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Posts posted by mrcaffeine

  1. you could do that with a tertiary operation as field expression. Create a text field having this as expression:

    ( field_4 < 80 ? "Has Issues":  ( field_4 < 85 ? "Improvement required" :   ( field_4 < 90 ? "Meets Expertations" :   ( field_4 < 95 ? "Exceeds Expertaions" : ""   )  ) ))

  2. Not as far as I know. As soon as you save the report a copy of the topic is stored as report resource. this prevents the report from being broken caused by future changes of the topic. The query is directly related to the contained topic - not a copy of the topic's SQL.

  3. iReport allows to access reports remotely. Click on Window > JasperServer repository to open the panel. Create a new server entry and navigate there to your report. I would recommend this way.


    Another way would be using the import/export tools to export the report using the --uris parameter. refer the JasperServer administration guide for more details.


  4. 1) yes. You could simply use the title band or a fake group header. You could also set the printWhenExpression for the pageHeader band to

    ($V{REPORT_COUNT} == 0)

    2) I am not entirely sure if I understand what you want to achieve here.

  5. just write a simple expression

    ("%".equals($P{Company})? "All Companies" : $P{Company})


    assuming that your parameter is called Company. Be aware that report elements are case sensitive.

  6. You could set the printWhenExpression for the pageHeader or certain elements in it. If the variable PAGE_COUNT contains 0, you are on the first page, otherwise on other pages.

    Post Edited by mrcaffeine at 22/02/2010 10:15 PM

    Post Edited by mrcaffeine at 23/02/2010 08:43 AM
  7. The Parameter and the input control need to have the same name: in this case it seems to be 'client'.


    I am not entirely sure if you need the locale paremeter as the JRXML has a parameter REPORT_LOCALE which is filled by the environment, such as iReport or JasperServer.


    the syntax using the ! is only if you are injecting code into the report query.


    please share the querystring, parameter definition and details about the input control.

  8. AFAIK you would need to customize the exporter (changing the source code). then you could e. g. add custom properties in the JRXML and handle these while exporting.


    background: while generating the JRXML it gets filled with data and all expression get evaluated. The resulting object is JasperPrint which is the meta-output file. The standard customizer processes this file and writes it in the desired output format.


    none of the standard exporters has the option to hide a specific element. You might want to raise a feature request in bugzilla for a export format specific property to hide elements.

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