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  1. Not sure what your issue was/is but possibly it is the empty string for the attribute ..... we do not have a "fontName" attribute in any of our files - not even with the empty string. This allows the reports to render the default font defined in jasperreports.properties and we can change the font on the fly at render time per report. these files worked in 3.6.0, 3.7.2, 4.0.2 and 4.1.1
  2. Most likely your data contains the value of 0 for the points that are displayed. If the value came out as NULL then it would not display the line chart data points where there is a null value.
  3. Do not think it is possible. Look in JRStyledTextParser.java and search for "u2022". The code simply finds all <li> tags and replaces them wtih the bullet character (\u2022) and all </li> with a newline character (\n). The markup tags are discarded.
  4. Thanks for the feedback but it does not solve our problem.
  5. We have experienced the same issue. However, it appears to be an issue with at least the 3.7.* release. We have been running 3.0.0 on OpenJDK and it works fine when generating PDFs. However when generating the IDENTICAL JRXML in 3.7.3 or 3.7.4 the text in charts does not appear. NOTE:: - this is run on the same machine with the same JRXML and OpenJDK but a different Jasper version. - exporting the same report as HTML or any other format works fine - the chart labels are visible Since it works in 3.0.0 the assumption is that either the way JFree is instantiated from Jasper has changed or some configuration setting that passed information to JFree about where to find the fonts to use has changed. We are busy trying to debug this but if anyone has any idea how the font location is passed to JFree it would be appreicated. Post Edited by uhurusurfa at 08/05/2010 13:09
  6. Does anyone know if there were significant changes to the way crosstabs should be configured between 3.6.* and 3.7.*? All our crosstab reports work perfectly on 3.6.* but when trying to run the exact same crosstab report using 3.7.* they randomly render only a small portion of the data and the ordering is messed up if it does render it. Note that we took the jrxml file and opened it in ireports 3.7.1 and the problem is the same as using the 3.6.* compiled version ... it does not render correctly at all and this is for every single crosstab that correctly runs in 3.6.*. This may be related to the fact that in 3.7.* it seems to ignore the "Data Is Presorted" flag and attempts to order the data anyway.
  7. Is there way to set the font size for the value printed above each bar when "Show Label" is checked?
  8. Does anyone know if there were significant changes to the way crosstabs should be configured between 3.6.* and 3.7.*? All our crosstab reports work perfectly on 3.6.* but when trying to run the exact same crosstab report using 3.7.* they randomly render only a small portion of the data and the ordering is messed up if it does render it. Note that we took the jrxml file and opened it in ireports 3.7.1 and the problem is the same as using the 3.6.* compiled version ... it does not render correctly at all and this is for every single crosstab that correctly runs in 3.6.*. This may be related to the fact that in 3.7.* it seems to ignore the "Data Is Presorted" flag and attempts to order the data anyway. Post Edited by uhurusurfa at 04/09/2010 10:55 Post Edited by uhurusurfa at 04/09/2010 13:50
  9. The problem was not in Jasper. check that you have all readers and writers instantiated on both HTTP connection and DB connection set to UTF-8. Dont assume the reader or writer is UTF-8 for tomcat sepcifically: 1. Set the property URIEncoding=UTF-8 in the config 2. Set the response writer using : resp.setContentType( "text/html; charset=UTF-8" ); Verifying that you are definitely seeing UTF-8 characters can be a trying exercise as there are automatic conversions that take place base on LOCAL settings that you are not aware of and will fool you into thinking you are seeing UTF-8 when in fact it is Latin1 or some other character set.
  10. Jasper supports a limited set of styled text tags. Set the "Is styled Text" attribute on the field. Tags supported <br/>, <li>, <b>, <u>, <i> <font> plus a few others.
  11. Create a sub report as if it is a main report that has a query and lay out your data as if it is a self standing report but do not include page headers and footers (these will be done in the main report). For each different query you create a separate file and lay out the data. As long as the sub reports are referenced from a group band in the main report (create three groups with no "Group Expression" set), you can set the main report to always call the sub reports and does not need a query in the main report -> in "Report Properties" select the "More..." tab and for the field "When no data" select "All pages no detail" You must pass a report connection to the sub reports though so in the sub report report properties you must set the connection parameter.
  12. Check the height of your fields. They must be at least one pixel bigger than the font size although 2 pixels will guarantee it renders. It depends on the font you choose exactly how much space is needed. Also make sure you set the "Stretch with overflow" attribute on the text field or make the field big enough to hold the data. NOTE: even though you see the text fitting in the text field in the designer, the text might be one pixel too big to fit and then it will not render it.
  13. Suggest you create a subreport per product sized appropriately with the table layed out in the sub report. If you name the sub report file correctly you can dynamically link in the sub report with the product into your main report. Use a sub report file name that includes the product name (say there were products fishing_rod, bicycle, etclike fishing_rod_1_table.jrxml then include the sub report in the main report using a report definition like : $P{SUB_REPORT_PATH} + $F{productName} + "_table.jasper NOTE: This assumes your product name is retrieved from an SQL statement in the main report but this might give you the starting point. You could equally add other fields into the name of the file to uniquely identify the products "table" sub report such as product code etc.
  14. The "isStyledText" option supports limited embedded formatting. Bold, underline, italics, text size and colour, strikethru and I think subscript and superscript.
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