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Everything posted by teamireport

  1. HI Folks, For my requirement i'm generating a barchart to show total amount of sales per product count. For this i chosen a bar chart to use. and i getting the bars for each product well. My obseravation and question are as follows : Genrally bar chart is builted the based on categorydataset , take an example of barchart picture.you could category 'C1' has 3 bar with different color like wise 'C2' has 3 bar with diff color. This is fine to genrate a chart based on categorywise. In my case, since i using bar chart to show each product count values as a bar . Bars are genrating well but colors of each bar is differs i want to have same color for all the bars in the chart. How to make a color of each bars to be same when using barchart/3Dbarchart for this kind of data? Can anyone guide me? thanks, teamireport
  2. HI Folks, I've been using jasperserver and i-report for genrating a reports.very excellent reporting engine. I have chart requirement to generate a report which should have show Left side 'Y' axis should have one types of values and right side 'Y ' values shoud have another type of values and in 'x' axis is date wise. Please look at the attached sheet for your reference. I beleive this can be achievable,but i'm not sure how to get this done. can anyone please guide me ? --teamireport Post Edited by teamireport at 10/15/2009 16:16 Post Edited by teamireport at 10/15/2009 16:17
  3. Upto my understanding , if u placed subreport on 'Title' band means .. make sure about the datatypes which u have being used.. And also make sure can we palce subreport which has any integer data type variables its allows in 'Title' band. ??
  4. Yes ,Matt you are right , the problem is with chart theme that i used. I 've changed chart theme as default in the i-report verstion 3.5.0 & above version . Its allows 'n' number of rows. I'll file a bug in repesctive projects
  5. HI Folks, I'm facing Array IndexOutOfBoundsException when MySQL returns more than 7 rows. This is only occuring in i-report 3.5.0 version and above. It allows 'n' number of results (ie rows) to genrate a chart in i-report 3.0.0 version. Is this a way the i-report 3.5.0 and above version implemented or else its and bug ? can anyone please let know. i would like to use latest version for other cool features. for this only i'm struggling. here the error log as follows Compilation running time: 578! Filling report... Locale: English (United States) Time zone: Default Error filling print... Index: 7, Size: 7 java.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException: Index: 7, Size: 7 at java.util.ArrayList.RangeCheck(ArrayList.java:547) at java.util.ArrayList.get(ArrayList.java:322) at net.sf.jasperreports.chartthemes.spring.EyeCandySixtiesChartTheme.createBarChart(EyeCandySixtiesChartTheme.java:315) at net.sf.jasperreports.chartthemes.spring.GenericChartTheme.createChart(GenericChartTheme.java:264) at net.sf.jasperreports.engine.fill.JRFillChart.evaluateChart(JRFillChart.java:1289) at net.sf.jasperreports.engine.fill.JRFillChart.evaluateRenderer(JRFillChart.java:1256) at net.sf.jasperreports.engine.fill.JRFillChart.evaluate(JRFillChart.java:1245) at net.sf.jasperreports.engine.fill.JRFillElementContainer.evaluate(JRFillElementContainer.java:275) at net.sf.jasperreports.engine.fill.JRFillBand.evaluate(JRFillBand.java:426) at net.sf.jasperreports.engine.fill.JRVerticalFiller.fillSummarySamePage(JRVerticalFiller.java:920) at net.sf.jasperreports.engine.fill.JRVerticalFiller.fillSummary(JRVerticalFiller.java:854) at net.sf.jasperreports.engine.fill.JRVerticalFiller.fillReportEnd(JRVerticalFiller.java:286) at net.sf.jasperreports.engine.fill.JRVerticalFiller.fillReport(JRVerticalFiller.java:120) at net.sf.jasperreports.engine.fill.JRBaseFiller.fill(JRBaseFiller.java:899) at net.sf.jasperreports.engine.fill.JRBaseFiller.fill(JRBaseFiller.java:802) at net.sf.jasperreports.engine.fill.JRFiller.fillReport(JRFiller.java:63) at net.sf.jasperreports.engine.JasperFillManager.fillReport(JasperFillManager.java:421) at net.sf.jasperreports.engine.JasperFillManager.fillReport(JasperFillManager.java:251) at com.jaspersoft.ireport.designer.compiler.IReportCompiler.run(IReportCompiler.java:896) at org.openide.util.RequestProcessor$Task.run(RequestProcessor.java:561) at org.openide.util.RequestProcessor$Processor.run(RequestProcessor.java:986) Print not filled. Try to use an EmptyDataSource... Post Edited by teamireport at 10/12/2009 17:23
  6. Hi I am trying to create a bar chart with multiple series. I have one category: users Two Series: rank and score Category: users Series: rank,score This is my data: users rank score user1 1 0.5 user2 1 0.2 user3 2 0.6 user 4 3 0.8 I would like to show report as follows in 'X' axis username . each user shoud have two bars score,rank and in y axis shouls shows the values (of score& rank) I looked at sample barchart provided in jasperreports and i understood that example . but my scenario and example scenario are bit different). can anyone guide me how to define chart for above requirement. --teamireport
  7. HI Folks, I would like to know the datasource creation with TALLY software, I have a tally software installed and whenever i open tally it dynamically creates datasource in DSN. here the info i captured from tally PORT=9000 DRIVER=Tally ODBC Driver Server = local How do i achive creating datasource for the same in i-report ? -teamireport
  8. hussainian, snipp >> Also I want my report to be viewed without the jasper server header. How can I remove that above part. The thing I actually want to do is to integrate the JasperServer wiith my web application This you can achieve by commenting some lines of code in this file [ < your tomcat-home>/webapps/jasperserver/WEB-INF/decorators/main.jsp] And, also i have attached my 'main.jsp' , pl.look at attached file and look for commented lines in attached main.jsp . do commenting same line in your 'main.jsp'. It will remove header and footer stuffs . Note : comment are starts and end with with <! - - -- - /> and do one by one set of comment then only you come to know what are the things are dispapering in the UI. :) Thats it. .. If any qns let me know.. --teamireport
  9. guys, as per mahijas solution for me its worked..... uncheck prompt option of input controls
  10. Thanks a ton for your responses Matt ! now everything working fine as expected.
  11. teamireport Wrote: HI Folks, Like normal jdbc datasource connection how we creating, i want to know create datasource connection for hsql db in i-report This is for executing the samples report example shipped in the jasperreports distrubtion. I have started hsql db server and hsql manager from the comand line. and i have selected the appopritate datasource drive (HSQLDB (file) (org.hsqldb.jdbcDriver)) , after selecting this it asks the following JDBC URL : jdbc:hsqldb:[PATH_TO_DB_FILES]/MYDATABASE i can understand 'PATH_TO_DB_FILES' means we need to specify the path of hsqldb directory presents in jasperreport distrubtion. i tried in all aspects, i'm something doing wrong mentioning the database name and database path .. Can anyone tell me how to specify the ' PATH_TO_DB_FILES' and what is the database name to give , i would like to know the same in windows enviroment as well as linux environment ? -teamireport
  12. HI Folks, Like normal jdbc datasource connection how we creating, i want to know create datasource connection for hsql db in i-report This is for executing the samples report example shipped in the jasperreports distrubtion. I have started hsql db server and hsql manager from the comand line. and i have selected the appopritate datasource drive (HSQLDB (file) (org.hsqldb.jdbcDriver)) , after selecting this it asks the following JDBC URL : jdbc:hsqldb:[PATH_TO_DB_FILES]/MYDATABASE i can understand 'PATH_TO_DB_FILES' means we need to specify the path of hsqldb directory presents in jasperreport distrubtion. i tried in all aspects, i'm something doing wrong mentioning the database name and database path .. Can anyone tell me how to specify the ' PATH_TO_DB_FILES' and what is the database name to give , i would like to know the same in windows enviroment as well as linux environment ? -teamireport Post Edited by teamireport at 09/29/2009 17:44
  13. if u are qns is about to changing the font size of ur chart items means, u can do this in chart properties , there is an option called category Axis label font like that...
  14. Thanks Matt for your valuable responses . Yes ,i have one Main Report with 3 subreports(report1,report2 & report3). For example report1,report2,report3 which has separate input parameter (StartDate & EndDate) . All the three are put together as a sub reports in another jrmxl(i.e Main Report). reason is for placed in another to make a dashboard view . This main report has one dummy query and with input parameter (StartDate & EndDate). I created StartDate & EndDate input controls and uploaded main report jrmxl ( i.e which contains 3 reports) in JS and tried to place in dashboard selector. above is what i tried earlier and i couln't see input parameter in Multiple Report controls as u mentioned earlier. After your second reply to this post. i tired to place one report ( i.e report1 ) in dashboard selector,after i placed in dashboard selector area ,now i could see my input parameter under 'Single Report Controls' section and drag and drop those input controls to dashboad selector.selected valid date to my report but i could not see the results in dashboard,this is mine new issue.this is what it showing even i tried giving specifying default mandatory values to the input controls as suggested in the other forums. " The report is missing default values for atleast one paramters " . can you pl. give your valuable comments on this to proceed. thanks, teamireport Post Edited by teamireport at 09/29/2009 13:13
  15. HI guys, I'm facing the same issue with Single Report Input Controls. this is what i did. 1. placed report in dashboad selector area which has two input controls (StartDate,EndDate) and also defined default mandatory values for those input controls . 2. I can able to see the input controls under Single Report Input Controls and placed those controls on to dashboard selector too. Result as follows " The report is missing default values for atleast one paramters " . Can anyone guide me where am doing wrong ?
  16. Thanks ton for quick reply Matt ! As per your's , ya i have input parameter (StartDate,EndDate) in all my 3 reports and as i mentioned earlier i placed all together in one main report. I able to run a report fine in i-report and in jasperserver-pro i created two input controls (StartDate,EndDate) with 'date' datatype . here in jasperserver-pro i uploaded main report which has all 3 reports with input parameters and went to dashboard section and there as u said i couldn't see any parameter under 'Multi Report Controls ' . Can you plz. correct me where am i doing wrong ? If possible to give an example is fine for better understanding .
  17. HI Folks, First of all i thank you guys and especially anandharaj, who wrote a such a good blog in the following title How to change password encoding to MD5/SHA?For more info about what i'm saying pl. look at the following url http://www.raj2u.net/jasperserver-quick-how-to.html I followed the steps given in the above url and achieved as per blog. My questions like MD5/SHA configuration settings, how to deal with password function encryption, my application is stroing the password in this format ex : password('mypassword') ,not as MD5/SHA . Would like to know how to deal with this password() function format .? What are things to be do in configuration side ? -teamireport
  18. sounds good !! make sure after installation root user should have password set .
  19. HI Folks, I would like to know how the following can be achieved. I have 3 diff reports separately and for the dashboard view , i have placed all the 3 reports together(i.e as a subreports) in one main report. For all these 3 reports my input paramter is StartDate & Enddate ,based on these parameter my reports will produces the results .i can able to pass a parameter in ireport and working fine for separately. My question as follows, For the dashboard view creation , i want ' Startand' 'Endate' option available in the dashboard to select the dates and selected dates should goes to those reports as a parameter . For example : i want a Startdate & EndDate option available in the supermart dashboard example. How can i achive this ? Can anyone pl.guide me.? -teamireport
  20. HI rogerthomas, snip >> opt/jasperserver-3.5.0/mysql/bin/mysqladmin: connect to server at \'\' failed error looks like your 'mysql' service is not started ....since your using linux make sure mysql service is running or not by this ps -e | grep "mysql" this cmd will list process running in the mysql.if not listed anything.then you have to start mysql and then try the installation. And also pl.make sure you should have set password for 'root@localhost' / 'root@' for mysql user. these are the common things we need to make sure while installing the jasperserver. Pl. do a above check and let me know if need any help. -teamireport
  21. HI Folks, I would like to know in what way can get a report without clicking on 'RunReport' ? Following thing are my setup. 1 JS running on different machine and there have uploaded lots of jrxml with one input control. Reports are running correctly. 2 I have exposed jasperserver interface onto my php webapplication directly by calling the report url directly.here i can able to see jasperserver interface and also able to pass input the parameter to input control text box and values are passed to the input contil text box. 3. After this for getting a report ya ofcourse we need to click on 'RunReport' and will get a report in jasperserver. My query as follows. As i mentioned above i can able to pass parameter value to input control on JS from my webapplication .At this time i want to generate a report without click on 'Runreport'. Is this make sense ? if so can anyone guide me in what way can achieve this. thanks, teamireport
  22. Seems its been long time back post of yours.. Anyway here its what you looking for http://sourceforge.net/projects/jasperserver/files/JasperServer/JasperAnalysis-Workbench-3.5.4.zip
  23. Hello lucianc, Thanks ton for a quick reply ! Ya, i'm using i-report to design a charts. I sincerely followed your steps ( i.e) as follows right click on chart -> selected chart data-->selected details tab-->selected categories series of Item Hyperlink. Here i noticed one thing in ireport 3.5.2 version (i.e) as you said choose Hyperlink type as 'ReportExecution' . I dont see the option called 'ReportExecution' in hyperlink type drop down list and also i have checked ireport in 3.0.0 there too not available. And i could see the option 'ReportExecution' value available in this steps Rightclick chart -- > selected hyperlink. there option is available. and regarding my queries," i would like to see the subreport opening separately by clicking on the each bar units. not by clicking anywhere on masterreport chart ". for an example from attached master and subreport chart, MasterReport chart has 4 stacked bar Say LinkChecker,spellchecker,html validator, image compare. Each bar has two series 'PASS' (green color) and 'FAIL'(red color) . If i take my mouseover / click on one of the series say 'FAIL' (red color) under Linkerchecker in Master report that has to open corressponding SubReport separately .. likewise for other 3 bars too. Can you please guide me how to achieve this and i'll document this scenario with clear steps and make available in docs then other communtiy members can use for their clarification. Thanks in Advance, teamireport Post Edited by teamireport at 09/10/2009 11:59
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