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Everything posted by fabridp

  1. Hello all, I pass to the report a parameter "list" of type arraylist. Ho can I utilize it in query for stamente WHERE FIELD IN (elements of list) ? Thanks in advance
  2. How can I increase cell height depending lateral cell increasing height? See attachment... 1) now obtained 2) wanted Thanks
  3. Hello to all. I'm using IReport 3.0.0.I have some lateral textbox (table style) with the vertically streching if overflow data. If one cell has too much text the height of the cell increase but not increase the border height of the cell... how can I do? And for the other lateral cells, how can I solve this problem to strech vertically borders? Thanks in advance Fabrizio
  4. Hi all. In detail band I would set report to alternate row output background color. How can I do? Thanks in advance
  5. How can i pass to a report an image as InputStream if it is possibile?
  6. Hello, Is it possibile to pass SUBREPORT as InputStrem parameter instead of SUBREPORT_DIR? Fab
  7. I solved the problem using SQL query for subreport passing a parameter id from main report. I would be happy to solve this problem without using SQL direct DB having just all data. Any ideas?
  8. Im am fabridp and I have the same problem (topic: Table summarizing totals) with the difference that I have GROUP/SUBGROUP to do "subtotals by subgroup at the footer main grouping". (N subtotal tables) Can you help me with some detail using JRDatasource approach considering I am quite new with Jasper? Thanks in advance Fabri
  9. Many thanks Silvios! You have been exhaustive. Unfortunately I don't have permissions to make direct query on DB. Presently I must use the JRBeanCollectionDataSource to which pass an ArrayList of objects. ------------- JasperDesign jasperDesign = JRXmlLoader.load(JASPER_REPORT_FOLDER + reportFileName + ".jrxml"); JasperCompileManager.compileReportToFile(jasperDesign, JASPER_REPORT_FOLDER + reportFileName + ".jasper"); JRDataSource lJRDataSource = new JRBeanCollectionDataSource(documents); JasperPrint jp = JasperFillManager.fillReport(JASPER_REPORT_FOLDER + reportFileName + ".jasper", null, lJRDataSource); ... ------------- How can I feed subreport in this bean-context? Fabrizio Post Edited by Fabrizio Dal Pozzo at 03/06/09 08:33
  10. Hello all. I'm building a list of invoices report. I grouped this table by the field INVOICE, TAX and in the TAX group footer I made totals. with JRDataSource lJRDataSource = new JRBeanCollectionDataSource(documents); --------------------------------------------- INVOICE1 PRICE TAX 100,00 20% 100,00 20% TAX TOTAL OTHER DATA 20% 200,00 TEXT 200,00 10% 100,00 10% TAX TOTAL OTHER DATA 10% 300,00 TEXT INVOICE2 --------------------------------------------- With grouping this is zero-time-cost with iReport. The layout I need is to have the normal list of invoices without TAX group and a FOOTER INVOICE GROUP table summarizing totals by TAX as shown below: --------------------------------------------- INVOICE1 PRICE TAX 100,00 20% 100,00 20% 200,00 10% 100,00 10% TAX TOTAL OTHER DATA 20% 200,00 TEXT 10% 300,00 TEXT INVOICE2 ...... How can I do? Please help me. Thank's in advance. Fab Post Edited by Fabrizio Dal Pozzo at 03/06/09 15:22
  11. Hello. I'm building a table report. I grouped this table by the field X and in the group footer I made totals. PRICE GROUP 100 1 200 1 TOTAL 300 100 2 TOTAL 100 ______________________________________________________________________________________ Now, i want make something different like this: PRICE GROUP 100 1 200 1 100 2 TOTALS TABLE GROUP TOTAL 1 300 2 100 ________________________________________________________________________________________ How can I do that with Jasper-iReport considering i want to output a list of element PRICE/TOTALS? ___________________________________________________________________________ DOCUMENT 1 PRICE GROUP 100 1 200 1 100 2 TOTALS TABLE GROUP TOTAL 1 300 2 100 DOCUMENT2 PRICE GROUP 100 1 100 1 200 2 TOTALS TABLE GROUP TOTAL 1 200 2 200 ..... ___________________________________________________________________________________ Thanks in advance. Fabrizio
  12. Hi all, I have a report WITH LIST OF DOCUMENTS wich datasource is passed as here (unique way using a complex framework) JRDataSource lJRDataSource = new JRBeanArrayDataSource(documentsRows); //documentsRows bean JasperPrint jp = JasperFillManager.fillReport(JASPER_REPORT_FOLDER + reportFileName + ".jasper", null, lJRDataSource); --------------------- My report is grouped "DOCUMENT" by DOCUMENT_NUMBER. Document rows with the field DOCUMENT_NUMBER contains a field XXXX and a field PRICE. In the footer of DOCUMENT group I want to insert a SubReport and pass to it's datasource the Report field DOCUMENT_NUMBER. ----------- To generate correctly the datasource subreport (which will contain PRICE SUM GROUPED BY XXXX) then have I then to write an expression like this? JRDataSource lJRDataSource = new JRBeanArrayDataSource(documents); //documents bean JasperPrint jp = JasperFillManager.fillReport(JASPER_REPORT_FOLDER + reportFileName + ".jasper", null, lJRDataSource); JRDataSource lJRDataSourceSub = new JRBeanCollectionDataSource($F{DOCUMENT_NUMBER})? JasperPrint jp2 = JasperFillManager.fillReport(JASPER_REPORT_FOLDER + subeportFileName + ".jasper", null, lJRDataSourceSub ); Is this approach correct? Any other solutions? Thanks in advance Fabrizio
  13. I simplified the question but the real case in "code" is effectively different. I create three nested groups DOCUMENT TYPE | -DOCUMENT | -ALIQUOTA Totals are displayed when the value of group "Aliquota" change. Now i display totals between document rows but i don't want it instead summarizing totals in a separate footer table with the format used in unwanted case reported.
  14. Hello. I'm building a table report. I grouped this table by the field X and in the group footer I made totals. PRICE GROUP 100 1 200 1 TOTAL 300 100 2 TOTAL 100 ______________________________________________________________________________________ Now, i want make something different like this: PRICE GROUP 100 1 200 1 100 2 TOTALS TABLE GROUP TOTAL 1 300 2 100 ________________________________________________________________________________________ How can I do that with Jasper-iReport considering i want to output a list of element PRICE/TOTALS? ___________________________________________________________________________ DOCUMENT 1 PRICE GROUP 100 1 200 1 100 2 TOTALS TABLE GROUP TOTAL 1 300 2 100 DOCUMENT2 PRICE GROUP 100 1 100 1 200 2 TOTALS TABLE GROUP TOTAL 1 200 2 200 ..... ___________________________________________________________________________________ Thanks in advance. Fabrizio Post Edited by Fabrizio Dal Pozzo at 03/05/09 08:46
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