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Everything posted by stevenell

  1. The 16 char limit is probably coming from the JDBC driver for our specific database... these issues don't occur when I test the report designer against MySQL. I reported this issue to our database vendor... their response: "...there is nothing in the driver that would cause this unless iReport is using max column size value to truncate aliases. The max column size is 16, but that doesn't affect the size of aliases..." They are still looking into it.. i will let you know if I hear anything else from them.
  2. the query designer is looking pretty good.... but I have some problems with it there seems to be a 16 char limit on some of the strings... for instance... this code is generated by the query builder SELECT COMPANYMASTER."COMPANYCODE" AS COMPANYMASTER_CO, COMPANYMASTER."COMPANY_NAME" AS COMPANYMASTER_CO FROM "my-db"."COMPANYMASTER" COMPANYMASTER so that code doesnt work because of the identical aliases... i guess it should look like this SELECT COMPANYMASTER."COMPANYCODE" AS COMPANYMASTER_COMPANYCODE, COMPANYMASTER."COMPANY_NAME" AS COMPANYMASTER_COMPANY_NAME FROM "my-db"."COMPANYMASTER" COMPANYMASTER and ideally ( the root of my question actually ) i would like to be able to configure the querybuilder so that it does not prefix everything with the schemaname.tablename except in those cases where it is needed to prevent ambiguity... actually i would like the above query to just come out like this: SELECT COMPANYCODE, COMPANY_NAME FROM COMPANYMASTER maybe there are already some configuration options for this? thanks Steve Nell
  3. We've found it easy to highlight every 3rd row in most cases, but in some reports we have group headers / footers that appear conditionally. Normally we would not want to include group headers / footers in the highlight count, but these special reports were designed to replicate the formatting on some legacy reports. The end result is that the group header and footer have a similar appearance to the detail row and therefore I have been asked to include those in the highlight count. I have tried using various types of variable counts / sums that when added to Page_COUNT would give me a running sequential number that I could use for conditional highlighting, but have been unsuccessful in that approach. Is there maybe an easier method that I am overlooking? thanks Steve
  4. we have a report that looks like this: ( columns delimited by pipe character ) schedstep | description | predecessor 15 | foo1 | 14 16 | foo2 | 13 16 | foo2 | 14 16 | foo2 | 15 17 | foo3 | 16 but we want it to look like this schedstep | description | predecessor 15 | foo1 | 14 16 | foo2 | 13,14,15 17 | foo3 | 16 regards, Steve Nell
  5. Teodor, giving the property 3 settings solves my concerns about unintentional behaviors... this sounds good. thanks Steve
  6. Teodor, I vote for implementation #2 -- isFooterAtBottom should be weaker than isStartNewPage I dont want isFooterAtBottom to push any other components around on the page -- mostly because I think that type of behavior would be too complex to be understandable by the average report designer ( me ) . I see that a single group footer can have multiple bands... I assume the property would apply be set at the group level & would apply to all the bands in the footer? thanks, Steve
  7. I see various mumblings about an eclipse plugin, but most of these are from a few years ago and/or reference a version of iReport prior to 3.0. Just curious if a current ( iReport 3.5.x and above ) version of an eclipse plugin exists... thanks Steve
  8. Teodor, I would be very happy having the simpler implementation for now. Consider initially making the property only applicable to an outer group -- so as to leave open the possibility of implementing the more 'intuitive behavior' later. At first glance I cant see any benefit in introducing the functionality where setting this property on an inner group would cause a push of other content to a new page. Perhaps if that need arises it could be bound to a different property? thanks for your efforts, Steve
  9. In general, I think it is reasonable to expect the user to manually set this property on all 'wrapping' or 'outer' groups. If the user sets the property for an interior group and doesnt set it for the exterior groups, then it is ineffective. The user should be able to look at the results and figure out that they didnt align the outer groupfooters to bottom -- easily corrected. answering other parts of your note: ---- Should the outermost group footer be rendered on the next page, since the middle group footer was force at the bottom? Or should the middle group footer force the outermost group footer to print at the bottom too, on on top of the other. ---- The middle groupfooter shouldnt force anything else out of place. ---- What If all three group footers have this option? Should they all overlap so that they all be at the bottom of the page at the same time? Or should they stack at the bottom of the page? ---- They should stack. From a user's perspective this is how I would describe the expected behavior: render the report as normal and dont pay any attention to the 'aligngroupfootertobottom' flag... after the report is rendered, go back and inspect all the group footers from outer to inner... if the property is set and there is empty space below that groupfooter then push it to the bottom of the available space. Dont force anything to a different page and dont let inner groupfooters push outergroupfooters around. thanks for your efforts, Steve
  10. Teodor, I appreciate your attention on this. A fixed size group footer aligned to bottom would not meet our needs in this instance. Some additional info: With the introduction of the 'runToBottom' property I was able to create a subreport with runToBottom set to true and house my signature block in that footer of that subreport. So that pushes it to the bottom. However... that approach forces me to use a fixed height for the signature block. Initially that was ok but then I discovered that we have varying length text that sits above the signature block, so it can be 2 or 3 or 10 lines of legal jargon followed by the signature block. So I have to set the height to accommodate the maximum number of lines and that results in wasted space most of the time since most of our customers only use 1 line of text. So we have a workaround but it is still not ideal. ( And even if it did work completely I would still prefer a way to do this without resorting to a subreport. ) Let me know if you need a report sample or other info. thanks Steve
  11. problem: I took the 'list' sample in 3.5.2 and ran 'ant test' and everything worked... then I modified the report to use groovy as the scripting language -- whan I ran the 'ant test' script on the modified sample I got the error below... [java] java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/codehaus/groovy/runtime/callsite/CallSiteArray resolution: I found the problem... turns out that I had this file in my ant directory. C:apache-ant-1.7.1libgroovy-all-1.6.0.jar Post Edited by stevenell at 08/13/2009 23:33
  12. I am using iReport 3.5.2, JasperReports 3.5.2 when I compile my reports with Ant, I get the following when I try to run the reports (java.lang.RuntimeException: Class not found: org/codehaus/groovy/runtime/callsite/CallSiteArray) but if I compile the reports with iReport I dont have this problem. the relevant parts of my buildfile are below. thanks Steve <path id="compile-classpath"> <fileset dir="d:/iReport-nb-3.5.2/ireport/modules/ext"> <include name="**/*.jar"/> </fileset> <pathelement location="c:/p4ws/ihms/main/lib/ihms-ireport-helpers.jar"/> </path> <taskdef name="jrc" classname="net.sf.jasperreports.ant.JRAntCompileTask" > <classpath refid="compile-classpath" /> </taskdef> .... .... .... <jrc srcdir="c:/p4ws/ihms/main/reports/src" destdir="${g.target.env.home}/lib/ihms-common/com/ame/ihms/reports" tempdir="${g.target.env.home}/lib/ihms-common/com/ame/ihms/reports" keepjava="false" xmlvalidation="true"> <classpath refid="compile-classpath"/> <include name="**/*.jrxml"/> </jrc>
  13. Repeating the group header when it splits onto a new page works nicely, but i would like to add the something like "continued" when it repeats. i.e. ASSETS ------ page break --- ASSETS ( continued... ) I've searched but didnt find anything obvious -- is this possible? thanks Steve
  14. using iReport 3.5.1 1 ) when I add a style reference to the 'styles' node in the 'Report Inspector' pane, I would then expect to see any styles contained in the referenced .jrtx to appear in the drop down for 'style' in the properties pane when applying a style to a control... but they dont show in the dropdown and I have to type it in... 2 ) it is kind of a pain to set style references on every element by digging through the properties... after adding my style template reference as mentioned above, it would be nice to see the contained styles show up as child nodes of that template node in the report inspector pane... ( would also be nice if they would appear in hierarchical layout honoring the 'parent style' property ) and then be able to drag a 'style' node onto an element to apply the style.... ( these enhancements may be more appropriate in the 'style library window', but it would be nice to be able to do from both areas because it seems the 'styles library window' is more of a 'per iReport installation', so being able to apply from the report pane would be easier to keep configured in situations with multiple developers ) 3) when I do set a style as described in #1, the control that received the applied style does not adjust to reflect the new style ( font size for instance... ) so this is a little cumbersome because I have to set the font size manually so it will be readable in the designer and then also set the style I am new to styles, so I could be off base on all of these -- but if they are accurate let me know and I will post feature / bug requests as appropriate. thanks Steve
  15. in case anyone else runs into this... I created a batch file to start iReport -- the batch file sets a few environment variables @setlocal c: cd c:\p4ws\ihms\main\reports SET REPORT_BASE_DIR=%cd%\src ECHO %REPORT_BASE_DIR% D:\iReport-nb-3.5.1\bin\ireport.exe @endlocal then i use a java helper class ( JU.java ) to retrieve the REPORT_BASE_DIR value and I use that function to set my default values for parameters used to locate resources <parameter name="CFG_REPORT_BASE_DIR" class="java.lang.String" isForPrompting="false"> <defaultValueExpression><![CDATA[JU.getBaseDir()]]></defaultValueExpression> </parameter> the advantage to doing it this way is that i can still preview everything at design time because of the default param values, but at runtime I can pass explicit values to these parameters ( btw -- I could not use classpath as a resource location solution due to some deployment restrictions )
  16. .jrprint is one of the output formats i think... so if you preview the report first, then click on the 'save' button ( small disk icon ) i think jrprint is one of the formats you can save in Steve
  17. also having this issue -- anybody figure this out? thanks
  18. Using iReport 3.5 I created a simple report example C:\TEST +---myreport | TestReport.jasper | TestReport.jrxml | \---myresources logo.png style.jrtx I set the classpath in iReport to include the folder c:\myresources I added an image to the Title band and set the 'image expression' to "logo.png" In the designer view the image loads ( i can see a design preview of what the image looks like ). But when I try to preview the report I get the error below. This happens in 3.1.2 and 3.5.0 ..... am I doing something wrong? thanks Steve Compiling to file... C:\test\myreport\TestReport.jasper Compilation running time: 578! Setting net.sf.jasperreports.engine.query.JRJdbcQueryExecuterFactory as Query Executer Factory for language: sql Filling report... Locale: English (United States) Time zone: Default Error filling print... Error loading byte data : logo.png net.sf.jasperreports.engine.JRException: Error loading byte data : logo.png at net.sf.jasperreports.engine.util.JRLoader.loadBytes(JRLoader.java:299) at net.sf.jasperreports.engine.util.JRLoader.loadBytesFromLocation(JRLoader.java:477) at net.sf.jasperreports.engine.JRImageRenderer.getInstance(JRImageRenderer.java:180) at net.sf.jasperreports.engine.fill.JRFillImage.evaluateImage(JRFillImage.java:951) at net.sf.jasperreports.engine.fill.JRFillImage.evaluate(JRFillImage.java:898) at net.sf.jasperreports.engine.fill.JRFillElementContainer.evaluate(JRFillElementContainer.java:275) at net.sf.jasperreports.engine.fill.JRFillBand.evaluate(JRFillBand.java:426) at net.sf.jasperreports.engine.fill.JRVerticalFiller.fillTitle(JRVerticalFiller.java:311) at net.sf.jasperreports.engine.fill.JRVerticalFiller.fillReportStart(JRVerticalFiller.java:247) at net.sf.jasperreports.engine.fill.JRVerticalFiller.fillReport(JRVerticalFiller.java:113) at net.sf.jasperreports.engine.fill.JRBaseFiller.fill(JRBaseFiller.java:899) at net.sf.jasperreports.engine.fill.JRBaseFiller.fill(JRBaseFiller.java:821) at net.sf.jasperreports.engine.fill.JRFiller.fillReport(JRFiller.java:89) at net.sf.jasperreports.engine.JasperFillManager.fillReport(JasperFillManager.java:628) at net.sf.jasperreports.engine.JasperFillManager.fillReport(JasperFillManager.java:544) at com.jaspersoft.ireport.designer.compiler.IReportCompiler.run(IReportCompiler.java:921) at org.openide.util.RequestProcessor$Task.run(RequestProcessor.java:561) at org.openide.util.RequestProcessor$Processor.run(RequestProcessor.java:986) Caused by: java.io.FileNotFoundException: logo.png (The system cannot find the file specified) at java.io.FileInputStream.open(Native Method) at java.io.FileInputStream.<init>(FileInputStream.java:106) at net.sf.jasperreports.engine.util.JRLoader.loadBytes(JRLoader.java:285) ... 17 more Print not filled. Try to use an EmptyDataSource... Post Edited by stevenell at 04/22/2009 15:03
  19. we store / organize our reports relying heavily on directory structure.. for example one of our reports is located here <report-lib-home>/gl/trialbalance/main.jrxml <report-lib-home>/gl/trialbalance/subreport1.jrxml at runtime I can pass parameters that tell the report where _thisreport_ and where _commonresources_ are located ( i.e. we have a common header subreport, logos, etc.. ) for example, our common resources are here <report-lib-home>/_resources/header-subreport.jrxml <report-lib-home>/_resources/default-style.jrxt <report-lib-home>/_resources/company-logo.png the problem is that during design time I cant specify these location values via relative path.... ( well, sometimes I can, but in some circumstances it doesnt work -- one example is telling the common subreport to use the the common .jrxt file as a style reference. it works as when i preview the subreport itself, but when i preview the master report it fails ) so that leads me to my question -- is there a way to do this that I am overlooking? can iReport pass parameters to a report at design time? ( I know that I can create a parameter and give it a default value in the report itself -- that is what I was trying above ... but what I am looking for is a way to mirror what happens at runtime -- passing a few parameters to the report so developers can set these 'location' values in iReport and not rely on default value of parameter specified in the report ) one way i would like to deal with this is to place a properties file at the root of my reporting library and make those properties available as parameters that iReport passes to the report thanks Steve
  20. this may not be the correct solution, but I did something similar to you except that I kept the names of my modified wizard templates as classicC.jrxml and classicT.jrxml... then added them via tools / options... then did a new report via wizard and my changes were there Steve
  21. Giulio, thanks for the advice.. I am looking at the report wizard -- I see that it utilizes two .jrxml files (classicT, classicC). In order to utilize the wizard it looks like I would modify one or both of those files and have our developers start new reports by using the wizard. Seems straightforward... do i modify these files w/in the com-jaspersoft-ireport.jar file itself, or is there some other way to hook my own jrxml's into the wizard? thanks Steve
  22. I am looking for advice.. We have around 100 reports that have to be converted to JasperReports... several members of our development team will using iReport on this effort. We want to take this opportunity to apply a consistent look to all of the reports. Other than creating a style manual... any recommendations on ways to control / facilitate a common look? thanks Steve
  23. Is it possible to set a default font family / font size for a report? thanks Steve
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