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Everything posted by chuchuaguilera

  1. Thanks a lot for your answer Lucian, Our reports are always executed online, via UI. I only could see that the amount of files increases a lot when a really used report has a bug inside, as I noticed before. I don't know what to do... In some cases the log says too many open files, or too many connections, or just crashs and inhibits to make more reports in all the cases I mentioned. If you or someone can help me and need more information, logs, configuration, whatever, pleasae let me know... Thanks again for your time
  2. Hi there Sherman, Excuse my late answer, but I was in another project... Now I'm getting along with jasperserver again. I'm now testing what you advice to me last time. Increasing the pool of connections in the applicationContext.xml file. You asked me before a kind of name we are having in the /opt/jasperserser/apache-tomcat/temp directory... This is a example: virt9195358_210345_23410_1291982944. They, the administrators haven't found what cause this situation, but in my little investigation I've found that the amount of this kind of files increases when there is or there are one or more reports with any mistake, like sql querys or the kind of an object, for example, numeric instead of character... Thanks in advance Jesus
  3. Hi there, I need a little help from the experts. I'm having problems with temp files. I use jasperserver in a huge application systems. It, I don't know why, is creating a huge ammount of temp files, I mean more than seven hundred thousand files, almost 19 Gb... When it happens the system becomes really unstable and almost crash. I can understand it creates this files, but I can't understand why it's not erasing or deleting this files. I have another problem. Our database is Oracle. In an unspecific time af the day, I supposed because of the lot of people working, in catalina.out I can see an error that stops the system. It says something like max connections exceeded. I investigated in Google, of course (jejeje), and just could find that I needed to increase the max-connection parameter in Mysql and in a file named /opt/jasperserver-3.1/apache-tomcat/webapps/jasperserver/META-INF/context.xml. By default if has 100 and I increase to 200. I think this problems are because I need to tune-up jasper... Any help is really wellcome... Thanks in advance
  4. Hi there, I need a little help from the experts. I'm having problems with temp files. I use jasperserver in a huge application systems. It, I don't know why, is creating a huge ammount of temp files, I mean more than seven hundred thousand files, almost 19 Gb... When it happens the system becomes really unstable and almost crash. I can understand it creates this files, but I can't understand why it's not erasing or deleting this files. I have another problem. Our database is Oracle. In an unspecific time af the day, I supposed because of the lot of people working, in catalina.out I can see an error that stops the system. It says something like max connections exceeded. I investigated in Google, of course (jejeje), and just could find that I needed to increase the max-connection parameter in Mysql and in a file named /opt/jasperserver-3.1/apache-tomcat/webapps/jasperserver/META-INF/context.xml. By default if has 100 and I increase to 200. I think this problems are because I need to tune-up jasper... Any help is really wellcome... Thanks in advance
  5. Hi Lucian, we are using IE7 and Acrobat Reader 9...
  6. Hi Lucianc, and thanks for your help. I really need to apologize becouse my bad manners, but I really want to solve this situation. I don´t know if your answer will work, as I said, I´m not a Report person, but I really appreciate that you try to help me. At the other hand, we are in Venezuela, excuse my poor english. The Reports people tell me that they are using Jasper Server, not just Jasper Report. It means in my words that they don´t embed the report in the application, it is in the report server, and they refers to it in a URL. I supposed this parameter you said before, Content-Disposition Response can be modified in a XML or a kind of parameter file. Again sorry for my behaviour... Jesus
  7. It's a really shame that NOONE in this forum can help me. I don't know how it works, but it supposed to have a person or people encharged or mannaging the site or, at least the forum groups. I really need help. Our problem is in the test environment, but we are trying to change Oracle Report with a Open source tool instead continue paying for an excellent one, as Oracle's. This small problem is avoiding to change Oracle for Jasper. It could be another succesfull history for this excellent report tool, but we do need help....
  8. Hi there. We´re having troubles using reports in Jasper with Internet Explorer. I'm not a developer or Report people, I'm just from Operations trying to help solve the problem. In our applications, we need the reports to be generated as PDF but shown inmediatly, but when I try to do this in Explorer it says just to save the PDF file, not shows... When we use Firefox or even Opera it works as we need. When we select a report in the application it shows the report perfectly. Can anybody help us or give some "lights" in order to solve this situation. Thanks in advance to everyone,
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