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  1. I am using JasperReport 3.0 and iReport 2.0. Reports are designed using iReport. And I have chosen the option of generating report in excel format. While designing, for a particular field if i set width for eg as 100, it is appearing in excel sheet by spanning 3 columns say column B,C,D. If i set width as 20, it is appearing in excel sheet by occupying only one column B. Even if set width as 100, i need the field value to occupy only one Column B in excel sheet with the extended width for Column B. Please guide me how to do this. Is there any attributes in jrxml to enable this feature. Or while designing in iReport itself any settings can be done ? This is most urgent requirement in my project. I have searched in google too. But did not get any apporpriate results. kindly help me to overcome this issue. Provide me links if any to refer the concepts mentioned above.
  2. Hi, If any option to increase excel cell width in jasper report.
  3. Hi, How to set single line space between two reports.I am using jasper report 3.0 and my report is designed by iReport 2.0.2.In my report i export two jrxml file into single xl sheet one by one.I want to set single space between to report.Is there any option to set space between two reports in single xl sheet.Please do needful. Thanks, Viji Hillary.
  4. hi, I am using jasper report 3.0.I designed my report using ireport 2.0.2.My problem is when i am set the column width it occupy more than one cell.For example when i am setting column width 20 it occupy only one cell.Suppose my column width is 80 it occupy more than one cell. I want my column width is occupy only one cell. Thanks, Viji Hillary.
  5. hai, I am using same datasource in both main and subreport.I pass the subreport location in parameter of main report.When i run my report its display the blankpages.The subreport works fine in its own page.Please give me a solution.I attached my subreport and mainreport. Here ProductionReport1.jrxml is my subreport and SampleMainReport.jrxml is my main report.
  6. Hai, I am using iReport 3.6 version.Now my requirement is to generate report in tables format and table of content cannot be repeated.I want to generate report in below attached format.Please guide me what options i will use.
  7. Hai, I am using my application iReport 2.0.2 and jasperreport 3.0 .While run my application it works fine and getting correct output.But it displays lots of warning message in my console .How to avoid this.I attached the warning message and jrxml file in below attachment.Please give me the solution. Post Edited by viji at 08/08/2009 05:45
  8. Hi, Sometimes,I have an error to run jasper report in linux machine.My report is working fine in windows.I got an error (FAILED TO GET ASN FROM CORE SERVIES SO ABORTING..) and my tomcat (tomcat 5.0) server is stop.Sometimes its works fine in linux machine.Here I am attach my jrxml file and jsp file.Please give me a solution of this error message.
  9. hi, I am using jasperreport on tomcat 5.0.When i run my report sometimes its work fine ,sometimes the tomcat is stop.It stops the tomcat when filling the report.I dont know how to fix the problem.Plz give me a solution..
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