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Everything posted by rafaelviana

  1. Hi, I'm building a report card using IReport with a Crosstab to show Subject x Test Scores (See Attached) However some school classes have different number of subjects. In this way, crosstab will let a blank area. Is it possible stretch horizontally crosstab columns to fill it? Regards,
  2. Where do I find this configuration in Ireport?
  3. Hi, I've a report in which summary band has height of 280px and appears on the last page's bottom. Considered report has more than 280px free on the bottom it fills rightly. However, when it has less then 280px this space stay blank and summary is printed in the next page. It it possible to fill blank space and print just the rest of summary on a next page?
  4. Can I align a field as diagonal in my report?
  5. Solved. I think it's a bug. (my opinon) When the report has a last page footer and the report has only one page the second page is created to render the last page footer.
  6. Yes, you're right. I removed all the bands in the report (except the details). The last page(blank page) wasn't printed. But in the report i need the other bands. How can i prevent this overflow?
  7. Hi, I'm facing a BUG with Ireport 3.0.0. 1) I choose to use two columns in the report. 2) When I open the JRViewer the fields are filled rightly in one page and two columns. 3) When I exported it to PDF the fields are filled rightly in one page and two columns, BUT THERE IS ONE MORE PAGE IN BLANK. Why is it? P.S: I downloaded the Ireport 3.7.5 and the error is still there.
  8. I have a field that when needs break the line to fill the content. But I'm facing a problem, that the field break the line before to fill the whole field. Please see the attach to understand the problem. Is it a IReport Bug?
  9. I have a report with four columns.If the report has two,three or four columns filled was created two pages ( the second in blank ). If the report has more than four columns the number of pages and columns are rightly. Can anybody help me?
  10. Thanks! I got it! In the datasource i put it: private final int COLUMNS = 5; private final int RECORDS_PER_COLUMN = 55; private int LAST_PAGE; private int LAST_COLUMN; LAST_PAGE = (int) Math.ceil( ((double) numero.size()) / (COLUMNS * RECORDS_PER_COLUMN ) ); LAST_COLUMN = (int) Math.ceil( ( ((double)(numero.size()) % (COLUMNS * RECORDS_PER_COLUMN )) / RECORDS_PER_COLUMN ) ); And in the column footer i put this expression: new Boolean ( $V{COLUMN_NUMBER}.equals($F{LAST_COLUMN}) && $V{PAGE_NUMBER}.equals($F{LAST_PAGE}) ) i think it also could be make inside the Ireport switching the fields by the expression used in Java, the size of the list is in the variable: REPORT_COUNT. Something like this, only needs to find a manner to use the Math.ceil new Boolean ( $V{COLUMN_NUMBER}.equals($(int) Math.ceil( ( ((double)(REPORT_COUNT) % (5 * 55)) / 55 ) )) && $V{PAGE_NUMBER}.equals( (int) Math.ceil( ((double) REPORT_COUNT) / (5 * 55 ) )) )
  11. Ok. Thanks. But it isn't enough because if I fix the value in 3 for example.There can be situation that only 1 column is filled, so the footer will not be showed. How can I know the number of total columns instead of use the static value.eg: 3?
  12. When I'm working with multiple columns the column footer appears in each column.Is there any way to show the footer only in the latest column of the latest page?
  13. Hello, I'm experiencing a situation that seems to be easy but I'm struggling a lot. I have a report which show multiple columns in the same page and I need to show a summary in the end of the latter footer of the the latter page. In theory it's easy, it's only put an expression in the column footer band: if ( amount of current columns is equal the maximum that a page can show AND the amount of pages in the report is equal the current page ) I now the current column with the COLUMN_COUNT variable, and the current page in the report with the PAGE_NUMBER The number of columns per page I can set it manually because is static, but how can i discover the TOTAL NUMBER OF PAGES PRINTED?
  14. I have an order where the summary contais the observations, but this observation can be high.I have a square around it.Unfortunately this square doesn't continue in the next page.How can i solve this problem
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