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  1. Hi Lucian, I need to print the date in the x-axis in the format 'dd-MMM-yy'. So I guess, as you suggested, I need to customize JFreeChart. How can one do that? Do you have an example? Thanks, Soham
  2. n time series chart, where time period is 'day', if the min and the max dates in the horizontal axis is not further apart same day is printed (different time). Let me explain, say the min and max dates are 20 Apr 2010 and 21 Apr 2010. So the horizontal axis prints 20 Apr 00:00, 20 Apr 04:00, 20 Apr 08:00, ......, 21 Apr 00:00. I don't want to print 20 Apr twice. Actutally my 'time axis tick label mask' is set to 'dd-MMM-yy'. Hence the horizontal axis has no time info and it looks odd. Please see attachment. How can I make sure the same day is not repeated?
  3. I have a line chart in the report. Each point in the chart is marked with a shape (isShowShapes is true). By default Jasper Report assigns different shapes to each set of axis. I want to apply same shape to all of them (colors will be different). How can that be achieved?
  4. I have a report which contains groups. Beside each group I need to place a chart . I was trying to achieve it using Background band. But the problem is the chart won't get repeated for each group. How can this be achieved?
  5. A typical group expresssion looks like this - <groupExpression><![CDATA[$F{lpName}]]></groupExpression>, where lpName is the name of a field. Instead of using the name of the field directly, I want to pass the field name dynamically using parameter, something like this - <groupExpression><![CDATA[$F{P${xyz}}]]></groupExpression> where xyz is a parameter and its value is 'lpName'. But this is not working. How can I achieve this? Thanks, Soham
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