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Everything posted by mandm

  1. I can see my chart on ireport 4.0.2 thats where i developed it, but i am unable to see it on jasperserver however when i do the pdf export i can see the chart, so thats what is confusing me please let me know if anyone has any pointers..
  2. Hi How were you able to tie the thermometer chart to the query output? i am not able to display the query data in thermometer somehow it always prints a blank thermometer?
  3. Is there a documentation on how to create thermometer charts? i was trying to do it for one of the projects, but i just see the bulb but do not see any high level marks or low level marks i am using ireport 4.0.2, so i wanted to know if i might have missed adding some information to ireport
  4. Yes i was able to get the installation binary to work on ubuntu 10.04 x86_64 by doing the following steps 1)sudo apt-get install ia32-libs 2) make the jasperreports-server-cp-4.0.0-linux-installer.bin file executable 3 sudo ./jasperreports-server-cp-4.0.0-linux-installer.bin
  5. i was able to get around that error on ubuntu 10.04 x86_64 by doing the following steps 1)sudo apt-get install ia32-libs 2) make the jasperreports-server-cp-4.0.0-linux-installer.bin file executable 3 sudo ./jasperreports-server-cp-4.0.0-linux-installer.bin
  6. Yes i was able to get around that error on ubuntu 10.04 x86_64 by doing the following steps 1)sudo apt-get install ia32-libs 2) make the jasperreports-server-cp-4.0.0-linux-installer.bin file executable 3 sudo ./jasperreports-server-cp-4.0.0-linux-installer.bin
  7. great, thanks for the quick reply, yes that is what i have selected for the installation 10.04 ubuntu 64 bit, the question i had was did you do the installation from the binaries or manually installed each component? and the issue about ireport, can you be more elaborate on it? i have used it for a long time but did not see any issues so wanted to see if i missed anything? and what version of ireport are you using?
  8. is Ubuntu 10.04 suitable for jasperServer 4.0? or are there still issues lingering around? and does it work on a 64 bit server?
  9. Hi i was just wondering if you were able to solve this issue of parameter in the from clause, i need to do something similar
  10. No I really don't want to differentiate the data display, but that the report should be able to run for different tables based on user input? i might be not making myself very clear let me try and example i have 2 users user1 and user2 and 2 tables table1 and table2, so when user 1 logs in and runs the report it should run against table1 and when user 2 logs in the report should run around table 2
  11. I have a simple requirement that their are several copies of same table and when different users login and run the report the report should run against different tables corresponding to that users permissions, so what i wanted to ask was what would be a good architecture for this kind of report should i user a report table name as a parameter? can i use it like that?
  12. I am using jasper server 3.7 and right now i keep creating users manually on the server right now and giving them a role, is their a way to automate this process or lookup against my application mysql database to get the users created dynamically? Thanks in advance
  13. I used your method to create the list and now i am trying to use the parameter from the main dataset to be used in the List dataset, but i get no result back, is their something i am missing?
  14. ok great since i got it working using the List and added a chart using the new dataset, so looks like i am ok for now...but yes i will go through the links you have posted. Thanks for your replies
  15. Wow...thanks for a great response, it is as detailed as it can get, and i designed the report exactly as you suggested it worked fine. It is quite fast than the subreport too, i will try and use this I had a question regarding subreport, how do you attach a subreport to the main report on the jasper server, since i could so all the development using the subreport on the ireports, but once i exported it to my repository it causes all error saying that the subreport does not exists? Thanks once again!!!
  16. Great this worked like a charm, so i added the union all query and made chart out of the dataset. Now i have a related question, i need to add another data set but which is not related to these 3 queries e.g. SELECT 'VData' as Name, Count(*) as ThisCount from Virginia UNION ALL SELECT 'GData' as Name, Count(*) as ThisCount from Georgia and display the results in another chart in the same report? How can i do that? Thanks once again for your help
  17. Great Idea, Let me try the First option and see how the chart looks Thanks a ton for the reply
  18. Hi, I am in a tricky situation. i am trying to design are report with mutiple queries like select count(*) as P from abc select count(*) as Q from def select count(*) as R from xyz and i wanted to use P, Q, R to represent the data on a chart Can this be done in ireports? I was reading about datasets, but if i use sub dataset and main data set together my report gives me error as to element form sub dataset not found... Please let me know
  19. Thanks for the detailed reply and explaining the 2 options i have. I just downloaded mysql-5.1.51-linux-i686-glibc23 from the mysql website and checked the folder structure is very similar to the one installed with jasperserver 3.7 So please let me know if the following would be a good path for upgrading the mysql Shutdown the slave replication Take a backup of the existing databases shutdown the database Take a backup of the mysql folder which comes within jasperserver-ce-3.7.0 unzip this new mysq 5.1.51 copy the files into the jasperserver 3.7/mysql folder then copy my.ini file from the old mysql backup copy the data folder from old mysql backup start the mysql db start replicationDo you think i missed any important files of and important backup step. I am also assuming the current server uses the my.ini file for its configurations Please let me know
  20. I have setup mysql replication for my jasper reporting and i wanted to upgrade all my mysql servers to mysql 5.1 the server that came with jasper 3.7 is 5.0.27....how can i upgrade the mysql that is bundled with the jasper reports?
  21. Hi i am trying the same thing and as soon as i enter all the details for connecting to the mysql it says test connection failed can you please tell me where to look for to debug this ?
  22. ok so i was able to do this, added an Image Element into the report and just changed the path to the variable from the table column which stored image and images showed up on the report
  23. Hi All, I have a problem i am facing with using Ireport 3.0. My (mysql) database columns stores the link to the image location in form of a URL, now when i add them as a field in the report the image does not showup instead the entire URL or the text from the columns show up in the report. So my question is that is there a way to add images from the database into the report? images which are stored on the server? Let me know if you need more clarifications
  24. Looks like ireport cannot do it without using something like subreports
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