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Everything posted by teamireport

  1. HI Folks, I would like to know, is there any way of automating the process of uploading jrmxl and creating datasource for the same ? For the following scenario, we are looking for automating the process. 1. we have multiple client instances each has unique databases ,for all the clients we created around 50 same jrxml and used to upload in common place of jasperserver and those jrxml are pointed to only one client datasource,since, jasperserver doesnt have an option of multiple datasource support for same jrmxl while uploading.this setup is only work for one client instances so,what we decided means, we want to create a copy of jrmxl (i.e creating one more which has same jrxml and diffrent datasource for other client db) and at the time of installing client instance and all the jrxml should upload and create datasource based on the client instance. so that we can maitain jasperserver db easily.instead of manually pre-configured for all the clients instances. any idea /suggestion .pl can anyone give your valuables thougths?, thanks ram Post Edited by teamireport at 12/18/2009 01:04
  2. jdevine, ya we have discussed there and after our discussion i have tried to undestand custom datasource concept.i understood the example shipped with jasperserver a bi. but still i'm not clear for my requirements how i go with custom datasource apporach ,as i have posted two times. from your comments below, you got my doubt and where i'm struggling. snip>> Point your jrxml files to a custom datasource and then have that map to different datasources based on an input parameter. Are you looking for something different? 1 .here point jrxml to a custom datasource ,which means (Datasource which has two diff db name) , correct me if understood wrongly? 2. how to map to different datasources for single report. and how to pass (datasource as input parameter). could you please elaborate on this ,so that i can easily take your valuable suggestions please? Post Edited by teamireport at 12/14/2009 16:19
  3. HI Folks, I would like to know the following requirement is doable or not ? i have a 'n' number of jrmxl uploaded in the jasperserver thats points to one datasource where i specified the dbname say ( db1) .since my webapplication db name is 'db1' having this setup i'm calling all reports via webservice from my web application.i'm able to generated report and see the results. this webapplication dbname called as 'db1'.so that i have created js datasource dbname as 'db1'. if we do install our webapplication with jasperserver intergrated for other client say 'clientB' and its dbname called as 'db2'. here how i can dynamically change the datasource dbname say (db2) from 'db1' for the 'clientB' ,where all the jrxml is already pre-configured(i.e pointed to datasource 'db1') . for this requirements i have found few apporached like. creating multiple datasource for (db1,db2) and same multiple jrmxls with different datasource configured. this apporach is fine.but i'm looking forward is any other way we can do dynamically set datasource for different databases ? can anyone pl.guide me how this can be achivable ?
  4. jdevine ! thanks you so much for your time that you spent for replying to my qns sooner. i looked at the doc ,getting some ideas that you already mentioned. let me start doing implementing the custom datasource, if i have questions or somewhere i struggle will let u know. could you please keep watching this forum continuosly, ? i post my updated here,so that other users can benefit from our conversation once again many thanks...bye for now will catch you by tommrow.
  5. Yup my bad ! i was searching in the jasperserver communtiy edition folder level. now i found the doc from jasperserver-pro . :)
  6. Yup ! my bad , i'm using jasperserver community edition, i found the doc from jasperserver -pro which is been installed in another machine. let me go thru the doc right away Post Edited by teamireport at 12/09/2009 19:09
  7. yes, i have found the custom datasource example files as you mentioned, thanks ton ! but i dont find the doc "JasperServer-Pro-Admin-Guide.pdf " :( could you pl. tell me where its available ? i have searched my whole jasperserver checkout directory could you please ?
  8. Many thanks jdevine for your support. yes, solution # 1 that you mentioned ,i already had in my mind, going by solution #1 apporach what we feel means, if any changes made in organization 1 jrxml means , need to do the same in organzation 2 too without forgetting :) , we feel this apporach is fine but moving forward in future maintaining the repository db is quite hetic.so, i was looking forwards for other solution. But, yours solution #2 is quite impressive and that giving me confident to achive. let me go thru the doc in few mintues ,will get back to you, BTW, could you pl. able to attach custom data source that you have created, that surely gives me some insight. ? Post Edited by teamireport at 12/09/2009 18:46
  9. Thank you so much for understanding my question. Yes, i want my reports to be configure and to run in both datasources .
  10. Thanks for your quick suggestion , snip>> I am sort of confused by your question when you say that you will access the same jasperserver db for both applications. Are you talking about the repository database here? yes, i'm talking about repository database, there we hardcorde database name for the 'clientA ' in datasource . this would be like repository jasperserver database which contains jrxml ,which always looks for 'clientA' database for all my report, since i have created datasource for 'clientA' alone, if we setup 'clientB' instance , the same jasperserver only looks for 'clientA' db,not 'clientB' here how do i change databasename in datasource of jasperserver dyanmcially for clientB . client A < ----- >jasperserver db(where hardcoded database name for 'clientA' instance alone) <---->clientB Post Edited by teamireport at 12/09/2009 18:18
  11. HI Folks, I would like to know how to achieve accessing /creating making a datasource for my web applications different db instance. Let me tell what i have done so far. 1. I have a php web application and intergrated jasperserver successfully, in jasperserver i used to create datasource say ' clientA_db' with appropriate db name correctly, and will upload jrxml in jasperserver ,will point datasource for the uploading jrxml to 'clientA_db' . My requirment is we have a different clients db with same web application jasperserver webservice intergrated ( i.e multi -tenant) . as per my first point, we able to setup jasperserver thing for 'clientA' , if we plan to access same jasperserver db for 'clientB' ,where the datasource already been created with the name of the 'clientA_db' means, how we should dynamically change datasource name to apporiate client instance database. is there any way to dynamically setup datasource via webservice as a parameter .? how we need to make it ? pl.anyone guide me how to achive this ? thanks, teamireport
  12. henning, from the error stacktrace, i could see there is error with your sql query, could you please attach your jrxml ,so that can look at and give u solution ? --thanks ram
  13. Matt, thanks for your solution on this .. i also ran into this problem , now resolved after reading this topic.
  14. HI Folks, I'm about to deploying the jasperserver CE edition with MySQL. I have downloaded jasperserver-3.5.0-src from the site and followed the right steps, successfuly build the 'jasperserver.war' and copied that war ,placed into tomcat webapp directory. For database, i have used 3 attached sql's for creating a jasperserver database. Finally i have started tomcat , i getting the some errors related to 'quartz ' in the 'applicationContext-report-scheduling.xml' Log file is attached. Can anyone please guide me how to resolve this error? thanks, teamireport
  15. Thanks for the info giulio ! Post Edited by teamireport at 11/11/2009 01:10
  16. HI Folks, I would like to know adding meta data in jrxml is possible? for example : i can create a report and in jrxml, i can have a tag <scope>department</scope> to indicate that this report need to be available for all department. any ideas/suggesstion much appreciated? thanks, teamireport
  17. HI Folks, I have a requirement to access their reports alone uploded in jasperserver based on users who logged in JS Communty edition with right roles & permissions (kind od multi tenancy support. I explore JS-Pro DB Schema and config for multi-tenancy supports. Multi-tenacy is fully suported in JS-PRO editon this is known. And,also i have explore JS 3.5.0 CE db schema, there is a new table arrived related to tenant. So,that i'm thiking to hook multi-tenancy kind of support in CE ? Can any one has any info/suggession/idea on this . please let me know immdly ? thanks, teamireport
  18. could u please paste the error log ? so that i can take a look at
  19. HI Folks, I have been using jasperserver for few months. I quitely understood how the roles and permissions are working on JS based on user login . I would like to know does Jasperserver CE supports external web application roles and permission to access the reports uploaded in jaspeserver based on external users roles & permissions? my implementation are as follows 1. logged in users in my web application with some roles and permission should have access the specific reports to access in jasperserver . Note : Exposing JS interface this is achieved via mod_jk & CAS implementation and working fine. 2. I'm struggling/ dont have an clear idea on accesing the reports that i uploaded in jasperserver through my web application with specifc external users roles & permissions. Are this approach can be achiveable in any way ? can anyone please give an idea how to achive ? thanks, teamireport
  20. HI Folks, I have a question on how the chart image get genrating in webservice call. I have implemented webservices in my php webapplication and reports are calling from Jasperserver running on separate instance via webservice.For this webservice implementation have used web service php-sample shipped in jasperserver. Calling the reports and showing in the application is woking cool. the issue that facings is chart are storing as a images in machine and displaying perfectly..But in some cases the chart images are not changing i mean previuos reports chart is showing for other chart too..I mean the issue is browser cache ,for this i have handled browser cache in executereport.php file. Eventhough reports images are still in cache and also i seeing images files are genrating randomly witj same file name for example (img_0_0_1 , img_0_0_35, ) My Question is how this images are getting generated, since it genrating from jasperserver side.how i need to resolve it.? any suggestion /ideas much appreciated ?
  21. HI matt , Thanks for your response. Actcullay i want to sum consectives values (ie Cumulative formula) like this ( 0+71 , 0+71+5271, 0+71+5271+394... ) based on these values i want genrate a line chart . Can you please guide me how to achive this ? thanks -teamireport Post Edited by teamireport at 10/29/2009 13:41
  22. Hello Sherman ,Vijay . Can i get to know the context of this topic ? Is this kind of multi-tenacy authentication ? . If so could brief about this,b'coz i'm evaluatiing the same mechanism to be implement. Can you provide me to get through? thanks, teamireport.
  23. HI Folks, I would like to generate a barchart report for daily,weekly frequncy of my data. This is what i tried . 1. I'm selecting the data from db with the two parameter ( fromdate, todate) date ranges .for example i'm selecting the data for a date range fromdate: 2009-08-01 ,todate:2009-08-31 . Here i can able to show the bar chart for each day .this is considered as a daily basis. The same data should be show as a weekly basis. My question is how to pass a paramter to my query is it daily /weekly frequency. Note : I know weekly.daily kind of reports can be do in timeseries chart. but i would like to genrate same behaviour in barchart can anyone help me out on this please ? thanks, teamireport
  24. HI Folks, After a long struggle i was able to genrate one line chart . Now i would like to genrate a line chart with cumulative trend . I want to show a line chart for number of users created this should be a cummaltive count of created users month wise. here my actualldata StartDate EndDate Created users 1/1/2009 1/31/2009 0 2/1/2009 2/28/2009 71 3/1/2009 3/31/2009 5271 4/1/2009 4/30/2009 394 5/1/2009 5/31/2009 425 6/1/2009 6/30/2009 369 7/1/2009 7/31/2009 426 8/1/2009 8/31/2009 399 9/1/2009 9/30/2009 397 1/1/2009 10/21/2009 244 for the above actuall data i able to genrate a line chart . But i would like to know how to cumulative and genrate a report in i-report.what are thing to do.. This is pretty much urgent to me . can anyone guide me please ? here with i have attached the line chart genrated with actuall data. not cumulative. thanks teamireport Post Edited by teamireport at 10/26/2009 15:19
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