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  1. but I want to show supervisor and his tl information in one page, if there is another supervisor then that information need to be shown in new page instead of appending it in same page, how could this be possible..
  2. While executing the subreport am getting the additional page in ireport. Please help how to avoid that extra page from ireport??
  3. Hi, I dragged the following fields to detailed view band, which will show multiple records while executing the report. Example : Employee Number, Employee Name, DOB, Salary and so on... I like to display the odd rows in one color and even rows in another color in detailed view band.. Is there any procedure to set the even and odd row colors differently using ireport. Kindly consider this and help me asap....... Thanks in advance.............
  4. Dear Friends, I am using iReport tool for designing the reports. While clicking preview option I can see the output. But there is an empty page atlast in the report. How to remove that empty page ( last )from the report.
  5. Now its working....... Thanks a lot my dear friend...
  6. How to change the parameter pattern for date in title expression in charts? Example : I have given title expression in chart as "STATISTICS FROM "+$P{start_date}+" TO "+$P{end_date} Given input as 09/02/2008 for start_date parameter. Given input as 09/02/2009 for end_date parameter. While executing the report I get the ttile as STATISTICS FROM Tue Sep 02 00:00:00 GMT+5.30 2008 TO Wed Sep 02 00:00:00 GMT+5.30 2009 But I want the output as STATISTICS FROM 02/09/2008 TO 02/09/2009 For changing the pattern for start_date and end_date parameters what i want to do??
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