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Everything posted by harv

  1. Hi, Firstly, yes it can be done. To figure out what your problem is will require a little more detail. If you are using a SQL query for each dataset you need to make sure that any parameters required by the second sub are passed from the first, you do this on the Subreport Properties section on the first sub. It does get a little confusing but making sure that the expected parameters match all the way through is a good start. Also confirm that the queries used do actually return data, I have fallen in this trap before and spent hours trying to fix a problem that didn't exist. Harv.
  2. Thanks, yes, I can use that to pass the Sudent Collection as a datasource parameter to a list on the main report, but if I try to access it from a (sub)list I get compile errors as the subList does not appear to be able to 'see' the parameter. I am also not sure that passing this in as a parameter to the main report will work as each student list will have to be associated with a single teacher...I have tried to pass it in as a parameter to the dataset used by the list but this does not seem to work either. Regards, Andrew.
  3. Hi, I'm having a few problems with a report containing some List components and could do with a bit of help. I am using the JRBeanCollectionDataSource as a datasource, this passes in a Bean which contains a number of <Lists>an example is: Faculty > Teacher A> StudentA StudentB StudentC Teacher B> StudentD StudentE StudentF Teacher C> StudentG StudentH StudentI I need to display all the teachers and students and there is no way of knowing how many of either there will be. I have no problem passing in the <Faculty> object and displaying all the <Teacher> items but can't seem to find a way to display the <Student>. At the minute I am passing the faculty object as a parameter of type JRBeanCollectionDataSource into the report and using this with a list component via the associated datataset, it works fine, but when I try to insert a list comp to show the <Student> under each <Teacher> I get NullPointer compile errors. Can this even be done (as in list within list) and if not what are the alternatives list>Subreport or Subreport>Subreport. If it can be done I'm not clear how to pass the data between them, as I think the Faculty object is consumed by the first list it will not be available for any subreports or lists. BTW I'm using iReport 3.60. Thanks, Andrew.
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