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  1. The controls are standard single select queries. I've attached a logfile. Thanks for your time.
  2. Have you tried without the quotes ? select city from region where state=$P{statepara}
  3. Hi, On a report, I use two "single select query" input controls, the first "sending" his value on the second. Everything works fine except the first time when opening the report, the browser displays a warning message saying simply "error". If I delete the parameter in the query of the second input control, the error message goes away ... I've tried with or without default value expression for the first input control but it stays the same. I've compared with the examples provided but can't see a difference ... I've tried the report in IE, Chome, Firefox and the error is each time the same. I'm using JasperServerPro 3.7.1 (evaluation). Thanks in advance
  4. Hi, little confused about what to choose between the patch linked in this thread and the tutorial available here : http://www.jaspersoft.com/node/4199 Could you enlighten me please ?
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