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  1. Hi all, I would like to have a parameter prompt only for specific users and / or roles, otherwise use the default value for that parameter, is what I am trying to achieve possible with JasperReports Server? I have a report that displays the warehouse inventory for a specific division. I use the built-in parameter LoggedInUserRoles to determine what division the user belongs to (I have created roles for that specific purpose). However, I have a user that requires access to information for all divisions. I would like to allow him to choose what division he wants to see in the report. Only solution I found so far is to duplicate my report for each division and restrict access, but I would prefer to avoid having a bunch of duplicates around... Thank you!
  2. Hi, I think this might be a bug, but I wanted to ask here to make sure before I report it as a bug (just to be certain I'm not missing something). I use iReport 5.0.0 and Jasperreports Server 5.0.0. I added my parameters in the "Link parameters" tab of the Hyperlink window and made sure to set the proper Class names. Two of those parameters have the java.util.Date Class names. After that, I tried my report on my Jasperreports Server, but got a "java.lang.ClassCastException: java.lang.String cannot be cast to java.util.Date" error. I went back to check my hyperlink parameters and they had reverted back to java.lang.String! I thought I had forgotten to set them, so I changed it again for java.util.Date. Tried again, still same error. Went back to check, they had reverted to String again! I poked around in iReport for a bit and found out the following : Class names remain to Date if I don't save my report, but get reverted to String if I save it (which causes the error on the server, since they end up being of String type). Those parameters have the Date class in my main report and the drill down report, they are not String anywhere. I thought I could maybe change it directly in the XML, but if I try to add the class in the hyperlinkParameter tag, iReport gives me this error : "Attribute 'class' is not allowed to appear in element 'hyperlinkParameter'." I've been banging my head on this one, so if anyone has any good ideas, that would be most appreciated. If required, I can post my XML. Thanks
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