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  1. Good day. I'm a PHP developer and in my application I use SOAP for generation the reports. But now I have a few sites with the same functionality except data in database. And I'd like to set up some parameter in JRXML file like DATASOURCE_LOCATION. But as I now it's not possible. I spend some time on searching topics but no result /tools/fckeditor/editor/images/smiley/msn/sad_smile.gif. As I understand I need create some implementation of interface ReportDataSourceService and then delegate JdbcDataSource. But I'm not sure. Please help me to understand which classes needs to be implemented for my functionality. Thanks.
  2. Hello, I'm work with jasper server via webservice from PHP script. If I use JDBC everything works fine. But now I want set parameter in report. something like that: $a = array( array('name' => 'Mark', 'age' => 28), array('name' => 'Artur', 'age' => 15) ); And then display like a grid in report Name | Age ------------------------ Mark | 28 Artur | 15 ------------------------ Is it possible? Plese some examples or links where I can find it. Thanks.
  3. I'm using jasperserver 3.5 but file jasperreports-3.5.0.jar not found in apache-tomcat\\common\\lib\\ Maybe present other way to upgrade jasperreports?
  4. Restarting server don't solve the problem :( . Maybe present other solutions for resolve this situation? some patches?
  5. Can you describe more detail how can I create report units that cross-reference to main file. Thanks
  6. Is it possible to predefine the datasource and set it later in parameter? I have a few databases and I want run one report unit on different databases. I use PHP and SOAP to execute report unit. Post Edited by yaroslav at 09/03/2009 19:02
  7. I need this functionality too :( Are you planning to implement this?
  8. anish Wrote: hi all... can some one help me in the following lines... ------- Now all you need to do is send it to the back. Under the Format Menu choose the Send to Back option, and your done. ----- where is the format menu in jasper assistant... ?? plz help . Thanks in advance I have the same problem. Can't find the Send to Back option. Please help. Ireport 3.1.0
  9. Solved. $V{COLUMN_COUNT} contain current row index
  10. Something like $V{INC} = new Integer($V{INC}.intValue() + 1) but this does not work The left-hand side of an assignment must be a variable
  11. Good day. I want to set autoincrement column. Any ideas how to do it?
  12. You must install the PEAR Soap package http://pear.php.net/package/SOAP Post Edited by Yaroslav Zenin at 11/18/08 13:23
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