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Everything posted by kingkarsten

  1. Thanks for your answer. I'll give it a try and let you know. But what you mean by "recommend you to install that manually using Install Guide". Isn't this Install Guide just part of the Enterprise Edition, whereas the Community Edition isn't available for Weblogic? I'm still searching for a working install guide.
  2. Hi Jaspers, I'm trying to deploy the Jasperserver WAR distribution to Weblogic (10.3.6). I do know, that the Jasperserver-Pro should be used for Weblogic Deployments. Nevertheless the package contains kind of a beta Weblogic Deployment already. If I configure the default_master.properties file with all it's installation properties, I do see the parameter "appServerType" which can have the value "weblogic". Unforunately the comment of this parameter contains "(beta)", which sounds a bit like try and error approach. Anybody having some hints for such a set-up on Weblogic for the Jasperserver 4.2 Thanks.
  3. Looks like there is no folder scripts/oracle in current release. Isn't it supported anymore? Now trying to convert MySQL Scripts to Oracle and check if it works. Thanks for support.
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