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Not really. I did see a post on JasperServer that refers to this problem, but no real solution was offered: What I have found is that if I generate the report in HTML, it is fine. I haven't tried any other formats yet, but I think it might be something to do with the template when generated in pdf. Not absolutely certain at this point. The subreport that makes the pdf go blank has around 500 rows. The other subreports are not more than 10 rows each and there are 6 or 7 at this point. If I take the 500 row subreport out, it will be ok. Unfortunately this 500 row subrepor t is the most critical of all the reports. I am thinking of trying to concatinate the results of two pdfs into one and see if that helps, but it would be better to solve this problem. I'll definietly let you know if I find out more. MC53
Hi everyone, I am creating a java sendmail application that uses JasperExportManager.exportReportToPdfFile to create a pdf at a known location in order to attach the file to an email. When I have a low rowcount, the report renders fine in pdf format. When the rowcount is large (~more than 500 i'm estimating) the report is blank. The dbug shows that the rows are being filled 'DEBUG JRVerticalFiller:657 - Fill 4565548: detail' and there are no other errors that I can see (no out of memory or stack overflow errors) with or without the use of virtualizer. The report works reliably in ireport, and even in jasperserver (html format) no matter how big the rowcount is. My Questions are: 1. What is the actual maximum rowcound for the export manager 2. Is it possible to export two reports into one pdf and if so do you have a code example 3. is the implementation flawed, and is there a better way to generate the pdf Thanks MC53
Hi All, I have an application that generates a pdf report and sends it to an email address. The application works fine when there is only a single data connection, but displays nothing if I add a subreport with a different data connection. The debug shows that the data is actually there, but the entire report is blank. I tried using $P{REPORT_CONNECTION} , but that gave me a 'Table or view does not exist' error. Is there something wrong with the format of the subreport? It runs fine in ireport and when I call it via url, just can't seem to get it to work from the Java code. Thanks, MC53
Yes I have done that: <subreport> <reportElement x="51" y="12" width="944" height="100"/> <subreportParameter name="taxon"/> <subreportParameter name="presence"> <subreportParameterExpression><![CDATA[$F{PRESENCE}]]></subreportParameterExpression> </subreportParameter> <connectionExpression><![CDATA[java.sql.DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:oracle:thin:@servername:port:DEV", "username", "passowrd")]]></connectionExpression> <subreportExpression class="java.lang.String"><![CDATA["C:\\Program Files\\jasperserver-3.5.0\\samples\\reports\\dao_test.jasper"]]></subreportExpression> </subreport> I should mention, I have tried with subreport expression repo:/path/dao_test and the report either runs with null values or throws a compile error on the prameter presence.
HI All, I have a main report with a query that gets a field called $F{PRESENCE}. I would like to pass this as a parameter to a subreport to display it in a field with a default value ($P{PRESENCE}). I have created a working report that does this in ireport. I can run it successfully in ireport or from the repository in ireport. The problem occurs when I try to run the report directly from the repository via my browser. I get either the error: 08:50:05,168 ERROR JSErrorPage_jsp,http-8080-1:339 - Report design not valid : 1. Field not found : PRESENCE or a null value. I've tried creating the input control on the subreport through the repository, but that didn't work. I tried assigning the default value ($F{PRESENCE}) on both the main report parameter (this gave a null value on the main report) and on the subreport (this worked in ireport but not in the repository via browser). How can I get the result of an sql field to display on a subreport? I know I am having this problem because I have little or no reference resources, so to ask a secondary question, which resource do you think is most useful in these kinds of situations? Thanks MC53
I ran into exactly the same problem when I intalled on Red Hat Linux. I looked around to try to find a fix, but couldn't find anything that looked like this problem. I decided to try to uninstall and try again. When I tried to uninstall, I realised there was no uninstall file, so I had to delete the directory and intall again. It's works fine now. I had some problems intalling at the start and had to use an xwindows application to run the intaller exe. Not sure if that had anything to do with it or not. regards MC
Thx for the response. That is exactly what I'm doing. Putting the images on the server and rewriting the url of all the images. I consider it a temporary workaround, and a bit of a nast hack, but it seems to work for now. I kind of realise it's not the best implementation. I'm still looking for a better way. Thanks tho MC
I looked into iframes early on, and excluded it as an option since you can still see the cgi variables and the html reference. I needed an option that did not have any html reference (including input=hidden tags) and that did not expose any information about the server or the variables being passed in the url. What I think should solve the problem is a way to get the jsession in the page context. It won't work if I set it myself, since the report has already been run. I can see the Jsession reference in the image urls: I have a nasty workaround that includes finding the Jsession string in the read of the page, then sending it as a variable. I haven't tested it yet, so I don't know if it's going to actually work. I also just found where the images are stored. That will help too, if I choose to change the html to have static reference to the images. MC
Hello, I am using a java tag library to make my web service connection more secure. In order to do this, I am connecting to the report url and then using a buffered reader to read and then write the html. The consequence seems to be broken report images as well as broken images passed as parameters to the jrxml. I am still unsure if this is caused by a loss of session on connection, or that the temporary reference created by JasperServer no longer exists by the time the report is run eg: http://localhost:8080/jasperserver/reportimage;jsessionid=C444B04E6E2022A55978CFA24C5E4B4C?jrprint=23650535_1254175376280&image=img_0_0_2. Any advice on how to get my images working, or is there a better way method to run reports in a secure way?
I have found that the $P{} in the expression must not have quotes around it. That is why the literal parameter_image_path.getValue() is returned instead of the actual value. Thankyou Margot
Hi, and thankyou for your fast reply Lucian. I have tried $P!{..} and still get "com.jaspersoft.jasperserver.api.JSExceptionWrapper: Byte data not found at location : ((java.lang.String)parameter_image_path.getValue())". I have used paths with escaped \ and without escapes, and they both give the same errror. Leads me to believe that JS is expecting a certain syntax for image paths. I really need to do it this way becase the image is created by a service and then destroyed after use. It is accessible by the report service only by a path whic the service provides to the report.
I have a similar issue with image mapping. I am building a reporting service for an internet mapping application. I need to include an image and a thumbnail of the map area and the crosshair based on parameters sent from the map service. I have tried to add an image to the report and then create an expression something like this . The paramter will be input as a url parameter like this\WINDOWS\Web\tips.gif. I don't understand why the hard coded image expression that looks exactly the same as the parameter will work in ireport, and in the above url, but when passed as a parameter, it give the following error: Errorloadingbytedata:$P!{image_path} . Surely there is a simple answer.