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Everything posted by kannantechno

  1. i think using "Jasper Analysis' , it is possible not sure, once upon i heared in my training session , but didnt tryed yet... let u know once i finish
  2. try to assign the value to a variable and give the same in the default expression let me know its working or not reg,kannan Post Edited by kannantechno at 04/20/2009 09:40
  3. Hi, Edit the Query by giving the syntax as $X(IN, <Filed Name>, <Parameter name>) in the where condition and configure the report ensure u have define the parameter having the data type as java.util.collection reg,kannan
  4. Hi, 1. Define the parameter name eg : $P(P_Name) 2. Modify the query Eg : select * from <table_name> where <column1> = $P(P_Name) 3.login to the server and edit the required report to configure, click 'control and resource' 4. Add control, then click locally defined 5. define the parameter as defined in iReport P_Name ( ref step 1) and select the parameter type (the user use to select) 6.Locate list of values , click locally defined 7. In the screen, list of values-edit values, the value which u typed here should match the value in the database and also case sensitive 8. click next and save the changes to the server 9. Run the report in the server reg,kannan
  5. hi, I am having two list boxes created L1 and L2 in Jasper server, created for Prompts Fields : Country, State If i select the country value in L1, the corresponding state value should refresh in L2, Please help me , how to query this in Ireport and deploy in Jasper Server thanks , kannan
  6. hi, I am having two list boxes L1 and L2 in Jasper server, created for Prompts Fields : Country, State If i select the country value in L1, the corresponding state value should refresh in L2, Please help me , how to query this in Ireport and deploy in Jasper Server thanks,kannan
  7. hi, I am having two list boxes L1 and L2 in Jasper server, created for Prompts Fields : Country, State If i select the country value in L1, the corresponding state value should refresh in L2, Please help me , how to query this in Ireport and deploy in Jasper Server thanks,kannan
  8. you shall try using Prompt in Jasper Server , either using multi select or drop-down using list of values
  9. Hi, Please help me to rectify the error, while installing the JasperServer Professional Find the error in the document attached herewith. i am using Windows Vista. Thanks, Thamaraikannan
  10. Hi, Please help me regarding this, I have to bind the title, header values from database. for example, parameter has been declared for title like $P(Title) and the value for that should fetch from database and that should fetch value from static text field If possible, how? thanks,kannan
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