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  1. Yes you should be able to use a different data source for your subreport. At least according to this post: http://stage.jasperforge.org/plugins/espforum/view.php?group_id=102&forumid=103&topicid=6495
  2. I don't think it is. If you need to query from multiple tables, is there no common field you can use so that you can do a join?
  3. I have a jaspter report that was created with Java. Now I want to add a subreport to it. 1) can I add a .jrxml subreport to the old report that was created with Java? 2) I have the .jrxml file and I added this line of code to the old java report code: String subReportFile = JasperCompileManager.compileReportToFile("report1.jrxml"); So now what? 3) I know I have to add a parameter to the main report but after browsing the forum for help I'm more confused as to what and how to add the parameter. Any insight to my problem would be greatly appreciated! TIA, Jc
  4. Is there a way to change label placements for a pie chart? Right now the labels are lined up on either the left or right side of the chart. I want the labels to be next to the section the label is associated with but not on top. Any help would be appreciated! TIA, Jennifer
  5. I don't want to add up anything actually. I just want to show all values in a column. Somtimes the values are the same.
  6. I don't think you can do any sizing to fields during preview mode. But you can have the field wrap by selecting "Stretch With Overflow".
  7. Are pie charts only supposed to show distinct values from a table? Is there any way to get around this?
  8. Woops, spoke too soon. This isn't actually filling values across. I suspect this property is for a printer rather than data population. Any other ideas anyone??
  9. Thanks! I didn't see that property before!
  10. You can customize the look and feel of your charts by using a customizer class. Here is a link that I found helpful: http://www.java2s.com/Code/Java/Chart/JFreeChartBarChartDemo7withacustomitemlabelgenerator.htm
  11. I have the same issue. I opted not to use the label format property. Instead, I used the following label expression in the chart data: $F{percent_value}+"%" This way I get the decimal values I need to display.
  12. Is there a way to layout data so that it is populated across the page rather than down the page? If I put a field in the detail tab it always prints down but I want it to print across. Any suggestions? Thanks, Jenn
  13. I've encountered this too. I also keep getting a "no active jdbc connection" error whenever I create an empty report and even after i've specified my select query.
  14. No, that didn't help at all, the labelFormat just shows values with the section labels but didn't solve the overlapping problem. I have a customizer class and I thought using the setLabelPadding method would do the trick but it doesn't help either. Any other ideas would be appreciated.
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