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Everything posted by juhap

  1. Any news on this? I'm also seeing this with 3.7.6. Are there some workarounds? Post Edited by juhap at 12/02/2010 13:15
  2. My original version was missing one line of code: grx.setDeviceIndependent(true); If this line is not present, the code may produce AWT exceptions when running in headless mode on server. I have attached a corrected version to this issue.
  3. I was able to change the JExcel exporter to use the FreeHEP library. The other Excel exporter I could not get working, since POI seems to be having some issues with EMF exports(1). After my change the image quality is very good, at least with bar graphs. You can zoom in as much as you want and it still looks sharp. I'm attaching the edited JExcelApiExporter.java from 3.6.0 that does the trick. In addition to this you need to download the FreeHEP vector graphics libraries from ftp://ftp.slac.stanford.edu/software/freehep/VectorGraphics/v2.1.1/ (note: at least I had some issues connecting to the ftp server, try with some ftp-client if your browser does not work) I would appreciate if somebody from the Jasper team could take a look at this and see if this could be included in the standard distribution. (1) http://markmail.org/message/baeab4dkmswlkixf
  4. I guess the ultimate solution would be to put the images to Excel in EMF format. Enhanced Metafile is the Windows way of displaying vector graphics, so it should provide best quality. However the EMF is not that well supported in Java world, there does not seem to be that many (open source) libraries for it and for example Batik does not support it. One thing I was able to find is http://java.freehep.org/vectorgraphics/index.html which allows one to save images drawn on Graphics2D in different formats - including EMF. I don't have experience with the library, so I don't know the quality of the output. But if somebody wants to experiment, maybe this could be a start. FreeHEP vectorgraphics library is licensed with LGPL so no problems there. br, Juha Post Edited by juhap at 09/03/2009 12:08
  5. I got my multipage crosstab working with the following steps: Moved the crosstab query to a separate dataset (first I was using the main report query) Used "SELECT 1" as the main report query (with MySQL - point is to select a single row) Moved the crosstab element to the detail band.So right now I have the following bands: page header, detail 1 and page footer. Now I get page header/footer and crosstab header on every page.
  6. There seems to be some problems related to the handling of the "Print Repeated Values" property of crosstabs. It looks like that changing the state of the checkbox in the user interface does not have any effect on the generated XML file. At least in my report the isPrintRepeatedValues is always set to false. This is somewhat annoying, since it causes really hard-to-figure-out problems for the reports, as values are simply missing when the repeatValues is set to false. Are other having the same issue or is just me? Edit: I'm seeing this with iReport 3.5.3 on Windows, but I suspect it might have been there in previous versions as well. Post Edited by juhap at 08/16/2009 09:40
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