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Everything posted by kadimulam

  1. Hi, Can you please tell me location (directory structure), where the Reports are stored on the JasperServer? Thanks, Kiran
  2. Thanks Lucian, your answer helped me in configuring the parameters. Thanks, Kiran
  3. Hi, I have installed iReports (Version 3.0.0) along with JasperServer 3.0. I could able to run the Jasper Reports and i am able to login into the JasperSErver. But when i try to open iReport from Start> All Programs> JasperServer> Start iReport, I am unable to open it. I tried the same installation on a different machine and on that machine i received an error 'JDK 50 or newer was not found on your machine' even after setting up the JAVA_HOME, path and classpaths. Can you please help me in solving this problem? Thanks, Kiran
  4. Thanks Sanjeev, your option is working when i run the report from iReport. But it not working when i run the report from the JasperServer. How do i achive this from JasperServer? Thanks, Kiran
  5. Hi, I have a report which i have configured on JasperServer. I am using SQL Server 2005 (located on a different server and not on my development machine). When i run the report on the jasperServer, i am getting "java.io.NotSerializableException: com.microsoft.sqlserver.jdbc.StreamError". Please find the detailed error message in the attached text file. I googled and found that it is a bug with SQL Server driver.(http://jasperforge.org/tracker/index.php?func=detail&aid=1421&group_id=112&atid=378) and here (http://jasperforge.org/tracker/index.php?func=detail&aid=1421&group_id=112&atid=378) i found that it is a bug with JasperServer. Can you please give me a solution for this problem? Thanks, Kiran
  6. Hi, I am working on Jasper Reports and i am using iReports tool. I need help for the following situations: A link is provided on a JSP page that opens a report (This report requires two parameters from the user). I need to configure the report in such a way that whenever i click the link it should open the report and should prompt for input parameters. Once the parameters are passed report should execute. I could not achieve the above functionality and hence i have designed a JSP page that prompts for input parameters. If anybody has a sample piece of Java code or steps to configure the report for the above situation, that would be very helpful for me. Thanks, Kiran
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