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Everything posted by kadimulam

  1. Hi Tony, Sure. I will post the above request in ireport forum. Thanks, Shankar
  2. I have a master report and a subreport, embedded in the master report. I have a column called Employee_ID in the master report. This column also exists in the subreport. When clicking on one of the Employee_ID values in the master report, i want to navigate to the corresponding Employee_ID in the subreport. For instance, Employee_ID value in the master report is 35. When clicking on this value, i want to navigate to the column with a value 35 in the subreport dataset. How can i achieve this functionality? Please provide me some guidelines. Thanks, Kiran
  3. I have a master report and a subreport, embedded in the master report. I have a column called Employee_ID in the master report. This column also exists in the subreport. When clicking on one of the Employee_ID values in the master report, i want to navigate to the corresponding Employee_ID in the subreport. For instance, Employee_ID value in the master report is 35. When clicking on this value, i want to navigate to the column with a value 35 in the subreport dataset. How can i achieve this functionality? Please provide me some guidelines. Thanks, Kiran
  4. Thank you so much, this worked. One more question please. I want to add the logout button (only LOGOUT button and no menues) at the bottom of the screen instead of at the top, and want to customize the logout feature. Thanks, Kiran
  5. Hi, Could you please help me on the following: I have customized the look and feel (styles, images etc) of the JasperServer on my QA machine. Is it possoble to export these changes and import them on the production machine (in the same way that we do for reports on iReport)? If not i need to remember all the changes that i have done on QA machine and then manually do the same chagnes on production machine. Thanks, Kiran
  6. As mentioned above, apart from JasperServer, i have another Tomcat which runs as a service. How do i make two Tomcats to run as services? Thanks, Kiran
  7. I am using the bundled Tomcat that comes with JasperServer. How do i make it as a Windows service? Thanks, Kiran
  8. Hi, I need your help on the following situation: When i hit 'http://localhost:8080/jasperserver' i need to redirect it to 'http://localhost:8080/jasperserver/flow.html?_flowId=listReportsFlow' for the group ROLE_USER. All i need is i should always display 'http://localhost:8080/jasperserver/flow.html?_flowId=listReportsFlow' for ROLE_USER. Can you please let me know the eaxct files that needs to be changed to solve this? Thanks, Kiran
  9. Hi, Can you please tell me the procedure to increase the session time of Jasper Server? Thanks, Kiran
  10. Hi, Is it possible to make Jasper Server as a Windows service. Is yes can you please tell me the steps to do the same. Please note that i already have Tomcat 6.0 as a Windows service (i am using this for my webapp), apart from this i have installed Jasper Server (for reports) which i need to run as a windows service. Thanks, Kiran
  11. Hi swood, I tried your solution, but i recevied the following error: Error loading object from URL : repo:CHSSub.jrxml Please help me in resolving this error. Thanks, Kiran
  12. Hi, Can you please tell me the steps to link a subreport to the main report on the Jasper Server? I was able to do the same on iReport tool. I tried the solution given by 'lucianc' but no luck. How do add the Subreport, with extension OR without extention? Thanks, Kiran
  13. Any information on this pls? Thanks, Kiran
  14. Thankyou for your reply, but i could not find it in JasperReports forum, if you could please send me the link, it would be really helpful for me. Thanks, Kiran
  15. Hi, Could you please let me know the procedure to make the JasperServer as a Window Service? Thanks, Kiran
  16. Hi, Could you please tell me if there is any way to change the font size of a Label in Pie Chart? I need to reduce the font size because the of the following reason: I have around 12 different labels which i have to show on pie chart, due to this the links and the labels are getting intersected each other as shown in the attached word document. Thanks, Kiran
  17. Yes Anandharaj, i want to make Report List as default page. Thanks, Kiran
  18. Hi, There is some issue with the JasperServer. After logging into the JasperServer using jasperadmin/jasperadmin OR joeuser/joeuser, if i click on browsers BACK button it again shows me the Login screen. Can you please tell me if there is any way to fix this issue? Thanks, Kiran
  19. Hi, Is it possible to draw a Bar Chart as the one shown in the attachment using iReport? I need the count or percentage at the top of each bar. Please guide me in generating such reports. Thanks, Kiran
  20. Hi, Could you please tell me how can the LOGOUT feature be customized. I need to customize it in the following way: I will allow the user to Login using the following URL: http://localhost:8082/jasperserver/flow.html?_flowId=listReportsFlow&curlnk=2 When the user Logouts i again want to redirect him to the above page instead of http://localhost:8082/jasperserver/flow.html?_flowId=repositoryExplorerFlow Is that possible, if yes can you please guide me in acheiving it? Thanks, Kiran
  21. Hi, Can you please tell me how to do client side validations using JasperServer and iReport? I have a drop down as a user control for 'City' field. I have a default option called 'Select a value'. So whenever user selects 'Select a value' and clicks on Sumbit, i should not allow user to view the report and should throw an error saying 'Please select a value for City'. I am using JasperServer 3.0 and iReport 3.0. Thanks, Kiran
  22. Hi, I am working on the similar requirement. I checked '/WEB-INF/applicationContext-security.xml', but i didnt find '/fileview/**=ROLE_USER' in that file. However i found '/fileview/**=ROLE_USER,ROLE_ADMINISTRATOR'. I am using JasperServer 3.0. Could you please help me in doing this customization? Thanks Kiran
  23. Hi, Could you please tell me the procedure to export the reports from my development machine and import the same onto the QA machine using JasperServer and iReport? Thanks, Kiran
  24. Hi, In my project i need to do some customizations on the JasperServer. I have mentioned them below: Allowing the end user to directly view the reports instead of asking him to enter the Username/password. Hide or remove disabled folders (Add Folder, Schedule, Run ib abckground, move, copy etc) located on the top of the page for ROLE_USER?Can you please let me know whether the above things are possible, if yes, how can i acheive? Thanks, Kiran
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