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Everything posted by germs12

  1. Is there any assistance provided to individuals that purchased the 2.0 version with no prior knowledge that they were purchasing version 2.0 of the Ultimate Guide?
  2. Why must you manually type that in? Why is it not listed in the drop down? Is this a feature to make the product harder to use? Everytime a release goes out do they just "forget" to add an item to the drop down? Where is this documented? How can a product expect to success and develop a community of users if it's impossible to use? This makes no sense to me. But thank you for the answer. Perhap the code should be fixed in the next release so that people can use the software as it was intended.
  3. Hi, I bought the book on iReport and it does little to nothing in terms of helping you figure out how one would create a hyperlink for anything much less a chart. I have found a couple examples but they are all for version of iReport prior to 3.5.X... So my question is this: How do you take a graph and "drill down" to a subreport, passing parameters between the reports (aka: Date, Company_Id, Etc.) Specifically where do you find documentation of the Hyperlink Type? The manual (version 2.0) says the following are your options when selecting a type: (Reference, LocalAnchor, LocalPage, RemoteAnchor, RemotePage) yet the only time I can get it to work is when I look at examples that use "ReportExecution" but that' isn't listed as an option in the manual nor is it listed in the drop down, but every example I've found shows it as the method. I'm confused, I don't get why the only time I can get it to work is when I edit the JRXML manually and enter a value that I can't find in the drop down. Thanks in advance, I hope someone has conquered this issue!
  4. lucianc, Thank you so much, that worked perfect! I have another question that I hope you can help me with as well. When I run the report and build the graph, the values at the top of the graph get cut off. Is there a way to fix this? Post Edited by James Thullbery at 04/09/09 14:45 Post Edited by James Thullbery at 04/09/09 14:47 Post Edited by James Thullbery at 04/09/09 14:47
  5. I wanted to provide some additional information that we uncovered while debugging this issue. The report I developed was developed using iReport 3.1.4 which is bundled with JasperReports 3.1.4 and JfreeChart 1.0.12 but the production server is JasperServer 3.1.0 which is bundled with JasperReports 3.1.2 and JfreeChart 1.0.10. It is my opinion (and the opinion of others in my office) that this is where our error is finding the light of day. Is there any chance that a version of JasperServer 3.1.4 (or a version that is current with the version of iReport) will be released in the near future? I see that 3.5.0 is available for iReport (but it fails when I attempt to import my 3.1.4 reports) but the JasperServer is only RC and not yet production ready. Is there consistency between these products?
  6. yes, I know that the data is being fed to the report. I am hitting the same database on my local machine as the production server is hitting. Plus I changed out the theme on the graph to use one of the generic themes and the report builds as it should. The problem with using the other theme is that you can't read it when there are lots of data points. The eye.candy.sixties theme is the best for the data I'm using.
  7. When developing report in iReport I'm finding that unless the number of data points along the X Axis is low (1-6) you can not read the values under the graph (See attached photo). In that particular graph I desire the date for each bar along the bottom of the graph. When I shrink the size of the "Category Axis Label Font" it becomes visible but only if you zoom in on the graph (which is unacceptable because this will be on a webpage and is meant for a quick overview of account information.) Is anyone aware of a method for dealing with the inabilty to read the values along the X Axis. In addition to this, does anyone know about the render types of the graphs? When I use anything but "draw" it looks like a complete mess. Thank you in advance :)
  8. I designed and developed a report in iReport 3.1.4 and used the Theme eye.candy.sixties. When I run the report locally it works just fine (even thought I'm hitting a remote database) but once I upload the file to JasperServer (3.1.0) and run it I am returned an error that reads: java.lang.ArithmeticException: / by zerojava.lang.ArithmeticException: / by zero at net.sf.jasperreports.charts.themes.EyeCandySixtiesChartTheme.calculateTickUnits(EyeCandySixtiesChartTheme.java:1262) at net.sf.jasperreports.charts.themes.EyeCandySixtiesChartTheme.createBarChart(EyeCandySixtiesChartTheme.java:540) This is confusing me since I don't see it when I run it on ireport 3.1.4 and I also don't see it when I change the theme of the report to default or any of the other Theme options and upload it to JasperServer. Is anyone aware of any work arounds for this? Has anyone else encountered this issue?
  9. Try and place your chart in the "Detail" section and then drag it to the Page Header section and make the page height for the "Detail: 0. The graph is generated record by record and it has to get all the data to draw the graph so it must be in the "Detail" section.
  10. Ok, so getReportJobs is a Web Service Operation as defined in the WSDL: <wsdl:operation name="getReportJobs" parameterOrder="reportURI"> <wsdl:input message="impl:getReportJobsRequest" name="getReportJobsRequest"/> <wsdl:output message="impl:getReportJobsResponse" name="getReportJobsResponse"/> </wsdl:operation> but so are the rest of the Operations: <wsdl:operation name="deleteJobs" parameterOrder="ids">...</wsdl:operation> − <wsdl:operation name="getJob" parameterOrder="id">...</wsdl:operation> − <wsdl:operation name="scheduleJob" parameterOrder="job">...</wsdl:operation> − <wsdl:operation name="updateJob" parameterOrder="job">...</wsdl:operation> − <wsdl:operation name="getAllJobs">...</wsdl:operation> Why are these defined in the ReportSchedulerService class? Is it becuase you need to pass them more parameters? If that's true then getAllJobs wouldn't need to be defined either. Forgive me, this is my first adventure with Web Services :) Thank you once again lucianc Peace, germs12 Code:public function getAllJobs() { return $this->__soapCall('getAllJobs', array(), array( 'uri' => 'http://www.jasperforge.org/jasperserver/ws', 'soapaction' => '' ) ); }
  11. Thank you lucianc. I've since downloaded the JasperServer and obtained the sample PHP files. Most of the code is pretty straight forward but I'm confused by a particular call: Around line 23 in reportSchedule.php $jobs = $reportSchedulerService->getReportJobs($reportURI); All of the function calls that are listed in the Web Server documentation are classes defined in ReportSchedulerService.php except "getReportJobs". Where is this defined? Thanks, germs12
  12. Hello everyone, I have been given the job of developing an API (written in PHP) that will act as a middle man between JasperServer and our Intranet. I am new to Web Services, so I'm sure some of my issues are due to this. I have been using soapUI to help me study the WSDL and I have found a few examples on the Interenet that show how to correctly make a SOAP call and receive the data back, but everyone I have found is very incomplete. I've downloaded and read cover to cover the JasperServer-Web-Services-Guide.pdf but even that document does not include everything I need to write a complete API. I have with minor success been able to implement both the list and the getReport calls and can call and receive any of the reports that are sitting on the JasperServer. This would be all I need for work, except the problem is a couple reports take an hour or so to run, so waiting for the report to return after calling it is not an option (as it will time out). So this is when problems started to bubble to the surface. I started writing my objects to deal with the scheduleJob and that's when I realized how incomplete the documentation for the Web Service really is. I can copy the single example that the PDF provides, but it fails and I get the following error message: Fatal error: Uncaught SoapFault exception: [HTTP] Not Found in /home/example/www/public_html/jasperApi/trunk/requests/schedule_report.php:29 Stack trace: #0 [internal function]: SoapClient->__doRequest('__soapCall('scheduleJob', Array) #2 /home/example/www/public_html/jasperApi/trunk/demo_app.php(83): ScheduleReport->run(Object(SoapClient)) #3 {main} thrown in /home/example/www/public_html/jasperApi/trunk/requests/schedule_report.php on line 29 Does anyone know where documentation resides? Does anyone know of any examples (written in PHP, Java example don't do me any good.)? If I can provide anymore information please let me know, I am hurting for information and am happy to take any and all advice. Thank you very much :) For the record I'm using SoapClient that is built into PHP.
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