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  1. Hi, I'm using Jasper Reports community edition 4.0.1 against a MySQL database 5.0.9. I have two date fields in my database that are java.sql.Timestamp format. The first time reports the date and time an alarm was received. The second records when an alarm was resolved. I'd like to define a variable to show how long it took the technician to resolve the issue. From what I've read, it looks like I need to use a Variable. I'm just not sure how to define the properties. Can someone help?
  2. I am trying to restrict the output of my querry in 4.0.1 to the current month. The query below works on my MySQL 5.1 DB, but when I try to use the query in iReport, I get the following error: Error: net.sf.jasperreports.engine.JRException: Unable to get value for field `delta` of class `java.sql.Time` SELECT SEC_TO_TIME(UNIX_TIMESTAMP(alarm.assigned) - UNIX_TIMESTAMP(alarm.raised)) as delta, console.`console_id` AS console_console_id, console.`name` AS console_name, console.`console_type_id` AS console_console_type_id, alarm.`alarm_id` AS alarm_alarm_id, alarm.`source_id` AS alarm_source_id, alarm.`source_type_id` AS alarm_source_type_id, alarm.`trigger_id` AS alarm_trigger_id, alarm.`trigger_match` AS alarm_trigger_match, alarm.`raised` AS alarm_raised, alarm.`assigned` AS alarm_assigned, alarm.`assigned_user_id` AS alarm_assigned_user_id, alarm.`level_id` AS alarm_level_id, alarm.`status_id` AS alarm_status_id, alarm.`modified` AS alarm_modified, alarm.`resolved` AS alarm_resolved, alarm.`closed` AS alarm_closed, alarm.`deleted` AS alarm_deleted, alarm.`user_modified` AS alarm_user_modified, console.`ens_id` AS console_ens_id, ens.`ens_id` AS ens_ens_id, ens.`ens_type_id` AS ens_ens_type_id, ens.`name` AS ens_name, ens.`description` AS ens_description, ens.`location_id` AS ens_location_id, ens.`modified` AS ens_modified, location.`location_id` AS location_location_id, location.`name` AS location_name FROM `alarm` alarm INNER JOIN `console` console ON alarm.`source_id` = console.`console_id` INNER JOIN `ens` ens ON console.`ens_id` = ens.`ens_id` INNER JOIN `location` location ON ens.`location_id` = location.`location_id` inner join user on alarm.assigned_user_id = user.user_id and MONTH(alarm.raised) = MONTH(CURDATE()) and YEAR(alarm.raised) = YEAR(CURDATE());
  3. Hi, New here and to iReports. I was wondering how I might change font color in my headings in my reports? I tried using XML code in both 4.0.1 and 4.0.2 but received an error until I removed it. Thanks, Dave Steier / OutPost Sentinel.
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