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Posts posted by mrcaffeine

  1. Both iReport and JasperReports Server are embedding JasperReports library, so you wouldn't need it extra. 

    If you are looking for scheduled reports, then you can use the JasperReports Server. To schedule report you need to deploy them from iReport to JasperReports Server. Once the report is deployed, you can define any schedule to run the report to run at defined times. 
    This tutorial might be helpful.
  2. you need to upload all resources your report requires to JasperReports Server, if you use iReport use the wizard and upload the report again. It will identify additional resources, upload them and add add valid expressions to find the resources on JasperReports Server.
  3. In the last table column you configured as text field expression $F{timediff(updateddateTime,CreatedTime)}, if I understand your requirement correctly, it should be $V{total} instead. This would aggregate the seconds, you'd need to modify the formatting so that you get the desired output. There might be a more elegant way, however this seems to work:

    new SimpleDateFormat("HH:mm:ss").format(new Date((long)($V{total}*1000-TimeZone.getDefault().getOffset($V{total}))))

  4. Windows has a path length limitation of 260 characters (see here for details). Instead of installing JRS from C:UsersbsmithDesktopProjectsJasperReports Serverjasperreports-server-5.0.1-bin try to install it from C:Usersbsmithjasperreports-server-5.0.1-bin or C:jasperreports-server-5.0.1-bin.

  5. depends on how you define "section" - i.e. if you could utilize multiple detail bands - one for each section. If you add printWhen to a band then the entire band won't be shown - so there wouldn't be any whitespace. if it is a more complex layout it would be helpful if you'd post a draft of the report/desired output.
  6. Have a look at printWhen expressions which can be used to conditionally show or hide bands (report sections) or even elements (like text fields, charts etc). In there you can add any expression, it has to return true or false. If true is returned, the section is shown, otherwise not. In combination with multiple detail bands this should allow you to implement the flexible layout you wish. In terms of calling external Java Code you need to make sure that the required classes are available for JasperReports, ie that they are in the iReport and JasperReports embedding application's classpath. 

  7. Another option would be to add a single sign on solution where either an external token server such as CAS is used. The External Authentication Cookbook and the Ultimate Guide provide further details. Also, in the wiki you find some more specific examples such as using JBoss SSO etc (see here for full list).

    You could also consider to implement a custom SSO solution where you pass all relevant user information with each request to JasperReports Server. JasperReports Server translates it into a user object (that knows about roles, permission and tenant information) and allows you to utilize all security features  JasperReports Server provides.

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