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Posts posted by mrcaffeine

  1.  This can be easily achieved.

    I assume you have a field $F{newOrders} and a variable $V{totalOrders} (as sum over $F{newOrders})

    create a text field where you add as expression ($F{newOrders}*100)/$V{totalOrders}. Configure this text field to

    • evaluation time : auto (jasperreports determines when to calculate the field)
    • pattern : #,##0.00 

    result: the correct value is displayed during report run time. 


  2. Please check the tomcat log files, located in <js-install>/apache-tomcat/logs and <js-install>/apache-tomcat/webapps/jasperserver/WEB-INF/logs


    if the application failed to start up most likely there will be an indication why it fails.

  3.  the js-path should be set in the default_master.properties file in <js-install>/uildomatic and point to the directory where the jasperreports server sources are. this is used in the maven settings in conf_source/templates/maven_settings.xml. 

    see also chapter 3.4.1 Configuring the default_master.properties File in the documentation (docs/JasperReports-Server-CP-Source-Build-Guide.pdf) 


  4. you can achieve this with conditional styles. Add a new style, and within the style add a new condition.


    the condition must contain an expression which returns true or false. lets say, you want to have a condition to highlight the line if the field PXlast is greater than 200.


    you would add the condition


    $F{PXlast} > 200


    this expression gets evaluated whenever the detail band is rendered.


    please note: when you have a report language other than groovy the expression might change.

  5. I am not entirely sure when this properties got introduced, they might not be available in JasperReports 1.0.2. You can set this property also within the JRXML file itself as report property.


    Btw, to exclude the page footer you would need to change the band to pageFooter by adding


  6. The Print When expression is global and gets applied to the JasperPrint object which is the source for all exporters. Nevertheless there is way to configure hiding bands for output formats by setting report properties.

    For example to hide the pageHeader only in excel you could set a global report property


    Please refer the JasperReports Configuration Refernce for further details: http://jasperreports.sourceforge.net/config.reference.html on net.sf.jasperreports.export.{format}.exclude.origin.{suffix}.{arbitrary_name}.


    Post Edited by mrcaffeine at 25/02/2010 08:58 AM

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