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Everything posted by asifisyed

  1. Hi, I am using Jaspersoft studio 6.3 to generate a report book. In Table of Content section, first level1 iindex always shows as bold. I have tried change the style in JRXML but it does not reflect on the report. Is there anyway, we can acheive that. Thanks Asif
  2. Hello, I have installed JS in Linux. I installed phantomjs to export dashboard. However, when I export dashboard to pdf It does not populate data on it. Jasperserver 6.2.1 Databse: postgresql Linux: CentOS 6.4 Any help is appreciated. Thanks. Asif
  3. Hi, My question may not as clear to understand.Here I rephrase it. 1. I log in as jasperadmin. 2. Activate my custom theme. I change jasper logo to customer logo and background image. when I refresh I can see my custom theme and jasper logo changed to customer logo and background changed to custom theme backgraound. When I login as simple user i can see my logo and background. That means the behavior is normal to me and most of the users. But some users inform that instead of custom theme they see jasper logo and jasper background. Isn't this unusual? That's why I mentioned something might force the browser to display default theme or browser cache. However, one user said he is using IE8 and clean cache but still showed jasper default theme while another user said it's a firefox. I would like to know is there any code which forced jasper to use default theme? Thanks.
  4. Hi, Our customer complained that some their users in different places are experiencing jasperserver default theme as the login page while a custom theme selected as active. we have no clue why is this strange behavor happening which forced to load default theme instead of custom theme. Just for the information, we have not done that many changes in our custom theme;only image and css changes. My guess is for some reason jasper forced to load default theme, it can be because browser version or I would like to know all the other reasons. So that I explain to our customer. Thanks for time. Asif
  5. Hi, We are using jasper server 4.5. I have made a change some of images in our theme such as logo, front images etc. Everything works fine in all browser but When open at Apple iPad safari, after login, home and View menu overlaps with the logo. This is probably because our logo is little bit bigger size length as well as width than jasper logo. default theme works fine in iPad. Home and view menu just appear at the same alignment of the jasper logo. Blue menu bar does not appear in for iPad. I think If I am able to put the repository section a little bit down would solve my problem. I would really be grateful if someone can help me know which css is responsible for this. Thanks. Asif
  6. Hi Anand, Would you please write how you have modified in jaspersever-servlet.xml in order to land on the report list. Could yout please post the code. Thanks. Asif Post Edited by asifisyed at 09/13/2012 02:36
  7. Hi, I have create a line chart, now it show all records from query but I need just top 5. Question: How to limit the number of line in the line chart base on value axis?(as "Max number of slices to show" of Pie chart) Thanks. Asif
  8. Hi, I want some customization in jasper server. When simple user [ROLE_USER] login to the server, jasper will redirect the page report folder page i.e., I want my users only able to see reports. Also How can I hide folder menu on the left column for ROLE_USER but not for jasperadmin. Thanks. Asif
  9. Hi, It works only in iReport. When upload to jasper server It does not work. Still getting the message image file is not available. Thanks. Asif
  10. Hi gdmoreno, Could you please tell me how can I handle if iReport does not find the image. I implemented according to you describe , but report run failed in Jasper Sever If it does not find the image in that folder. How can I handle that in iReport?? Thanks. Asif
  11. Hi, We have a report where single select qery based office ID parameter value display based on loggedinusername.For example, If userID 100001 logged in to Jasper Server then OfficeID = select OfficeID from Company where name='100001'. I haved used JasperServer $P{LoggedInusername} parameter to get the logged in We need to create scheduler to send email , but no Office ID is displayed when user is jasperadmin. User 100001 is set to ROLE_USER and so is not allowed to create scheduler job. Now, how we can set a value of OfficeID parameter in the scheduler? Please suggest me what can be the best way to get around this situlation. Thanks. Asif
  12. Hi, For the customization, I checked viewReport.jsp files. I think following code display the input controls. <t:putattribute name="bodyContent"> </t:putattribute></p> <ul id="inputControlsContainer" class="list inputControls"> <js:parametersform renderjsp="${controlsDisplayForm}" reportname="${requestScope.reportUnit}"></js:parametersform> </ul> <p>parameters are inside list item tag (such as</p> <li id="jsCtrl_CO2Type" class="leaf">....</li> ). Does someone know which file is responsible to insert list item tags. I checked the parametersFormTag.java but couldn't find the clue. Thanks in advance. Asif Post Edited by asifisyed at 08/04/2012 07:47
  13. Hi, Could you please help me regarding the customization of input control parameter display page(ViewReport.jsp). Our customer wants 4 input control should be in one row. Also They want to rezise the drop down list parameter. If it is possible, please tell me which files should I look at it. Thanks. Asif
  14. Hi, I would like to save some images in the JasperServer file system C:\Program Files\jasperreports-server-cp-4.5.0\apache-tomcat\webapps\jasperserver\WEB-INF\images folder while JRXML will display images from this path. How can I set the path (such as /jasperserver/WEB-INF/images) in JRXML?? Thanks. Asif
  15. Hi, We will use MSSQL stored procedure to generate report using iReport. Can these reports be deployed in Jaspersever? Is there any tutorial available how to call MSSQL stored Proc from iReport. Are there any criteria of Stored-Procedure which statifies iReport? Thanks. Asif
  16. Hi, I have been googling to find out a tutorial how to call MSSQL stored Proc from iReport but couldn't find any. I would be grateful If someone helps me regarding this. I was trying with some sample stored procedure, ireport shows SP does not return any result set. Does this mean , SP must have OUT parameter. What are the criteria of Stored-Procedure which statifies iReport. Thanks. Asif
  17. For more clarification,using web service, web application sets parameter customer_name to thai name and sends to jasperserver. Report has a parameter customer_name to display the customer name. But it is displaying wrong characters. But sending english name is working fine. Thanking you. Asif
  18. Hi, We have a problem of displaying thai character when jasper server returns the pdf using REST web service. In our web application, we send customer name in thai language , but pdf display unusual characters. Even I tested jasper server webservice sample soap client and it also cannot do that. Please help explain where to modify in order to get the correct display. Thanks. Asif
  19. Hi, Can jasperserver do the following: User will log-on to JasperServer to run the report. But need to confirm whether: Can we pass Jasper User ID to the report so that they can only see customers that they serve? Can we pass Jasper User ID's Role to the report so that they can see certain fields that "certain role" can only see.In other words, Is there any login user id global variable available to the report?? Thanks. Asif Post Edited by asifisyed at 06/05/2012 12:30
  20. Hello, We have a display problem of product name in pdf format. JRXML file is same. However, in one server It shows the full name and the other just cut the text. The remaining code should go to next line. The field setup as follow. Expression Class: java.lang.String Blank When Null: Yes Stretch With Overflow: Yes Stretch Type: Relative to Band Height Position Type: Fix Relative to Top iReport Version:3.1.4 java version "1.6.0_20" OpenJDK Runtime Environment (IcedTea6 1.9.10) (rhel- OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM (build 19.0-b09, mixed mode) Both server has same java running. I have attached the files. We are clueless now. Please help urgently. Best regards. asif
  21. Hello community. We have been using jasperserver and jasper report for long time. We have got a potential prospect customer to use jasper server professional. However, they want changes in jasperserver user interface and modification of input control parameter layout which should be in two column. In addition to this, they would like to save current selected value-parameters, so that next time when they run report previous selections/input will appear again. I am a senior java developer having 6 years experience in Java app, web, J2EE . My development platform is mostly eclipse and netbean. However, I have no idea of jasperserver source code.I saw jasperserver source code uses spring framework which I don't know. My questiion is approximately, how long it takes to develop parameter page only with save parameter options and what version to start. It's urgent. I would be grateful if some one help/guide me in this situation. Please ask me questions If you would like more information. Best regards. Asif Post Edited by asifisyed at 04/05/2012 09:15
  22. I am new in using Jasperserver. I have some question while creating schema. I see the example SugarCRMSchema.xml file where It includes SugarCRMSchema.data file. Are these two files manually created? In the dat file I see some tags, Does this file cover all tags? In other words is there any documentation how to create xml and data file. For MDX query, same question , Do I have to write it manually or some software can generate it? Thanks in advance.
  23. Hello, I have been spending some time to evaluate Jasperserver and found It's very much restricted to mysql db. However, when I see this post , I feel encourage to use jasper with Oracle. In fact my first assignment in my job is to incorporate jasperserver with oracle. I have seen a post where someone convert mysql script ddl file to Oracle ddl. I have very limited time. I would be very grateful if someone can provide me guide how to do that quickly or send me the file to my email asifisyed@gmail.com. In addition, what else to change to make jasperserver workable with Oracle. Thanks. Post Edited by asifisyed at 05/19/2009 05:25
  24. Hello, I would like to create a report in fact it is a trial balance report. Is it possble from ireport that I query data from a table 'X' and then insert data into a new table 'Y' and display report using table 'Y'. Thanks.
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