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Everything posted by matienzar

  1. We've the same error, but we can't detect which report is causing this error (we've more than 200 reports). Will be possible to detect which report is causing this problem?
  2. Hi, We've a report with two details bands. In one of them, we've a subreport. In this subreport we've detect that if "No data section" has a height bigger thant detail of parent report, it produces a lot of blank pages before it produces a Java Heap problem. Is it possible to launch and exception when compiling the jasper, to advise it? Lot of thanks, Marcial
  3. Yes, I can't see into maven central. It's very frustrating
  4. Hi, In central repository I only see the version 4.1.2 and above. Is there any plans to commit the new version? Lot of thanks, Marcial
  5. hi, In http://repo1.maven.org/maven2/net/sf/jasperreports/jasperreports/, the last version is 4.0.1 Is going to be published to maven repository anytime? We need jasper to be published into maven repository to work with it, Lot of thanks, Marcial Post Edited by teodord at 08/25/2011 11:19
  6. Is there any maven repository of iReport with 4.0.2 version?
  7. Hi, Is there a maven repository to get the actual version?
  8. Hi, When I add a jpg, png,... image to the report, the final pdf,word,.. lost the resolution and appears with a poor resolution. I'm doing something wrong? Lot of thanks,
  9. It's to say. We have a J2EE application with UTF-8 charset, with .properties with utf8 format, and we would like to use these properties files with jasper too, but jasperreports works with latin1 how java properties api say. We have 2 solutions: - Change charset of the application to UTF-8 - Working with to properties files, one in latin1 and another in utf-8 My question, is it the right way? Lot of thanks
  10. GWT use UTF-8 to .properties, and we would like to use the same file properties. With this, we need to file properties, it's ok?
  11. Hello, From java applications, we have properties files with UTF-8 charset. When we want to use these properties files with ireport, we have problem with characters like "áéíóú", because ireport reads it in ISO-8851. what can we do? Lot of thanks
  12. Hello, With this configurtation I can't add border to fields or static fields. But with xubuntu yes. Did you know something about this? Thanks Post Edited by matienzar at 05/20/2009 20:25
  13. Hello, How can I use the masive compiler with iReport for netbeans. Lot of thanks,
  14. Hi, How can I set the output compiler path to a report. Now it compiles on the same directory that the jrxml file. A lot of thanks,
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