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Everything posted by mrcaffeine

  1. you can set this class to log level debug: net.sf.jasperreports.engine.query.JRJdbcQueryExecuter The createStatement method logs the SQL query string.
  2. depends on how you define "section" - i.e. if you could utilize multiple detail bands - one for each section. If you add printWhen to a band then the entire band won't be shown - so there wouldn't be any whitespace. if it is a more complex layout it would be helpful if you'd post a draft of the report/desired output.
  3. Have a look at printWhen expressions which can be used to conditionally show or hide bands (report sections) or even elements (like text fields, charts etc). In there you can add any expression, it has to return true or false. If true is returned, the section is shown, otherwise not. In combination with multiple detail bands this should allow you to implement the flexible layout you wish. In terms of calling external Java Code you need to make sure that the required classes are available for JasperReports, ie that they are in the iReport and JasperReports embedding application's classpath.
  4. There are 2 options: modify the CSS for the input control (see here for options) modify your query so that it returns e.g. only the first 50 characters of the string
  5. Another option would be to add a single sign on solution where either an external token server such as CAS is used. The External Authentication Cookbook and the Ultimate Guide provide further details. Also, in the wiki you find some more specific examples such as using JBoss SSO etc (see here for full list). You could also consider to implement a custom SSO solution where you pass all relevant user information with each request to JasperReports Server. JasperReports Server translates it into a user object (that knows about roles, permission and tenant information) and allows you to utilize all security features JasperReports Server provides.
  6. I was able to reproduce this on my local environment. I suggest to log a bug in the tracker.
  7. Regarding Drill Down: If you look at the sample data that comes with JasperReports Server there are samples e.g. the monthly sales by quarter report (pro) or the Employees report (both CE and Pro).
  8. Have a look at the JasperReports samples that are shipped with iReport, there is also a crosstab sample that is documented here.
  9. can you post the relevant parts of the JRXML (parameter definition and query)?
  10. Can you please share your LDAP configuration? There is a pre-configured LDAP setup already that needs to be enabled, it is documented in the Authentication Cookbook (commercial documentation), also there are a few wiki articles in teh community, e.g. here: http://community.jaspersoft.com/wiki/how-install-test-and-integrate-openldap-jasperserver
  11. Can you attach the buildomatic log file (in buildomatic/logs folder)? Have there been any issues during installation? Also, does the tomcat error log show anything (tomcat/jasperserver/WEB-INF/logs/jasperserver.log) and tomcat/logs/ ?
  12. This can be easily achieved. I assume you have a field $F{newOrders} and a variable $V{totalOrders} (as sum over $F{newOrders}) create a text field where you add as expression ($F{newOrders}*100)/$V{totalOrders}. Configure this text field to evaluation time : auto (jasperreports determines when to calculate the field) pattern : #,##0.00 result: the correct value is displayed during report run time.
  13. Please check the tomcat log files, located in <js-install>/apache-tomcat/logs and <js-install>/apache-tomcat/webapps/jasperserver/WEB-INF/logs if the application failed to start up most likely there will be an indication why it fails.
  14. the js-path should be set in the default_master.properties file in <js-install>/uildomatic and point to the directory where the jasperreports server sources are. this is used in the maven settings in conf_source/templates/maven_settings.xml. see also chapter 3.4.1 Configuring the default_master.properties File in the documentation (docs/JasperReports-Server-CP-Source-Build-Guide.pdf)
  15. "jsexception.report.resource.already.exists.no.overwrite" If it is a scheduled report check in the job configuration that the the overwrite or timestamp option is checked. If none of them is you'll get this error.
  16. Madan, have a look at WEB-INF/actionModel-navigation.xml You could replace <context name="main_view_mutton" test="!banUserRole"> with <context name="main_view_mutton" test="checkAuthenticationRoles" testArgs="ROLE_TBD"> where ROLE_TBD is the role of users allowed to access the menu.
  17. you can achieve this with conditional styles. Add a new style, and within the style add a new condition. the condition must contain an expression which returns true or false. lets say, you want to have a condition to highlight the line if the field PXlast is greater than 200. you would add the condition $F{PXlast} > 200 this expression gets evaluated whenever the detail band is rendered. please note: when you have a report language other than groovy the expression might change.
  18. it is a static string you set instead of a variable.
  19. A report resource bundle you can deploy it as report unit resource.
  20. I am not entirely sure when this properties got introduced, they might not be available in JasperReports 1.0.2. You can set this property also within the JRXML file itself as report property. Btw, to exclude the page footer you would need to change the band to pageFooter by adding net.sf.jasperreports.export.exclude.origin.band.1=pageFooter
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