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Everything posted by buyak

  1. thangalin, (or anyone else reading this forum thread) Would you know where I can start my journey on learning the JAVA expressions/language iReport uses? I can always get a book or search online, but exactly what version am i looking at here? According to the Help/About, my iReport is using Java: 1.6.0_17; Java HotSpot Client VM 14.3-b01 I would really like to be able to start understanding ALL the terminology and language in iReport to increase the programs funtionality. Outside of this stump, I've successfully made a very nice report with subreports that really cleaned up our old version, but I feel like I have come to the end of my luck and will need to start learning alot more... otherwise I'll just end up posting on here once a week. You guys are great and all, but I'd like to carry my own weight too! ;-) Thank you everyone!
  2. THANK YOU SO MUCH! It works! We just got iReport for our company and I think you may have shown us more of the capabilities of this program. He thought it would definetly be better than the one we had before, but I may be able to convince him to buy me a book for JAVA now to increase the magnitude of what this can do! It's not as beginner friendly as our previous one, but it can do WAY more than the report designer we had before! Thank you SOOooo much thangalin! You are a life saver! (I made sure your Karma went up ;-)
  3. I've searched the forums for a couple days now and have found a few topics that have "helped". I mean that in a way where I've gathered more knowledge about java than I previously had. Here's my problem: I need to compare shipping times and arrivals to setup a field that states "On Time" or "Late". In SQL, I've made an equation that breaks the date into minutes and compares shipping appointment and arrival. If it's on time, the field produced in SQL will show a 0 (zero) or negative number. If it's late, the field will show a positive number. For example... so_difference (the name of my field that calculates the difference of minutes between appointment and arrival) 0 -15 60 I've made a variable field in iReport $V{time_status} and would like it to show "On Time" where the 0 and -15 are and "Late" where the 60 is. It seems like a very easy fix, but I'm not a java expert (not even a beginner) and I feel like all I'm missing is a parenthesis, qoutation, or colon somewhere and that would be it. I'm using iReport 3.5.2 and setting up a variable in the report to express "On Time", "Late", and "No Data" where null would appear (the text in red is where I put the formula in "Print When Expression" in iReport) Here's is the XML statement: <textField isBlankWhenNull="false"> <reportElement x="579" y="0" width="81" height="13"> <printWhenExpression><![CDATA[ ($F{so_difference}.intValue()<=0)?"On Time": ($F{so_difference}.intValue()>=1)?"Late":"No Data" ]]></printWhenExpression> </reportElement> <textElement/> <textFieldExpression class="java.lang.String"><![CDATA[$V{time_status}]]></textFieldExpression> </textField> All that is returned in this field is "null". What am I doing wrong? Thank you so much for your help in advance...
  4. Hi all, I'm making a report that can pull info from one company or multiple companies. I want the company name to display in the Title band if they type in one company in the Parameters prompt... this i can do. I just pull the $P{Customer} unto the page. When they enter the wildcard % into the prompt, it pulls all companies, however, only the percentage sign will show. I don't know how to tell iReport how to Print "All Companies" IF % is used in the Customer Prompt just like it prints the Customer's name when they enter the customers info in the prompt. Thanks in advance for anyone that can help. I'm sure it's a real simple fix, but I'm not familiar with java and what the expressions ALL mean and I'm starting to realize I need to be if I want to get the full benefits out of this awesome report designer.
  5. First of all, I am new to Jasper reports myself, but I experienced the same problem. If anything I mention below is wrong feel free to correct me. In your parent report "Samplemainreport" select the subreport... you need to provide the directory of the subreport in the subreport expression properies box. i.e. $P{SUBREPORT_DIR}+"name of subreport.jasper" (that is if you save your subreport in the same directory you save the main report) Than in Parameters Map Expression choose $P{REPORT_PARAMETERS_MAP} From the looks of it... that should be all you're missing. Just make sure your parameters in the subreport are the same as your parent report.
  6. Hi Everyone, I've searched the forums for this topic, but it's probably such a beginners question, no one has asked this. I'm an intern in a small IT support position and we're trying to move away from the current report designer we have now and into Jasper. One of my tasks is to learn Jasper with the Manager, hands on. We can make our reports just fine, but a few reports require a bit more muscle. I'm using iReport 3.5.2 ... When we call up a large amount of info in iReports, anything about 2 to 3 months worth of data, and we save the file as a single sheet .xls, we are having trouble getting it open in Excel. "Excel found unreadle content in "xxxx" Do you want to recover the contents of this workbook... etc" I've seen this error posted in previous forums but it seems to relate more about exporting than what I'm doing... unless I'm wrong. If we save the iReport Preview as a csv file, it retains all the numbers when opened in Excel. It's just that we're are trying to give the other managers and customers the easiest route to open the report; double click an excel thumbnail and not worry about teaching them how to open the csv file correctly. (It amazing how hard a few extra steps are to some people :) Long story short... A small report saved as an xls file can be successfully opened in Excel but not a large one. csv works great but we're trying NOT to go this way. Is there another plugin or such that I need to help with iReport saving the data in a much easier way for Excel to read? If I'm missing more info for someone to help, please let me know. Thank you! -The Noob
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