Hi all, I've a datasource with two columns : one number and one color (rgb html-style). I want to draw a bar chart with each bar having the color defined in the datasource. This color is coming randomly with the datasource i.e. there is no predefined order for this. Series color are not enough, as we can't control which color are given to bart. I really want to take the color value in my database. I have used the chart customizer class for this. when I used this class I get the correct data on ireport output console but on preview bar color is not dislpaying according to the data from the datasource. Please help..!! Code: public void customize(JFreeChart chart, JRChart jasperChart) { int i=0; String color_desc ; ArrayList aalist = new ArrayList(); Color cc = new Color(0,0,0); int chk = (Integer)super.getParameterValue("checklist"); try{ aalist = retrieveBarChartColor(chk); BarRenderer renderer = (BarRenderer) chart.getCategoryPlot().getRenderer(); renderer.clearSeriesPaints(true); for(i=0;i<(aalist.size());i++) { color_desc = (String) aalist.get(i); if(color_desc.equals("ORANGE")) { cc = new Color(255,128,0); System.out.println("1-> "+cc+" ->"+color_desc); } else if(color_desc.equals("YELLOW")) { cc = new Color(255,255,0); System.out.println("1-> "+cc+" ->"+color_desc); } else if(color_desc.equals("GREEN")) { cc = new Color(0,128,0); System.out.println("1-> "+cc+" ->"+color_desc); } else if(color_desc.equals("RED")) { cc = new Color(255,0,0); System.out.println("1-> "+cc+" ->"+color_desc); } System.out.println("Setting color-> "+cc+" ->"+color_desc); renderer.setSeriesPaint(i, cc); System.out.println("getting color :" +renderer.getSeriesPaint(i)); System.out.println("hiii"); color_desc = null; cc = null; } }catch(Exception e) { System.out.print("Exception in customize() :"+e); } }