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  1. Ok, I solved this dilemma. Basically, I introduced one extra group. This group should be leading and this group is invisible (i.e. has 0 size for all elements). And bucket expression for this group combines all id's for subsequent groups... So, the crosstab will always have unique values in leading group and it will forse repeat values in subsequent groups... Voila... Regards, Serge
  2. Same here. It was my mistake in template. Regards, Serge
  3. That's not exactly that we are looking for. We have srtict requirements from customer... Is there another way? Flag? Parameter? Regards, Serge
  4. I noticed the same behavior in 3.7.3 as well. Regards, Serge
  5. Hello! I need help with crosstabColumnHeader. I have to repeat values there in CSV and XLS output. Currently JasperReports is goupping same values into one column. Is there any properties on parameter to disable this behavior? Thanks! Regards, Serge
  6. Hopefully there will be simple solution for my issue. I'm having troubles when I'm creating CSV or XLS out of Crosstb. My customer would like to have repeating values in columnGroup and rowGroup, but I can't find any option that will allow me to display repeating values there. My values is always grouped. I tried to set isPrintRepeatedValues to true for textField, but it didn’t help.Ideally I would like to see following: Group1,Group1,Group1 Group2,Group2 Group3 Row1 Data Data Data Row1,Row2 Data Data Data But Instead I'm getting: Group1 Group2 Group3 Row1 Data Data Data Row2 Data Data Data Regards, Serge Post Edited by sergeleo at 06/02/2010 06:40 PM
  7. Take a look http://jasperforge.org/plugins/espforum/view.php?group_id=102&forumid=103&topicid=63316&page=2#63791 Regards, Serge
  8. I'm using JRDataSource implementation for my application as well. The difference is that I'm passing data to CrossTab. There was a lot of hickups. Anyway, I don't see any groups defined in your report. Could you please try to create empty group for your field and see if it helps. If not, try to put it into summary section. Regards, Serge
  9. Since there is no SQL query involved, there is no need for queryString tag. Just remove it. Regards, Serge
  10. Also, in your test sample I don't see where are you setting data for your datasource. I can see empty constructors. Looks like data isn't present. Regards, Serge
  11. Could you please attach your report template as well? Regards, Serge
  12. In your HTTPResponse object set ContentType as "application/pdf". Browser will call Adobe plugin to open your document. Make sure that Adobe plugin is installed. Also I would reccomend to add followin in HTTPResponse Header: addHEader("Content-Disposition", "inline;filename=YourPDFFileName.pdf"); It will predefine file name if user will click "Save As" Regards, Serge
  13. Please consider Apache Velocity engine for altering your template before you will call JasperFillManager. Regards, Serge
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