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Everything posted by despec

  1. Well, what I have found when exporting to Excel is that within Ireport the static text (as well as the field elements) need to touch without any spaces between the elements. David
  2. Try designing groups in your SQL query. In that way, you can display multiple graphs within each group footer in Ireport. David
  3. If I'm understanding you correctly--I don't think what you're trying to do is possible due to the calculation time...Since Ireport won't know the total row count until the end of the report, you won't be able to show that total within the detail band. David
  4. I think what you're missing is the expression for the Count calculator. You have the "SerialNumber" variable defined, but did you indicate what the variable should "count" in the expression editor? David
  5. Can you provide the SQL code in question? David
  6. Not sure if this is the problem, but try changing the WHERE clause parameter to $P!{MyTable} if you haven't done so already. David
  7. I could be wrong, but I don't think it's possible to do the dashboard design using the report designer. David
  8. Jasper Dashboards are created through the JasperServer interface: Create--> Dashboard. From there, it's a matter of adding report units using the Dashboard designer, then saving the Dashboard to the server repository. If you have any further question, by all means, please post them and I'll see if I can help with a good answer. David
  9. I've done this, but it's a bit tricky. it involves using a "sort_by" parameter within your SQL query. Here's a simple example: select employee_name, activation_count, deactivation count, net_adds_count from (some database table) where (some conditions perhaps) order by $P{sort_by} Within Ireport when the report is first run, set a default "sort_by" to "activation_count asc". The report runs and sorts by that table field. When you design your report, make the column labels "hyperlinked", so when the user clicks on the column, the same report is run, but the "sort_by" parameter within the hyperlink parameters is changed to be sorted by that column. There's a little more work to be done to make this work, but hopefully this will get you going on the right track. David
  10. Not sure if that's possible. I was thinking you could use an "OR" condition within the style setup, but that would cause fields to turn red even if that field was less than 5 because one of the other fields might be >= 5. I think you may be stuck writing a style for each field. David Post Edited by despec at 06/08/2011 13:09
  11. select date_field, sum(item1) as item_1_total, sum(item2) as item_2_total, sum(sum(item1+ item2)) over (order by date_field asc) as running_total from your_database group by date_field order by date_field desc =============================================================== Forgot the "group by" in the initial query, and the sum over wasn't formatted correctly...My apologies. I tested this query using data at my office and the output shows the day total, then the running total like so: Date A_Balance Running_Balance ==== ======== ============= 6-1-11 186066 3183024 5-1-11 192135 2996958 4-1-11 195705 2804823 .....and so on.... David Post Edited by despec at 06/08/2011 12:41
  12. I would imagine that something like this is best accomplished in the SQL query itself...Something like: select date_field, sum(item1) as item_1_total, sum(item2) as item_2_total, sum(item1+ item2) over (partition by date_field desc) as running_total from your_database order by date_field desc Hopefully this will give you the basic idea... David
  13. If I understand you correctly, perhaps an easier way is to use a GROUP BY in your SQL statement: select trans_type, sum(value) as trans_type_total from (your db) group by trans_type Hope this helps, David
  14. Yes, you can use Ireport parameters within a SELECT statement...here's an example Ireport parameter is CUST_NO select cust_name, cust_sales from cust_db where cust_no = $P{CUST_NO} Pretty simple stuff, but this should get you started. David
  15. Well, the thing that sticks out to me is that your query results in a cartesian table because you have nothing joining the tables together. That may be causing the server to timeout depending on the size of these tables. David
  16. To force a line break in a string element, I use the HTML <br> tag and set the Markup to "HTML" in the FONT tab in Properties. David
  17. Just my own opinion--that online guide is not worth the money. More times than not, I've had to figure things out on my own. As far as I'm concerned the documentation for Ireports is woefully scarce. David
  18. Use Ireports "Properties" box to change the foreground color of your font. David
  19. I'm not sure about 2.2, but in Ireport 3.0, there is a report property where you can set the "no data" condition...It's in "Report Properties"... David
  20. Here is the format for the "If" statement in Ireport: ( condition expression ? true expression : false expression ) David
  21. If it were me, I'd let my SQL query solve this problem, rather than fiddling around with Ireport. David
  22. Not sure where to find this in 4.0, but in 3.0, you would go EDIT-->Report Properties, then click on the column tab...here you can set column widths so that data is printed across first, then down. David
  23. Use the HTML line break tage <br> within your text, then in properties, find the FONT section/tab (I'm using the older 3.0 Ireport) and set the markup to "HTML"... David
  24. Although I can't say for sure this will work, try assigning a new parameter with the value of the variable in your main report, then "pass" that new parameter to your subreport which needs to also have that new parameter included in it's parameter list. David Post Edited by despec at 04/01/2011 20:01
  25. Well, I believe that variables are processed during the query execution, while parameters are set prior to the query being executed. Not sure if I'm understanding your question correctly, but I don't believe what you're trying to do is going to work out. David
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