which will cause merging cells in excel output. I wasn;t sure if you also perhaps meant you just had repeating column headers in the output either, the descritpion confused me a little - if you do have repeating column headings then just apply the following property: net.sf.jasperreports.export.xls.exclude.origin.keep.first.band.1=columnHeader
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