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  1. hii Pass the value as millisecond(long), then in field Expression give {a}.subtract{b}.hope this is what you asked.. Regards Arun
  2. hi folks Have you make sure that in ur SUBREPORT_DIR are you getting the exact path of the SubReport where it is located.(ie)are u getting 'C:EclipseeditionsubreportHeader.jasper' this path in SUBREPORT_DIR. Regards Arun Post Edited by arunsankarkk at 03/01/2010 12:00
  3. hi i hope that you are passing the subreport parameters from main report.In the properties of main report, you need to pass the parameters of subreport and its expression.
  4. Give stretchWhenOverFlow as checked.This helps you to print the whole content in one column by stretching the column vertically, eventhough u have more values in that. Hope this will help you.
  5. hi abishek Sorry i didnt get what u r telling.Can u brief once. If u populating values to a column ,u will have a field to display that values, so obviously data will fill only in that column only.
  6. Hi Everybody i have a requirement like i need to diaplay a subreport inside another subreport. This is working fine. But my actual problem is if i have dynamic content ( In detail band of innermost subreport values will be filled according to values iam populating from DB. So it can have 1 row or 10 rows or more than that ) it is not displaying the subrport detail part. For example if i have only 3 rows to display in my innersubreport detailband it works fine, but if there is more than that the detail band will not display. hope somebody can help me out in this issue. Thanks in advance Arun
  7. I was using 3.5.2. In that i didnt find the option to create group.So i installed #.0.0 for this purpose. And 3.0.0 is more flexible to work with crossTabs. Post Edited by arunsankarkk at 02/25/2010 10:35
  8. Hii can i know which version of iReport you are using..??? If it is 3.0.0 you have an option 'ReportGroups' in View tab .Give the GroupExpression as $F{supervisor}. This will create a group for you. Post Edited by arunsankarkk at 02/25/2010 06:15
  9. Thank you Harv for your reply. Actually my problem was that the innermost subreport was not getting displayed, eventhough i use a static text field in that subReport. Then i resolved that and i got a new problem of couldnot load innermost SubReport jrxml. This i achieved my giving the complete path of inermost subreport in SubReport Expression. Now its working fine for me. Any way thank you once again.Hope you will help if i come across aome other doubts. Post Edited by arunsankarkk at 02/25/2010 04:28
  10. Hii I have a report where i need to display subReport inside a subReport. Is this possible to do it in iReport. When i tried that, only first SubReport is getting displayed . How can i fix this problem. Any help in this will be greatly appretiated..
  11. to obtaiin that u need to have an attribute which holds this values. Then in ur iReport field go to editExpression and give a ternary condition. I hope this will resolve ur probs..
  12. after creating the group u configure that group in print when group..this will resolve ur issue.
  13. Hiii guys.. I have worked on some crossTab reports, but dont know whether we can achieve the changing of reportheight dynamically..but we can disable fields in report. Just pass condition in editExpression. Eg ($V{field}.equals("a") ? $P{parameter1} : $P{parameter2}... You should pass field value while populating values to report(mean to say set Field("a"), Field("b")...). Hope this is the doubt you all have and iam clear in my explaination
  14. what i understood from your post is ,you need to display a list of values in report.For that you can use a list in POJO class and add datas to this list while populating the reportValues.
  15. hello monzerg i think you can pass it as an expression in fielsExpression. For example if u need to get "status1" you just give the condition as $F{filed}.equals("1") ? $P{status 1 parameter u need to send here}: $F{filed}.equals("2") ? $P{status 2}........ i hope this will do.
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