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  1. I'm afraid not...so far, no other than following the manual and deploying the war worked :(
  2. Got it solved. It seems that the exception was throwed because of the .AllMember thingie....I'll further investigate.
  3. I'm facing exactly the same problem... My Schema: <Schema name="Results Test"> <Cube name="Conversion" caption="Conversion Cube" cache="true" enabled="true"> <Table name="ConversionsCube" alias="Conversions"> </Table> <Dimension type="StandardDimension" foreignKey="Placement" name="Placement"> <Hierarchy hasAll="true" primaryKey="Placement"> <Table name="ConversionsCube"> </Table> <Level name="PLC" column="Placement" type="String" uniqueMembers="false" levelType="Regular" hideMemberIf="Never"> </Level> </Hierarchy> </Dimension> <Measure name="View Conversions" column="ViewConv" datatype="Integer" aggregator="sum" visible="true"> </Measure> <Measure name="Click Conversions" column="ClckConv" datatype="Integer" aggregator="sum" visible="true"> </Measure> <Measure name="M1" column="M1" aggregator="sum" visible="true"> </Measure> </Cube> </Schema> And MDX: SELECT [Measures].AllMembers ON COLUMNS, Hierarchize([Placement].[All Placements].Children) ON ROWS FROM [Conversion]; Any ideas are greately appreciated. THanks!
  4. Thanks for all your input, folks. Finally, war did the trick.... thanks again!
  5. Hey folks, thanks a lot for your answers! So, point by point: uname -m shows x86_64. I also ran .bin installers compiled with 32 bits before absolute path didnt work either...I recently found a glitch on the java setup,but the installer will install it anyways, right? Any imputs are really appreciated...thanks!
  6. Hey adrenlinerush, already tried that, the file is executable...thanks for the tip...any other ideas?
  7. Hi there. I'm currently trying to install using the installer in jasperserver-3.5.0-linux-installer.bin. However, every thime I try: sudo ./jasperserver-3.5.0-linux-installer.bin I got this error: sudo: unable to execute ./jasperserver-3.5.0-linux-installer.bin: No such file or directory I've download the installer five times, same answer. I've already installed MySQL, Apache and Tomcat. Any ideas...? Thanks a lot!
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