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Everything posted by jhnz

  1. Hi, I am new to Jasper Reports and have to upgrade an existing implementation from 3.5.2 to 3.6.2. After doing the upgrade, some of our existing reports now fail with the JRFontNotFoundException as described in this thread. I can avoid the exception by setting the ...ignore.missing.font=true as described above. As far as I understand, this will restore the previous behavior ... where no checking was done. However, I would rather fix it "properly" if possible. As far as I know, my report definitions make no (intentional) effort to use any specific or custom fonts whatsoever. When I get the exception, it refers to the "sansserif" font e.g. net.sf.jasperreports.engine.util.JRFontNotFoundException: Font 'sansserif' is not available to the JVM. See the Javadoc for more details. I get this problem both in iReport and when running the report through my application. Should I be seeing this problem for this font? Or does it indicate something else wrong. Unfortunately I'm not very up on the whole area of fonts and Jasper in general ... just trying to upgrade to the latest version without doing any damage ... so any comments/explanations would be most welcome. Thanks.
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